Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (Mary Mother of the Church, edition)


Earlier this week we celebrated Mary, Mother of the Church. Lots of flowers for Mary are blooming round about the Guadalupe Shrine at the parish.

In Genesis 3:16 the fallen wife of Adam receives her pedagogical punishment which is rendered also unto all women after her. She is told that her agony in bearing children will be increased greatly.

Just because Mary is free from original sin does not mean that she is free from this punishment. Just because the birth of Jesus was miraculous does not mean that she is from from this punishment.

Remember that Mary became our Mother under the cross where the labor pains for us were exceedingly great. She gave birth to Jesus, the Head of the Body of Christ, but she still had to give birth to us, the members of the Body of Christ. The first was joyful, the second was entirely devastating.

Because of her Immaculate Conception she was perfectly able to see our need because of our sin, and she was therefore able to intercede for us perfectly in her solidarity with her Divine Son.

Jesus stood in our place, the innocent for the guilty, so as to have the right in his own justice to have mercy on us. Mary, Jesus’ good mom, was able to do the same. A flower for you, Mary.




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4 responses to “Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (Mary Mother of the Church, edition)

  1. sanfelipe007

    I recall reading about past theological arguments about Jesus and His capacity to sin; could He sin? Was He “free” to sin? I have always thought that those were all the wrong questions – the sinner’s questions. Just as “Did Mary suffer in child-birth?” And “Could she have suffered if she did not have to?” Are all the wrong questions to ask.

    The answer to the right question might be related to a question of perfect Justice.

  2. Aussie Mum

    Mother Mary: Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of Grace and our Advocate

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