Hey, Catholic Charities: hear the screams? Trafficking kids has gotta stop.

Seriously, check out that new video above. It’s only 23 minutes. I know some get triggered, rightly so. We need triggered people. Lots of them. J.J., who’s being interviewed here, is this time so angry that he could hardly talk, and also because he’s so angry that he could puke. Every time Clayton has a new installment like this is every time I am so thankful to get so angry I could puke, so angry that whatever I write has to be erased a hundred times. To keep myself from drowning my keyboard with a half-digested meal I’ll have to learn, the next time another interview comes up, to get a pile of cords and do the busy work of knotting them up into a whip of cords while I listen, you know. It’ll be the kind of whip of cords our Lord made when the Holy of Holies was being prostituted by the money changers, you know, that He used to hit these people right in their faces, knocking them to the floor.

I’m upset because these kids, in their hundreds of thousands in the system at any given time, adding up to millions processed (lots of them dead or soon to be dead, are being sex-trafficked (dead even in weeks), porn-trafficked (dead even in weeks with snuff-films), labor trafficked (dead even in weeks with insanely dangerous work), organ trafficked (dead instantly: brains for research, eyes, hearts, kidneys, lungs, pancreases, skin for skin-grafts and skeleton for bone-grafts etc.). These kids are trafficked as sacrifices to demons, all the sorry lot of darkness and violence. Hey! Pachamama! The kids are tortured to cause their blood to be drenched with their own adrenaline, which is then taken out of them and consumed or sold.

Our government runs all this by way of NGOs like Catholic Charities, Jewish Family Services, Southwest Key Program, et alii, you know, as middle men, but not only. But if the kids survive, they are then delivered, likely to survive no longer. J.J. just says that they’re dead. They’re all dead. The number of 85,000 is a fiction. Low-ball is some 600,000, easily, but probably over a million, all on their way to death.

Why do I bother getting to know this, and why am I particularly triggered when these reports come out? Because Catholic Charities asked me three times to deliver unvetted kids to unvetted recipients for them. So, I have skin in the game. I’m going to hell if I don’t do something to stop it. This is Jesus we’re talking about here: “What you’ve done to the least of these you’ve done to Me.”

I’m upset that priests at the behest of their (Cardinal) (Arch)bishops take up special second collections for Catholic Charities during Holy Mass. I don’t do that. No one else should either.

I’m upset that I’m being extorted to the detriment of my priesthood to finance Catholic Charities. If I refuse, and I do refuse, I’m likely to get yet another communication demanding that I pay into Catholic Charities, you know, with the usual threats of canonical penalties if I don’t. Those penalties can be anything from territorial interdict (gotta stay within the region of my parish), to suspension a divinis (forbidden to provide the Sacraments), to removal from holding the office of pastor (likely to never receive it again), to excommunication for schismatic disobedience (a very quick process as it’s not a theological dispute, just about whether I’ll sign the checks for Catholic Charities or not, yes or no), to being dismissed from the clerical state (laicized, and gone to live in van down by the river).

Mind you, I’m not upset that my feathers might be ruffled in this way. Not at all. I couldn’t care less. I’m at peace, in joy. Being put down does me a favor, as I can then go write about the Immaculate Conception and Genesis 3:15 and Luke 1:28. I feel no pressure since I’m doing the right thing. I get angry about all this because of what’s happening to the kids, and these guys, who should know better, are the ones making it happen. Anger can be good to get the job done, like writing this post. But always peace, always joy, or as my dad said: goodness and kindness, always.

And there’s a twist to this case. The parish did give monies in special second collections for the diocese, but with the express proviso that the 1/3 of the entire take that was destined for Catholic Charities would not go to Catholic Charities, very specifically not, but only to the diocese itself. We collected for the two thirds for the diocese, but not at all for Catholic Charities. There are those who, as third parties, are extorting me to commit felony embezzlement by changing the intentions of the donors for special second collections during Holy Mass, having what we collected go also to Catholic Charities. I could go to prison for embezzlement if I changed the intentions of the donors like they want me to do, and – I’m no lawyer – but I think that even their attempts at extorting me to commit a felony could gain them some prison time. I told them that. They don’t care. They continue their rampage for the financing of Catholic Charities kiddie-trafficking. I’ve been objecting for years. There’s never an answer to my objections. Ever.

Here’s what I see from my perspective: I see the faces of those hundreds of thousands of kids who at any given time are screaming because of what’s happening to them. I see them looking to me to say something, because, having been asked by Catholic Charities to deliver these unvetted kids to unvetted recipients, I know something that others don’t. If I’m alone in this knowledge as a priest and I don’t say anything, it will mean complicity, and I’ll go to hell. I will have directly betrayed these children in order to keep my priesthood. And what kind of priesthood would that be, having betrayed Jesus in the least of the brethren, right to death? I. Just. Can’t. Do. It.

Look: former FBI agents speak about it. Former CIA agents speak about it. Former Border agents speak about it. There are plenty of low-level contractor whistleblowers. There are plenty of high-profile whistleblowers. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. I was personally asked. Three times.

I got an idea. Go to https://thisistreason.com/

That’ll blow the whole thing open. I look forward to it. Plenty of stuff there already. I did this just now:

If you made it this far in the post, here’s Clayton’s playlist created by searching “trafficking”:


I think it was John Henry Weston who cited a Freemason’s chilling words, my paraphrase:

  • We will bring down the Catholic Church through the obedience of priests.

How’s that? Because the (Cardinal) (Arch)bishops and their henchmen will order priests to obey sinful demands such as financing child-trafficking and the priests will obey, cancelling themselves.

P.S. As I write this, it’s the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I think it’s the perfect post to honor Him.


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

8 responses to “Hey, Catholic Charities: hear the screams? Trafficking kids has gotta stop.

  1. elizabethmckernan1

    May I ask where the links to other blogs has disappeared to? They were very useful.

  2. Teresa

    How exactly is Catholic Charities complicit? Is it that they are not vetting who receives a foster child?

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