Shadow-dog Literary-dog

Shadow-dog, the Whatever-It-Takes-dog, the Get-It-Done-dog. BTW, when he gets hosed down, he turns all black once again. Shadow may become a character in some literary effort I may undertake. To think this out I need some precise definitions of genre. Tell me if you can, with precision, and critiques, the difference between fiction, faction, analogy, allegory, parable, novel, historical novel, story, fable, etc., what can be embraced or avoided either entirely or with distinctions.


Filed under Missionaries of Mercy

2 responses to “Shadow-dog Literary-dog

  1. sanfelipe007

    Now I know what it feels like to be Robert Mueller. “Could you repeat the question, please?”

  2. Nancyv

    Ummm, whatever you called the last book you wrote – that!

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