Covid-police: “Just following orders”? Covid-clergy: “Just following orders”?

ON THE ONE HAND: Let’s take a look at wrong-headed LEOs. But first of all, let me say that the misleading headline of FoxNews should instead read that the Police had unlawfully confronted a pastor during a religious service and then later arrested him. FoxNews makes it look like the pastor is at fault. He’s not.

Let’s see the video of their actually hunting him down and arresting him. It took them – what? – something like six weeks to find him, when he was out and about as always taking care of street people, as if that’s a bad thing, you know, like outdoors, where Covid has zero chance of spreading. Oh, I get it, they had to have overwhelming force and that took six weeks of planning.

And then there is the fencing of churches because, you know, there are more “cases”, which means that there are heaps of people with no symptoms, maybe some few who have a 98.7F temp just because of normal body-temp fluctuation. The Canadian Prime Minister has long said that this is all about the “great reset”, that it has nothing to do with any coronavirus. Get it? No religion allowed. In the USA, Dems voted God out of their “party.”

And there are more arrests rendered against pastors. And there is the fencing of properties:

The pastor of the GraceLife campus was in jail for a month. I wonder if the DOC had him purposely raped and beaten.

Outside of the SSPX in Ireland, I don’t know of any Catholic churches that have been harassed. You know why? Because pretty much every Catholic church is closed in Canada, relying on Chinese controlled Zoom (as if that could provide the Sacraments).

Here in these USA, so many Catholic churches are giddily enjoying political correctness with the likes of Joey Biden and opening their churches but as converted over to being injection clinics. This is true, even though all available “vaccines” have purposely aborted super healthy well developed babies for research, development and testing of “vaccines.”

We’ve come to a time when atheistic dialectical materialism holds that proper worship of God (tongue in cheek) is the murder of the most defenseless among us. See how the Catholic pastors fall. I thank these non-Catholic Christians for giving us a good example. But will we follow it?

Here in Cherokee County of North Carolina we have a town meeting on film showing how, in a packed meeting, like sardines, no law enforcement – all the leadership of which was in attendance – were wearing masks, none of the town leaders were wearing masks. Nobody in the room was socially distanced.

But that wouldn’t stop Federal police of whatever kind smashing people down in a church and arresting everyone, desecrating the Blessed Sacrament during Mass (in a Catholic Church), terrorizing everyone.

ON THE OTHER HAND: We have this from Father Kirby. He has high praise of LEOs, as do I, but he points out, as do I, that there is total hypocrisy when LEOs go against their oath to protect the murder of the least among the brethren. Great homily, Father Kirby:

The same “higher standard” applies to those who as Catholic priests and bishops profess to uphold the protection of life from natural conception to natural death, protecting the very image of God in creation, but then hypocritically attack God’s image among the most defenseless in the womb by defending and promoting (God forbid requiring) abortion-tainted “vaccines”.

How very arrogant and entitled we are these days. Will Jesus find any faith upon the earth when He returns?

BY THE WAY AND JUST TO SAY: LEOs that I know have said that they would never infringe on anyone’s Constitutional rights, no matter for what “reason.”


Filed under Coronavirus, Free exercise of religion, Law enforcement

3 responses to “Covid-police: “Just following orders”? Covid-clergy: “Just following orders”?

  1. sanfelipe007

    Powerful Homily. Thanks be to God.

  2. Gina Nakagawa

    This is an example of choosing the broad, easy path to hell, the path that Jesus said many would choose. This is the great winnowing separating the wheat from the chaff. The pastor is certainly the wheat. His persecutors are, well, you do not need a clarification.

  3. Liz

    Praying Hail Mary’s for the pastor and for courageous priests too.

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