Is it racist to enslave Latino kids? I won’t do it.

Would the following scenario be racist enslavement? And why do Demoncrat politicians not care? Why is it that no one cares, not the DOS, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, ORR, DHS, HHS, HSI, ICE, CBP, no local police, no local sheriff departments… no social service agencies, no churches… nobody…? Why is that?

Do NGOs have anything to do with this, say, I dunno, Catholic Charities, Southwest Key Programs, Jewish Family Services, Lutheran Social Services et alii?

  • Say that cartels in Mexico are paid to acquire and transport kiddies to the border…
  • Say that whatever NGOs are paid to take in those kids at the base rate of, say, I dunno, $1,500 bucks a day…
  • Say that those unvetted kids are NOT delivered to unvetted recipients right away, but are kept in “custody”, say, in an old, converted Walmart or a converted warehouse, populations inside ranging from 200 to 8,000 kiddies, being moved from “reception center” to “reception center” for months and even years, every day having the NGOs rake in some $1,500 per day per kid…
  • Say that the NGOs, one or two dozen in number, each with uncountable “reception centers” everywhere around the country, receive, say, $625,000,000 every two or three months and an equal amount every two or three months to pay all the subcontractors, so, like, $1,250,000,000 every couple of months…
  • Say that there are large numbers of subtractors:
    • Construction contractors converting old Walmarts and Warehouses
    • Plumbers and electricians on call
    • All sorts of high-end bureaucracy dealing with governmental big-buck providers
    • All sorts of supervisors of all kinds, for problem solving, for schedules, for files on kids, age, medical condition, how long they’ve been in the system and where and with whom, scanning orders of recipients for kids of a certain sex, certain age, other characteristics…
    • All sorts of, basically, babysitters, who encourage not too much rape, not too many fights…
    • People for arranging beds and bedding and ratios of kids per showers and toilets…
    • People for arranging for clothing…
    • People arranging for food…
    • People arranging for education (as these are boarding schools in every way)…
    • People arranging for medical care (nurses making even $20,000 bucks… a week…) …
    • People arranging for transportation contractors from “reception center” to “reception center” and then to the final unvetted recipients, etc., etc., etc…
  • Say that such oceans of money are never audited…
  • Say that most all of these oceans of money are laundered, that being impossible unless it’s done, say, by terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah… so that what’s actually happening is that our government is financing terrorism…
  • Say that everyone, the politicians, the agencies, bureaus, offices, departments are on the take…
  • Say that there’s a growing number of whistleblowers…
  • Say that the whistleblowers start to disappear…
  • Say that the present admin has made it illegal to test kids’ DNA over against that of their cartel handler “parents”…
  • Say that Congress has passed laws so that various groups cannot be audited…
  • Say that Congress has made communication illegal between agencies, bureaus, offices, departments regarding anything whatsoever to do with migrants on whatever side of the border…
  • Say that more whistleblowers are just sick of all the trafficking of kiddies, and so more are getting to know about this…
  • Know about what? That when the unvetted kids are thrown at unvetted recipients, they are then:
    • Sex trafficked (analogously, runaways to NY being raped to death in, like, a couple of weeks)
    • Porn-industry trafficked (snuff films, all the sorry lot of it)
    • Labor trafficked (you know, like pig-slaughter houses, where you can die from the noise)
    • Organ trafficked (like eyes, kidneys, hearts, lungs, pancreases, skin for skin grafts, bones for bone grafts, brains for, you know, research and development, no anesthesia, just ripped apart, nothing left, with now, a super-abundance of organs…)
    • Political-correctness trafficked (you know, to bleeding heart liberals who think they are doing something good, giving a nice home to traumatized kids, but in reality just playing the cover story for other feel-good do-gooders providing cover, like priests and (Cardinal) (Arch)bishops who make a name for themselves for how nice they are, how they’ve done something for Jesus, but just ensure that all the dark violence keeps on happening. Give us money in second-collections at church!

I mean, what do I know? I’m just another schmo priest, in the smallest parish in North America, so remote that I couldn’t possibly know anything about anything or know anyone who is at the top of their game in anti-child trafficking on a world scale. ;-)

But what it comes down to is this: I’ve personally been asked three times to be the “transportation specialist” responsible for delivering unvetted kiddies to unvetted recipients. By anyone’s definition, that’s called child trafficking, which never ends well. Right now, you try to go against any of this, you’ll get your throat slit one way or the other. I said No. This was all because I’m the only priest speaking out. If I did any of this, I would immediately be shut up, in prison until death on earth and in hell for eternity.

Is today the day for my throat being slit? Whatever.

I’m at peace. I’m full of joy. I’m delighted, come what may.

“We have no king but Caesar” they shriek.

So dark. So violent.

But with Jesus… there’s such light, such peace, such joy.

Pace e bene e gioia nello Spirito Santo.

1 Comment

Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

One response to “Is it racist to enslave Latino kids? I won’t do it.

  1. Only prayer and sacrifice can save us. May the Good Lord have mercy upon us.

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