Laudie-dog mint breath treats? What would Pope Francis say?

laudie-dog lick

Hey! It’s not my fault. Someone gave me these treats for Laudie-dog today. They looked really disgusting to me. But dogs love everything disgusting, and she loved these.

laudie dog treats

“One a day” say the directions. Hmmm. Maybe every third day or once a week. I don’t want her turning green on me.

I say: Laudie-dog deserves to be pampered. She saved me many times from bears and wolves and panthers.


Filed under Dogs

4 responses to “Laudie-dog mint breath treats? What would Pope Francis say?

  1. pelerin

    If you overdo the dosage you might have to rename her The Incredible Hulk!

  2. Charlene

    Laudie-Dog certainly does deserve to be pampered! Please use those mint thingies sparingly! Some real treats are on the way to that little sweetie!

  3. What a happy picture. Makes me happy just to see her !

  4. Paul

    Man’s best friend. Showing unconditional love, no matter how bad the day was.
    Dog spelled backwards. GOD

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