Disgusting intro to Apparitions document by Tucho sex-mysticism expert

Before commenting on the Apparitions document of 17 May 2024 itself (that’ll be another post), I simply must, right here, right now, get the disgusting, filthy introductory presentation of the document by Cardinal Victor “Tucho” [Heal Me with Your Mouth] Fernandez out of my system, lest I get a heart attack.

This is very important if you want to understand quite directly how it is that he wrote his pornography thinking that his porn is quite divine, and how it is that he participated in Amoris laetitia, and how it is that he put Fiducia supplicans together the way he did: Let’s bless same-sex sex ! ! !

The video of the presser above is set to start at 23″ minutes where Tucho begins his little excursus on Sacred Scripture compared to private revelation. I translate these few sentences below. I do this… it’s sooo filthy… as a preliminary to demonstrate what level we are at in listening to this porn mystic explaining to us how to discern prophetic mysticism.

  • “But Father George! Father George! You sound skeptical! Surely you’re not discounting that his Eminence is qualified to comment on such a lofty theological topic as public and private revelation just because his kind of mysticism is porn-mysticism! So what?! Mysticism is mysticism and all mysticism is theological, right?! He’s qualified!

Are you ready? At this point in his introduction, Tucho seems to be providing the foundational rationalization for his vaunted literary descriptions of sexual mysticism-pornography, also providing a basis for his push for the blessing of same-sex sex, betraying while he does so, his filthy opinion of the Divine Person of the Holy Spirit. This are his words, my translation:

  • “It happens that in some circumstances that not everything is black or white. It is often the case that a possible divine action mixes itself up… mixes itself up… with the desires… thoughts… even human fantasies – no? – …”

Vomit… vomit… Tucho then immediately cites his go-to verse for proof texting: Exodus 21:20-21 —

  • “If a man strikes his manservant or maidservant with a rod, and the servant dies by his hand, he shall surely be punished. However, if the servant gets up after a day or two, the owner shall not be punished, since the servant is his property.”

Tucho declares with breathlessly exclaimed exclamations ! ! ! …

  • “That’s what you find in the Bible! The revealed Word! Look! Even there Divine Revelation mixes itself up with human things! Hmm! All the more in these other situations [private revelation]! In any case, it is necessary to make distinctions to discern! to purify that which confounds! and save that which is good! and then it’s all good ! ! ! “

He’s telling us that he is saying that Exodus 21:20-21 is rubbish and needs to be removed from Sacred Scripture. But it is inspired inerrantly by the Holy Spirit. What do you think Tucho-boy is gonna do with private revelation if he does this with the Divine Word of the Living God?

Your Eminence… you tell me… are you malicious in ripping Exodus 21:20-21 completely out of context, and thus holding up the Holy Spirit to ridicule? Just a question.

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Filed under Apparitions

One response to “Disgusting intro to Apparitions document by Tucho sex-mysticism expert

  1. Patty A

    I have no words. So glad you have them, Father.

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