Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (If you’re not quite getting it, edition)


If you’re not quite getting why to give this flower to the Immaculate Conception, cover up all the orange, and just take note of the yellow in the middle. If you still don’t get it, there’s not much I can do for you, except to point this out:

jewish yellow star jude

It happened. How can people deny that? When pressed, it’s said that bad stuff happens all the time, so who cares, or it’s said that Stalin killed more than Hitler, so who cares, or it’s said that ___(_fill_in_the_blank_)___. Why not say the Holocaust was bad as were all other genocides? They’re all bad. And then go from there working so that genocides are stopped before they begin. That demands solidarity with the victims. Mary stood in solidarity with Jesus. They were both Jews. A flower for you, Mary.

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One response to “Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (If you’re not quite getting it, edition)

  1. pelerin

    I have just watched a short film on KTO (4 minutes) by someone who was born a Jew but who is now a Christian. It is entitled ‘Joel: plus je suis Chretien plus je suis Juif’ (The more I become Christian the more I am a Jew.’ What intrigued me was round his neck he wore the symbol of the Star of David in the centre of which was the Cross of Christ.
    Incidentally when I had those identical lilies all over my garden for some 40 years I never noticed the Star of David in them. I had to have them all removed a couple of years ago because they had taken over the garden and were becoming a danger to the paving stones. However I have noticed a few have popped up again so I shall leave them to flower and look at them more closely when they do. Unfortunately they were never suitable for picking and putting in a vase for Our Lady – they always shrivelled up.

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