Blog roll widget: open for suggestions

Churchy communications traditionally began with the pealing of bells. We had the Angelus ringing out with the usual three sets of three and then a peal of all bells at sunrise, midday, sunset. We tolled the years for someone who just died; in counting the tolling we knew who just passed away. There is a peal of bells world-wide when a new Pope is elected in a conclave. We know when Mass is about to begin. We know, in some parishes, exactly the moments of the Consecrations at Holy Mass. If there was an emergency, even a civil emergency, bells might peal so that people could gather to get the news and bring it throughout the countryside.

Now we also have blog rolls. Previous blogs of mine sported a widget on the side bar about links to other blogs, TLM-MD, BTSW, et alii. I can’t remember the last time I messed around with the side-bar. I tried recently to figure out adding another widget with links to a couple of posts on Aussie Mum. I want to do that as well. WordPress has been editing the admin editing ways and means. Sometimes newer is not better. Many years ago, just scrolling through different theme possibilities stripped widgets out altogether without telling you, forever gone. Perhaps we can put a blog-roll up again.

If you have suggestions, drop them in the comments of this post. I’ll leave suggestions non-public as trolls would take advantage to put in links to horror. Suggestions would also help me to expand my horizons a bit. You can include news sites such as “Conservative Tree House,” I guess. I’ll take a look. I’m so lazy and un-well-read. I never go to many sites at all. LifeSiteNews, of course. But no more Church Militant. Let’s see what we can come up with…

Back to bells: I grew up one and a half miles as sound travels hearing these bells clearly throughout the forests:


Filed under Vatican

2 responses to “Blog roll widget: open for suggestions

  1. WordPress has a widget called “Classic Editor” and once they went the new block format I installed it instantly. You’ll see the editor as it always was. AMDG+

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