Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (13 Oct. Day of Jihad? Fatima! edition)

Another Morris Rose has burst out this 13 October on the “Day of Jihad”, also the anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. Morris (RIP), if you didn’t know, is Jewish. So is Mary. So is her Son.



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7 responses to “Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (13 Oct. Day of Jihad? Fatima! edition)

  1. sanfelipe007

    salve Regina.

  2. This is Steven, Morris’ (Moshe’s) eldest son. Thank you for honoring my father. If you would send me a cutting from a new stem this coming summer, I would love to plant it in my garden. I live in Kansas, and roses grow well here and continue to bloom until November.

    • Father George David Byers

      Absolutely. Let me know when’s the best time.

      • Steven Wittenberg Gordon

        We’ll have to wait until June for the greatest chance of success. I’ll contact you then. Thank you 🙏🏻

  3. PhotoPhil

    Oct 13 is also my birthday, I am a Fatima child. Also the US Navy’s 248th birthday.

  4. Aussie Mum

    The co-incidence of the call for Jihad and the anniversary of the miracle of the sun at Fatima brings to mind Apocalypse Chpt 12: Our Immaculate Mother who “wore the sun for her mantle, with the moon under her feet”, she the queen of heaven and earth, her angelic champion St Michael with his holy angels battling against the devil and his fallen angels who were “flung down to earth” and “full of malice”. They made “war on the rest of her children, the men who keep God’s commandments, and hold fast to the truth concerning Jesus”.
    Christendom’s historical battle with paganism, Islam (which incorporates the Catholic heresies of Arianism and Nestorianism etc with paganism ) and other heresies (the teachings of Luther etc) are all part of the attempt to separate us from Our Lord. His Immaculate Mother who He shares with us, assisted by St Michael as highlighted at Fatima, and the Vicar of Christ all stand in the devil’s way, or at least the Pope did until now. We have reached a new point in a long battle it seems.

    For me the month of October, dedicated to the Holy Rosary, brings to mind the forces arrayed against the Church from within and without as signposted by the anniversaries and events therein. I will list these below and apologise in advance for using too many words but I am not good at condensing.
    * 13th October 64: anniversary of the martyrdom of St Peter by Nero, forerunner of the anti-Christ.
    It seems to me that the 3rd part of the secret Our Lady gave the three children of Fatima was a projection across time of the crucifixion of the Church, which began with the crucifixion of Our Lord and of a suffering Pope beginning with St Peter, that will culminate with Peter’s final successor and the final persecution of the Church by the Anti-Christ himself.
    And what of out present Pope who seems to be both the successor of Peter and not the successor of Peter at the same time?

    * 4th October 2019: Pope Francis attended a ceremony in the Vatican Gardens that worshipped the pagan fertility goddess, Pachamama (a Mother Earth “deity”, associated with the sun and moon, to whom children were once sacrificed), and blessed her pregnant image carved in wood.
    * 7th October 2019: Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and anniversary of Christendom’s miraculous triumph over Islam with Our Lady’s help at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. Pope Francis should have been paying homage to her on that anniversary, she who is Mother of God and of the Church, the Help of Christians; instead he paid homage to the idolatrous wooden image of Pachamama. He had it brought before the altar in St Peter’s Basilica and thereafter carried in procession to the Synod Hall. What a devastating message he was sending, signalling his apostasy and intended direction for the Church he leads.
    * 27th October 2019: the Church’s celebration of the dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians. On that day Pope Francis wound up the Synod on the Amazon with an enormous insult to her divine Son and her suffering heart with His under the Cross. He placed an offering to Pachamama upon the altar during the synod’s closing Mass. How could he do something so terrible? But he did it!
    * October 31st 2017: 500th anniversary of Luther kick-starting the Protestant Reformation that has led to millions of Christians being cut off from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and all but two sacraments. Pope Francis went to Lund in Sweden to join with Lutherans celebrating that heretic’s rebellion and the anti-Catholic religious revolution it began. Catholics in Sweden were even deported or killed for refusing to defect from the Catholic religion and embrace Lutherism, and yet Pope Francis travelled to that country centuries later to laud Luther’s revolt. Surely he is not Catholic but how can an apostate be the Vicar of Christ?

    Speaking in an ambiguous way seems to be Pope Francis’ trademark, allowing his audience to hear what his actions are portraying while an interpretation of his words in accord with Church teaching is also possible. For example, at the Lund celebration of Luther’s success, Pope Francis said “The spiritual experience of Martin Luther challenges us to remember that apart from God, we can do nothing.”
    That statement can be interpreted in an orthodox way but given the context – the pope’s active participation in a Protestant celebration in praise of Luther – he seems to be saying that Luther’s rebellion was a Godly action and the anti-Catholic revolution it started was what God desired. Such heretical intent on the part of Pope Francis is attested by his co-signing of the Abu Dhabi Declaration with Ahmed el-Tayeb representing Islam. That document claimed that the “diversity of religions” is “willed by God”.
    Clearly, Pope Francis is a champion of paganism, Islam and Protestantism against the true Church he has somehow wound up leading.
    Fortunately, Our Lady of the Rosary and Help of Christians – our Immaculate Mother – will always intervene, as will St Joseph, to protect the Church. The three children of Fatima saw St Joseph blessing the world along with Our Lord on October 13th, and Our Lady had promised them the previous July when she shared the 1st part of the secret, showing them hell where unrepentant sinners go, that in the end her Immaculate Heart would triumph over evil.

    The apparitions at Fatima of St Michael in 1916 and of Our Lady in 1917, culminating with the miracle of the sun in Oct that year, provide clarity, warning and comfort as the End Times draw to a close; so, too, does Our Lady’s intervention in the naval battle at Lepanto when she saved Christendom from Islam. A picture of her under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe – that image corresponding to the description of her in the last book of the Bible, Chpt 12 – was present during the battle, carried by Admiral Doria on his flagship. Happily she always rescues her children and will go on doing so as long as needed. The “Day of Jihad” and a strange Pope will not bring down the Church.

    PS: I would like to add that the Morris Rose is beautiful and a very fitting bloom for the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    Note: information on the Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians can be found at the following link

    Vigil of Saints Simon and Jude, Dedication of the Basilica of Auxilium Christianorum / Our Lady Help of Christians, Turin, Italy, built by St John Bosco (1868) and Memorials of the Saints – 27 October

  5. sanfelipe007

    Thanks, Mum.

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