Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (Eye of the Storm, edition)

Here in Andrews, NC, we got about ten minutes of snow. It was dead calm the whole time. The dead of winter. In those ten minutes I had an inspiration to run outside to try to find flowers for the Immaculate Conception. I found buds of yellow flowers, almost microscopic, but there they were. Then, turning the camera upwards, the flakes of snow became heavy.

And then I had a hunch that I better run up across the mountain to check on the social hall of the church campus up there. Good thing, someone left the water running… again… (the worries of a pastor), and had closed the doors of the cabinets under the sink ensuring the little space heater (also turned away) would not keep the pipes from freezing! It looked more tidy, but I changed it back to protect the building. It’s not tidy when the pipes explode because of freezing. Thanks Guardian Angel, for the inspiration to go up there while looking for flowers for the Immaculate Conception.

Meanwhile, on the way back… looking one way…

And, from the same spot, the other way…

I’ve been thanking the Lord that the grid just here wasn’t taken down by the storm. I know that that might not always be the case. A gazillion lost power in these days. For them, Hail Mary…


Filed under Flores

2 responses to “Flowers for the Immaculate Conception (Eye of the Storm, edition)

  1. Gina Nakagawa

    God’s gift of dangerous beauty. In His mercy, it has remained beautiful beauty. Thank you, Gracious Lord.

  2. sanfelipe007

    Prayers said!

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