Dear Michael Voris: “Don’t let the b******* get you down!”

Michael Voris: I see Jesus written all over your statement. Yes, we’ve all crucified the Son of the Living God with our sins. None of us is any better than anyone else. Jesus grabs us out of the quagmire. He fills us with grace. He makes us His soldiers in the Church Militant. It’s all about Jesus. If anyone doesn’t think so, and condemns you, I think they might just take on the guilt of your sins themselves, regardless of their own sins. Instead, for what you’ve said here, you have my total respect. You have my prayers and blessings. And, just a bit of advice, which was told to me by a priest who is a hero of mine: “Don’t let the b******* get you down!” – Father George David Byers


Filed under Confession

6 responses to “Dear Michael Voris: “Don’t let the b******* get you down!”

  1. Michael – I am a prodigal as well. I came into the faith as a convert in 1994. Had I died I’d have gone to hell as well. We are all sinners & some of us are working at changing our lives & following God’s Ten Commandments. God bless you….

  2. elizdelphi

    I have had reservations about Michael Voris particularly because of how antagonistic he has sometimes been in his relationship with various bishops. This revelation from him makes me feel somewhat better about him, because of understanding his point of view better. And it’s definitely edifying to see how strongly positive the reaction is; clearly, orthodox Catholics really do believe firmly in God’s mercy. I haven’t yet seen anyone faulting him for past sins, though I wonder if he may begin to experience that in subtle ways.

    The distinction Pope Francis likes to make,between sinners (or repentant ones) and the corrupt comes to mind.

  3. St. Paul was the greatest sinner, he murdered Jesus’ disciple. St. Peter also denied Christ. Michael changed and became a Catholic and is now the greatest of God’s Grace shown on my computer. If our church leaders are behind this, sin, then they are the demagogues not Michael. Sinners who come back to Christ are greater in my eyes than those who seemingly get their jollies by pointing out the sins of others and use that to cause their names to be besmirched to the faithful. I agree with Fr. David, you have to keep the faith of Christ and the saving grace of God’s Mercy in our hearts and never let those B******* get the best of you, with prayer and devotion to Mary.

  4. Joan Furst

    Michael, another prodigal here who was merrily on her way to hell. The good God, in his infinite mercy, sent His Mother to retrieve me and bring me back to our beautiful, precious faith.
    I don’t believe it is going to get any easier, we just have to be little children in the arms of God and know that He’s ” got this”. Thank you for your courage and may God bless you in your work for Him.

  5. The fact is, as Michael so succinctly put it at various times, we were ALL on the way to Hell, “prodigal” or not. Damnation is not a privilege of the prodigal.

    I will close by translating Fr. Byer’s excellent advice, confirmed by Mr. Sanford above, into pure, classic, unadulterated, truly fancy Latin:
    “Illegitimi non carborundum.”

  6. sanfelipe007

    Bonom, you took the latin words right out if my mouth. Mr. Voris, You have my deep respect, and more importantly, my prayers.

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