Demanding God’s vengeance? Mary?

In these last number of years we’ve been hearing that just maybe probably there’s no one in hell, not even Satan, and that just maybe probably everyone goes to heaven, even if the they die intent on blaspheming God and wanting to go to hell as they murder the little children of God:

  • Todos! Everyone!
  • Todos! Everyone!
  • Todos! Everyone!

In these last number of years we’ve been hearing that really, you know, like, effectively, there is no sin, at all, of any kind, because once you say that sins which cry to heaven for vengeance are not sins at all, and that the Sacred Scriptures inspired by the Holy Spirit are all lies, well then, in the pretense of such idiots, there is no sin at all, ever, no matter what.

And what that means is that we are directed by said ecclesiastical powers-that-be never to instruct anyone who has fallen into that kind of dark error, but we are to let them rot in their sin and go to hell where we will then follow. They know that all of this is sin, but they hate those who would instruct souls in virtue and love of God and one another. They hotly desire that all go to hell.

What this means is that there is no forgiveness of sin. The powers-that-be are haters who refuse that anyone ever be forgiven, and will go to any length to stop priests from forgiving sinners, you know, the right way, with the penitents being led to a firm purpose of amendment and sincere contrition. The haters mislead the entire world into thinking that amendment of life and contrition for sin are a fool’s quest. Priests and bishops are cancelled just for being good priests and good bishops. They are hated.

What this means is that such haters are daily praying for their own condemnation as they recite the Lord’s prayer at Holy Mass, at Lauds and Vespers, etc. They say:

  • Forgive us our trespasses AS WE FORGIVE those who trespass against us.

Our Lord Himself immediately explains:

  • If you do not forgive the trespasses of men, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

So, these haters are demanding God’s vengeance be brought upon their own souls. Do it! Do it now! they shriek.

Our Lord says:

  • “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.”

Heaven is not destruction. That would be hell.

Our Lord is not a liar and murderer from the beginning. That would be Satan and those with him.

But what if some of the powers-that-be aren’t brave enough to just outright condemn Jesus to hell for saying that people can and do go to hell?

It seems to me that they might just turn to pick a fight with Jesus’ dearest dear good mom. They think she’s helpless. They think she’s not the Queen of heaven and earth, of angels and men, the Queen Mother. That’s not smart on their part.

We’ll see what happens by this time tomorrow.

I once remember that Pope Francis said that women with more than a few kids were rabbits, insulting also my mom, and me as well (as I’m the fourth child). Pope Francis said that the one insulting one’s mom should expect, in all good justice, to be slapped to the ground. Well, well… I ain’t gonna do that. I’d get shot. I’ll forgive him. It’s up to him if he wants that forgiveness.

To prove my forgiveness, I’d like to do him a good favor, reminding him that Jesus is particularly distraught when His Immaculate Mother gets insulted, you know, intimating that she’s not speaking well of her Son, not speaking like a mother should speak, you know, when she points out that we need to repent and do reparation, or else. The “or else” bit is the most charitable proclamation ever, for it saves us from the “or else” that will inevitably come as our own choice to go to hell… “the gate is wide and way is broad” and all that:

  • There’s a place in hell for those who do not want to be forgiven for insulting Jesus’ dearest dear mother. The ask for God’s vengeance.
  • There’s a place in heaven for those who want to be forgiven for insulting Jesus’ dearest dear mother. Those who ask for forgiveness will receive it.

So, that means a prayer in reparation and, please God, forgiveness, for those powers-that-be who may have ever or who will be insulting the dearest dear Immaculate Mother of God.

How could anyone be upset with her?


Filed under Apparitions, Confession, Mary

5 responses to “Demanding God’s vengeance? Mary?

  1. Hell is permanent for the unrepentent. The temporary place is named “Purgatory,” a place of purgation (cleansing). Get iit?

  2. sdent33c2774856

    I heard this in a homily from one of your brother priests about absolute forgiveness.

    A person is presented with a sheet with infinitesimal small writing providing details of actions and incidents against the person, and was asked what was to be done?

    “Lord, This page with every single sin these people have committed against me;

    Lord, please tear out these sins that they’ve committed against me.

    Burn them with the fire of your Sacred Heart.

    Do not let them incur one day in Purgatory or the fires of Hell because of this.”

    This is how we are to forgive those that have taken actions against us, to forgive to the point that it is burned out of all existence by the fire of Our Lord’s Most Sacred heart.

    Since hearing that, I do try daily, and I pray this daily.

  3. James Frost

    I know I’m late to this one Father but I genuinely think that may be the single nicest painting I’ve seen of Our Lady. Not that there aren’t others that have more artistic beauty but this ones captures something I’ve never seen. She’s tired as so many mothers are after childhood. She’s cradling the newborn Jesus. She looks young, definitely younger than girls should be marrying today, that wasn’t abnormal then.
    She looks like she knows the immense task that she’s been given but that she accepts it.

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