Pope Paul VI – today


2024-05-29 · 6:16 am

2 responses to “Pope Paul VI – today

  1. sanfelipe007

    My favorite Gloria as a young man was from the Mass for Pope PaulVI. No repetition of the words in a chorus or refrain. Straight though the words we went. So beautiful.

    It disappeared for awhile when the Gloria was revised, and now that it was adapted to the new translation, It has lost its flow, phrasing, and structure. -sigh-

    What was it that Saliari said in the movie Amadeus? “Change one note and there would be diminishment; alter one phrase and the structure would fall.”

    I recall Scripture about wine skins. Adapting the music from an older Gloria to a new translation in like putting new wine into an old wine skin. The new Gloria burst for me.

    I’m sure many here remember the original. Here it is, revised.

  2. Dear Lord that is just horrible, horrible, horrible.

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