Butker Butt-Kicker Speech

Catholic, wholesome, great advice for the kids graduating.

Did I mention Catholic?

And Galatians 2:11?


Filed under Spiritual life

4 responses to “Butker Butt-Kicker Speech

  1. Liz

    He did so well! Praying for him and his family.

  2. nancy v

    I think he hit a nerve, ha. I am so very glad folk on “both sides” are hearing this. What a man!

  3. sanfelipe007

    “…not like the deadly-sin-sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it…”

    Ha! Well said. Sounds even better the second time.
    Plus a bonus dig at ND!

    Thanks for linking this speech, Father.

  4. At last some truth on an American College campus. God bless him.

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