“New” Crucifix for the Confessional. Something practical you can do for the Sacred Heart.

The “small” crucifix attached to the larger cross (itself about 2 1/2 feet tall) is actually a “sick call set” complete with tiny candles, etc. behind the pop-off top. Such might have been seen in any Catholic home in the 1940s, which was when this was given to a member of that family after the death of grandma. It’s probably from the 1800s.

The “corpus” dropped off the nails of the larger cross when the changing humidity temporarily bent the wood severely. The wood is now back to normal. The “corpus” shattered in a million pieces.

The more a priest takes care of the Confessional in the Church, the more people will get the idea that going to Confession is important.

If the Confessional is just a broom closet – that started in the 1970s – no one will go to Confession. And in that case, Father Idgit won’t be offering the Sacrament of Mercy anyway.

If your parish has any broom closet Confessionals, clean them all out, coming up with a different solution for cleaning supplies (with permission of course), and then spruce up the Confessional appropriately. That will in and of itself make the priest reconsider his never offering the Sacrament of Mercy, and you might have times for Sacramental Confession once again.

Once that happens, long time hesitators will go to Confession.

Do it. Help people go to heaven. The Sacred Heart will thank you for it.

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