Catholic Charities trafficking kiddies now more than ever. Because NOBODY CARES.

But this guy being interviewed is too nice, just rattling off some laws and their consequences protecting trafficking. It’s all so shocking, but it doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of what’s really happening.

As I say, I’ve been asked personally by way of phone calls and emails from Catholic Charities, to pick up unvetted kids arriving in the parking lots of their reception centers so as to deliver them to (necessarily) unvetted recipients. That means also straw traffickers, labor trafficking, sex trafficking. I won’t, I can’t do that. The sound of the suffering is ringing in my ears. Let’s review:

I don’t know. Tell me what you think. Should I take up collections during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for Catholic Charities and all their damnable kiddie trafficking?

Oh. And why is it that nobody cares? Because of porn and contraception and abortion and infanticide and ripping healthy kids apart for their organs to research, develop and test “vaccines”… NO ONE CARES. It’s because of all the blessings of same-sex sex. It’s because of spitting at God with Synod on Synodality creating of new revelation, whatever perverted doctrine and perverted morality and perverted demon-idol worship that we ourselves come up with. That’s why NO ONE CARES anymore. It’s all too much.

My statement is “I DON’T CARE!” And what I mean by that is I don’t care what happens to me. I care about what happens to Jesus in the least of the brethren. We must take God and others deadly seriously, not ourselves. We have to forget about being entitled, about being cowards. My must do what is right.

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Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

One response to “Catholic Charities trafficking kiddies now more than ever. Because NOBODY CARES.

  1. Stick to your guns, Father. The Good Risen Lord will smile on you. Please add my prayers for you.

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