Coffee cups appropriate for priests

There are lots of coffee cups that say things like: “Our priest is an angel” or “Our priest is a saint.” Trust me. That’s inappropriate. Those quietly go right in the trash. Instead, humor is good.

“‘That’s too much bacon’ ~ said no one ever.”

I like that.


Filed under Humor

8 responses to “Coffee cups appropriate for priests

  1. Sandra Tarter


  2. sanfelipe007

    Ha! That cup was obviously designed by a bachelor! A married man would reflexively look at his wife before laughing.

  3. Dianna

    As an ICU nurse for 40yrs, we all had our cups with all sorts of slogans. My all time favorite was a Farside cup with a picture of the devil, horns, pitchfork and all. He has a poor guy between two doors saying “Choose now!!” One door says “Damned if you do,” the other says “Damned if you don’t.” Sounds like life!😕

  4. sanfelipe007

    What I understand is that poor soul in that cartoon has already made their choice by being in front of the devil instead of Saint Peter. The devil wants that poor soul to be as frustrated as he is, and is mocking his choice.

  5. Aussie Mum

    How about “I am Catholic, not Synodal” on a coffee cup.
    I have just been reading about the Synod’s “synthesis report” released sometime in the last several hours. The 42 page report proposes a Synodal Church with the text itself is split into 3 parts:
    (1) “elements of a synodal Church”
    (2) “participation in mission”
    (3) “processes that enable dialogue with the world”
    My trust is in Our Lord, Jesus Christ, not the world. If Pope Francis wants a Synodal Church to dialogue with the world, that is his madness. I do not want any part of it.

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