Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (Immaculate Heart with Jesus, edition)

Yesterday, Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I spent the day thinking about the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In preaching on the Sacred Heart, much time was spent on the Immaculate Heart.

Sure, I spoke about the heart of the father of the prodigal son being sacrificed for his prodigal son, that being the actual translation, not “pitied”, not “had compassion,” but rather sacrificed. This is hailed by commentators as the Heart of the Gospel.

Sure, I spoke about the pericardium of the Heart of Jesus breaking open upon a massive heart attack whilst He sweat blood during the thrice-affirmed acceptance of the will of our Heavenly Father, in reference to Jesus being tortured to death in the presence of the Immaculate Heart of His dearest dear Mother. This breaking of the Sacred Heart of Jesus would bring about the water and blood flowing from His side, His Heart, when the soldier’s spear pierced Him through.

Considering that Mary was immaculate, had clarity of vision, purity of heart, agility of soul, profundity of understanding… considering that she saw all the sin of all mankind from Adam until the last man is conceived… it is unreasonable to think that Mary did not suffer the same massive heart attack and splitting open of her heart, her pericardium, sweating blood.

Jesus did not die only from the scourging and crucifixion, but especially because of a broken heart. Pontius Pilate was surprised that Jesus had died in a few hours instead of a few days. Mary did not die because of original sin, but because of her Immaculate Conception. The contrast was too great.

Jesus doesn’t want us to treat Him, His Heart, as some sort of objectified niceness to be rejected as saccharine sweet unrelatable pious piffle. No. Jesus’ Heart is all about concern for His Mother’s Immaculate Heart. If we want to know about the Sacred Heart, let’s ask Him to bring us into His Heart and see things from His perspective. Then we will know that Immaculate Mary is our Mother.

A note on Eucharistic Reparation. When we go before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, it is then that we are flying back to Calvary as did the Apostle John, there to accompany Mary accompanying Jesus. Medical doctors investigating stem cells from umbilical cords have noted that some of the baby’s stem cells stay with the mother, for decades, indefinitely. Once a mother, always a mother.

For nine months, Mary had the divine body of her Son Jesus within her as the tabernacle of the Most High, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy of Holies. But she retained the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus within her afterward, until now…

UPDATE: A word about our Heavenly Father. In going through the Divine Mercy Chaplet today, it hit me, again, that in beseeching our Heavenly Father regarding the sorrowful Passion of His dearest dear Son, we are asking our Heavenly Father to take note of the concern that Jesus has for His Blessed Mother.

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