TODAY: Blessed Carlo Acutis miracle approved, ready for canonization. St Francis to Carlo’s mother on what happens after Carlo’s canonization.

TODAY FROM THE VATICAN: Promulgation of Decrees of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, 23 May 2024:

“During the audience granted to His Eminence Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, the Supreme Pontiff has authorized the same Dicastery to promulgate the Decrees regarding:

  • “the miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis, lay faithful; born on 3 May 1991 in London, England, and died on 12 October 2006 in Monza, Italy.”

More from Vatican News

Some notes on Wikipedia.

Firstly, from Carlo’s mom. Sorry, I’m so weak, and old. I about cried…

And then, here’s Father Blount on what Carlo’s mother said about the future canonization of her dear son:

A-W-E-S-O-M-E ! ! ! From 8:30″… but especially just for a few seconds after 12:30″…

Sorry, but that reminds me of this video…

And it makes me say to all parents, to all teenagers in the world: GO TO CONFESSION ! ! !

Meanwhile, apparitions of Saint Francis to Carlo’s mum have not been nor will they be approved by the Church according to the document on Apparitions by self-approved sex-mystic Cardinal Tucho Fernandez. We’re on our own for our discernment. In my opinion, Carlo’s mother is very credible, a believer, not a fanatic of any kind. Just a good mom. A rarity.

Meanwhile, just my own comment: If all teenagers are to be touched with sanctifying grace, that means that all teenagers are going to Confession. If all teenagers are going to Confession, that means there’s been an illumination of conscience. Our Lord speaks about that as we seeing the Sign of the Son of Man and then us subsequently being, as the Greek has it, “cut to shreds” (Matthew 24). That’s called an assisted examination of conscience. Ask your guardian angels to assist you with that right now. It will stand you in good stead.


Filed under Saints

4 responses to “TODAY: Blessed Carlo Acutis miracle approved, ready for canonization. St Francis to Carlo’s mother on what happens after Carlo’s canonization.

  1. jmtarter

    Fr. George,It seems like with a requirement of only one miracle and canonization allowed right after death, future sainthoods may be a bit diluted.Carlos is probably the real deal but maybe not so much Pope Paul VI and John Paul II who may be still doing time in Purgatory.Abp. Sheen and probably Pius XII are maybe overdue.Sandra and I have had Aussie Mum in our daily Rosary prayers through the Blessed Mother for a while.Ave Maria,Murray 

  2. Patty A

    This quote has been posted in my kitchen for years … ”Our aim has to be the infinite, not the finite. The infinite is our Homeland. We’ve always been expected in Heaven.” Blessed Carlo Acutis

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