Epic “Day Off”: Monster seen during Last Rites visit that racked up hundreds of miles

Providing Last Rites is always epic. I love being a priest for our Lord Jesus and His Little Flock. When our Lord provides some comic relief it’s somehow more wonderful if that could even be possible.


Filed under Day Off, Nature

4 responses to “Epic “Day Off”: Monster seen during Last Rites visit that racked up hundreds of miles

  1. jmtarter

    Those things have a terrific bite.At least they pray.

    • Father George David Byers

      I’ve been bitten by big ones. Yikes! I think anyone who prays has appropriate ferocity.

  2. elizabethmckernan1

    What a wonderful photo! I don’t think we have those creatures here in Britain. I am pleased you still use the term ‘Last Rites’. I received the Last Rites last year which was a great comfort to me although I was not fully conscious at the time. I am pleased to say I am still here!


  3. Now there is a creature who beleves that there should be power in your prayer! If only it would chanel it for good.

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