Tender snowflakes melting down want to validly, forcibly depose Pope Francis precisely as Bishop of Rome

dung snow

It ain’t gonna happen. It can’t happen. That’s not how it works. Anyone who thinks the contrary, anathema sit, as that’s straight out and out heresy. Traditional-ism-ists, that is, as personifiers of ideology, can be heretics like any others. I remember a certain seminary back in the day citing Hans Küng of all people to justify their irregular situation in the Church. Sometimes opposites attract, right?

If a Pope can be deposed for what he himself says is a non-Magisterial contribution to a dialogue, a contribution held by some to be outrageous (whether it is or not being beside the point), that means that any Pope for any reason can also be deposed by people who make up the rules as they go along (what they call constitutionalism: note the “-ism). Thus, in that view, a Pope such as Pius V or Pius X could also be deposed for personally being saints and for speaking clearly and rightly to the whole Church.

Also, in that case, and this is the point, such is the Protestant mis-exegesis of Matthew 16. The Rebels say that Jesus founded the papacy on Peter’s faith, not on his person. The Catholic doctrine is that Jesus founded the papacy on Peter.

I suggest to the tender snowflakes that they stop cowering before their own hurt emotions, grow up, and do something helpful to bring about a good situation for the salvation of souls. But this bit about deposing the Pope because their feelings are hurt is not helpful. It just reveals something under the snow.


Filed under Amoris laetitia, Canon 915, Pope Francis

2 responses to “Tender snowflakes melting down want to validly, forcibly depose Pope Francis precisely as Bishop of Rome

  1. John Rice

    Thanks,Father…excellent post.

  2. elizdelphi

    I had a random stranger try to leave a comment on my (basically dormant) blog a short while back with assorted thoughts that seemed to me based on getting Catholic news from secular news outlets that see Church affairs as politics. One of this person’s claims was that Cardinal Burke wanted to impeach Pope Francis. I did my best to disabuse him of that notion and recommended getting his news from some outlet that understands Catholicism, and got no reply from him. This person was not a traditionalist type, so there are probably an array of different kinds of people confused about what is going on.

    About what is “the rock”, I get daily emails from Bishop Robert Barron reflecting on the day’s readings. Today’s surprised me a little, here is an excerpt “Now I realize that I have many Protestant readers and that this text has been, between Catholics and Protestants, a stumbling block. Let me clarify what is and is not at stake here. What is the focus of Peter’s confession? It has to do with who Jesus is. This is the rock upon which the Church is built.” I agree with you Father George. The imagery of the Church being built of living stones is based on persons=stones. Faith or a confession doesn’t exist disembodied, but in a person.

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