Mother of God, Mother of the Church Militant

On this Christmas and Octave, don’t dare forget the Virgin Mother of the Redeemer. In learning about her, we learn about her dearest dear Son, the Word Incarnate, the Truth Incarnate. She is the best of mothers. She is immaculate.

Some 23 minutes of a preliminary introduction of yours truly and a Q-and-A afterward were edited out of this version of the recording of a Conference up in Washington, D.C. years ago. It’s more user friendly. The audio volume was increased even while the size of the .mp3 was reduced by 15MB.


Filed under Immaculate Conception

8 responses to “Mother of God, Mother of the Church Militant

  1. Aussie Mum

    Thank you, Father, for this Christmas gift from you to us.

  2. Aussie Mum

    Since I found your site online (before the hermitage years) you have taught and clarified Catholic matters that have been very important to me, and for which I am most grateful. Thank you, Father.
    One of the things you have taught me is that “she crushes” is not the correct literal translation although still true.
    As I listened once more to the audio you posted Christmas Day, the image of Our Immaculate Mother pictured on the front of the Miraculous Medal came to mind and persisted until the end. Why, I wondered, did God choose for the first depiction on the Miraculous Medal to meet one’s eye – the central figure on the obverse of the medal – to be that of Our Lady and not Our Lord crushing the serpent’s head. And then there is the curious matter of the inclusion of the date, 1830, which must be important or it would not be there.
    For a long time, I have felt that God is instructing us through the images (front and back) and words (front) depicted on the Miraculous Medal of the Immaculate Conception. Why? Because it appears to encapsulates all salvation history. Even so, although I sense this is the case, I haven’t the clarity and depth of intellect to recognise all God is “saying” through the medal. I “see” only small bits – but the clarity and depth of intellect God has given you opens it up for us, and points to the importance of your thesis on Original Sin and the Immaculate Conception.
    Because the medal presented Our Lady as the Immaculate Conception 24 years before she called herself by this title at Lourdes (1854), and 28 years before her Immaculate Conception was formally defined as dogma by Pope Pius IX (1858), I initially thought that God primarily designed the medal to obviate that it was time for the Immaculate Conception to be made better known and understood. And I still think this is so but there is much more to making her better known than I realised at the time. It was your thesis that opened my eyes to this.
    I am still coming to grips with all that is meant by the 1st and 2nd generations of the heavens and the earth. Nonetheless, it becomes clearer with each reading and listening to your words (thesis plus posted articles) across the years.
    As I mentioned before, the image of the Virgin Mary pictured on the front of the Miraculous Medal came to mind while listening to your talk and, before the audio ended, it dawned on me that through that medal not only was God preparing us for the 4th Marian dogma but also for the 5th, or at least that is how it seems to me; in other words, Our Lady rather than Our Lord is shown on the front of the Miraculous Medal crushing the head of the serpent because God is highlighting that Mary Immaculate is also Co-Redemptrix.
    Pope Pius IX only began the ball rolling almost 200 years ago. The popes of the 19th century were far-seeing, realising that the Mother of God, who in His merciful goodness Our Lord shares with us, needed to be better known and understood in our times when so many errors abound.
    Pope Francis is quite different to his predecessors. He claims that like them he is devoted to Our Lady but that seems just words in his case since he scoffs at the idea that the Mother of God and of the Church Militant is Co-Redemptrix and attempts to dumb down the Church’s teaching on the Immaculate Conception (see link below showcasing his mischaracterising of Our Lady – he practically calls her ignorant but nice).
    The general apostasy appears to be upon us. How can Pope Francis be refuted? By your thesis on Original Sin and the Immaculate Conception being more widely disseminated. It seems to me that the work the far-seeing popes of the 19th century started is carried forward in that work of yours. It needs to be better known, Father.

    • Father George David Byers

      Yes. This is my sin, not working more on this…

      • Aussie Mum

        You don’t want your thesis more widely disseminated?

      • Father George David Byers

        Yes. I am overwhelmed by so many things. I beg our Lord constantly to make it possible.

      • Aussie Mum.

        I don’t wish to cause you stress, Father. I realise you have a lot to contend with. I wonder if St Francisco of Fatima would help if asked. Just a thought.

      • Father George David Byers

        I will ask…

  3. sanfelipe007

    I’ve joined you in your prayer, Father.

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