Tag Archives: CIA

Most Blessed Sacrament: stormy night on the Sea of Galilee. But the CIA?

Father James Blount once said something akin to the following. It stuck in my memory because of his hilarious way of demonstrating walking on water. This is someone’s paraphrase:

  • If you do only one Holy Rosary a day that’s because it keeps you from drowning, or in other words, treading water we keep ourselves from drowning in misery, despair and sin. And so one Holy Rosary a day is good.
  • But, if you do two rosaries a day, instead of treading water you start to swim. You start to make progress and you are growing in the spiritual life.
  • If you do three rosaries a day you will have really made real progress.
  • And if by any chance you are able to do four rosaries a day you stop swimming and you start walking on top of the water.

And then dearest Father Blount says the same thing about the Most Blessed Sacrament and numbers of Holy Hours. One, two, three and four, you know, to walk on water even on a dark and story night.

If you’re praying the rosary quite a bit, if there’s an opportunity, you’re going to find yourself before the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is what it is. Mary and her cohort of angels will get you there.

Then, once you’re before the Most Blessed Sacrament, there’s just no two ways about it: you’re going to find yourself before the Most Blessed Sacrament really a lot. The only way to stop is one’s duty in life, sickness, death, and going to heaven.

Meanwhile, the reference to walking on water is to Peter jumping out of the boat when he saw Jesus walking on water. It was stormy. Instead of looking to Jesus, he looked to himself for the strength he did not have. He sank. None of us can walk on water of our own. Jesus is our Savior. “Lord, save me!”

In other words, just my surmising of the state of Father Blount’s soul… When Father Blount is up to four Holy Hours a day, he is so in solidarity with Jesus being in solidarity with us, that he is now on the cross on Calvary while chaotic fiery oceans of demons broken out on Calvary are defeated even while one is watching and praying while Jesus draws all to Himself as He is lifted high on the cross.

The Rosary leads to the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Oh, and that picture up top? That’s Jesus in a “new” tabernacle in the rectory. A retired CIA guy was able to get the tabernacle from a closing church. It is sometime after 3:00am this morning.


Filed under Adoration, Intelligence Community

Child sex trafficking and VIRTUS®

As I’ve been saying for a very long time, allegedly, our own government is funding and coordinating child sex trafficking, you know, for money laundering. Watch that video above, and those further below if you haven’t already seen them or need a review. Let’s not be willfully ignorant. It’s happening in your neighborhood.

I have to careful here, so, in brief, the scam is to pay the cartels to acquire “unaccompanied minors” and bring them to the border where they are directed to go to a private even 501(c)3 “charitable” prison set up, say, in old Walmarts right on the border, which might contain anywhere from 200 to 8,000 kids, from babies on up. These are all over the country, many of them, for instance, just over in Tennessee and many right here in North Carolina, and also in your neck of the woods. That’s certain.

Processing can, of course, take very many years, during which time, kids can be relocated to similar processing centers all around the country very many times. As I understand it, every day a kid is there, some $200 to $250 bucks is paid out to the “charity”, say, Southwest Key Programs (SWK), or, say, Catholic Charities, which is, instead, going to spend as little as they can on any one kid. When you’re getting some $200 to $250 bucks per day, per kid, and you have hundreds of thousands of kids cycling through the system, that all adds up pretty quickly to hundreds of billions of dollars. Money laundering anyone? Money is from taxpayers.

Do government agencies and politicians get kickbacks for operating this scam, say, HHS, DHS, HSI, FBI, CIA, and others, and a multitude of operator groups facilitating such a scam? And why is it that the present administration has made it quite impossible to do anything about this at the border itself, and has made communications about this nigh impossible?

Anyway, if the kid is troublesome in whatever way, you know, un-useful as an economic slave, they’re transferred to ICE for deportation, except that they are not deported, but rather put into the same private prison scam for years and years and years, each person making $200 to $250 bucks which is also, allegedly, heavily earmarked for kickbacks and money laundering. Money is from taxpayers.

The only way out is for the prisoner to know some ambassador, who then causes our government grief, not that we care, but if persistent, after many more months or more, we’ll cave in and send that prisoner to their country of origin.

But for the rest of the kids, you know, the ones who are still good for distribution to… allegedly… purchasers… for forced labor, for porn production, for forced prostitution… they are finally brought to distribution centers where they are, in fact, distributed to recipients.

Here’s how that works, you know, allegedly: The distribution center (also in your neighborhood) makes some calls and orders kids of various… abilities… you know… for recipients who have requested the same, and then those kids are transported at taxpayer expense right across the country. Upon arrival, they are then transported to recipient addresses and dumped in the wee hours of the morning.

When they get to the border, the girls are systematically raped and then given abortion pills. The reason for this is to subdue them and have an attitude of going along to get along when they get to their recipients. It’s part of the process.

I myself was asked THREE TIMES in the past year, by Catholic Charities, to pick up kids and distribute them to recipients. It was made clear to me by described circumstances or outright statements that such kids are UNVETTED.

I’m a loud-mouth. I’m about the only one. This was, of course, a setup to have me arrested, to silence me. Can you imagine, a priest, at like 3:00AM, with a car full of minor kids? Sheer idiocy. I said no and no. But then, the third time, I said yes, that we can put them up in our social hall. As such arrangements were underway, I ran to my car, quite literally, and raced to the Sheriff’s Department and had a meeting with the chief detective and told him of my intentions to take down Catholic Charities nationally and internationally, by taking these unvetted kids and proving the trafficking. I would need their help every step of the way, say, with the provision of forensic conversationalists. They agreed, but also told me how their hands were tied on a number of aspects. Fine. As long as we can throw the traffickers in prison. While I was speaking with him another call came in from Catholic Charities. They found a place closer to their center and they were going to go with that, this time, but that surely there would be more to come.

This is becoming my other life project: putting the child traffickers of Catholic Charities into prison, and exposing the private prison scam. Congress is interested and is working on this. We’ll see how it goes.

Remember the film Sound of Freedom? The number of missing children was said to be 85,000. Another group investigating said that they know where some 40,000 of those kids are, in all their forced conditions. Meanwhile, more months have gone by. It seems that the number of missing kids has risen to hundredS of thousands. Get that? Imagine the money…

MEANWHILE: As far as the sex-trafficking goes, with the U.S. being the largest “consumer”, did you ever wonder how that happened? The answer is that the government lets social media companies become the largest providers of illegal kiddy porn in the world. That creates the market. Here:

MEANWHILE: VIRTUS®, with its homosexualist visionaries (and I don’t say alleged here), rationalizes porn being shown to minors. Why would any (arch)bishop in any (arch)diocese have anything whatsoever to do with VIRTUS®? I’ve written on this previously.

When I was signed up to teach in a pontifical seminary here in these USA, the new seminarians and the new faculty were subjected to a full day of child-protection activities, finger-printing, criminal background checks and a presentation of VIRTUS® that went about four hours. It was not the presentation given at parishes or provided to the laity. This was just for seminaries and priests.

In that presentation a list of merely questionable behaviors was put up. One of those questionable behaviors was showing porn to minors. But we were told that we were not to report anyone showing porn to minors unless we saw at least one other questionable behavior that was on that list. Then we might want to bring that to a superior who would decide what to do, if anything.

Thus, say there is a rectory of three priests, two of which are showing, say, gay-porn to teen-age boys, and then the third priest, just coming home from a day away with family and friends, happens upon this untoward scene. According to VIRTUS®, since there were no other suspicious behaviors, that third priest was to think nothing of it. Perhaps he could even join them.

Also, that VIRTUS® presentation did not provide the stats of the John Jay studies that, if I remember correctly, described the victims as typically being teen-age boys, making this also a homosexualist phenomenon. The stats were something like 84%. None of that information was given. If you don’t name the problem, you can’t fix the problem. Does VIRTUS® manipulate those participating in the program of child protection with values-clarification, so that abusers are being created? I think so.

One of the visionaries of VIRTUS® bragged of the homosexualist nature of VIRTUS® in Rome. Another visionary of VIRTUS®, a laicized priest who had been sentenced to prison… It’s all too sordid…

Why can’t we Catholics just be with Jesus? Why do we have to be involved with this hell?

MEANWHILE: Let’s review:

Thanks go to Carlos Arellano, Clayton Morris, Kyle Seraphin, some members of Congress and a few others.

I forgot, here’s the video that got me interested in this:

  • “But Father George! Father George! They’re gonna get rid of you for this! You gotta choose your battles!”

To which I say, if not this battle, which one? There is a judgment coming:

  • “What you’ve done to or not done for one of the least of these you have done to or not done for me,” says the Lord God, the Almighty, who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.

To those responsible for this I say, I will not stop stopping this. I won’t take up collections for it. The Vatican or whatever can say that I’m in schismatic disobedience. Whatever. When Father Savonarola was about to burned at the stake, alive, the papal envoy excommunicated him, also from heaven. But the good Father answered “Non tocca a te.” “That’s not in your job description. It is the Lord God Almighty who is the judge. Not you.” And the fire was set. Thanks be to God for the witness of Father Savonarola.


Filed under Child Protection, Child trafficking

Cynical usage of Intelligence Identities Protection Act 1982 PubL 97–200 50 USC §§ 421–426

[[ Sorry, but I have to repost this “for the record” yet again, as I have episodically done for years, always for cause. This time, an event occurred on Nov. 5, 2023, at, I’m guessing, +/-10:53 AM. Apologies for the precise if breathless syntax. Someone’s gotta do it.]]

The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 (Pub.L. 97–200, 50 U.S.C. §§ 421–426) can be summarized as that which makes it a Federal crime – enforced with a penalty of a fine or up to three years in prison or both regarding anyone with or without whatever security clearance and access / need to know – to compromise directly or by patterned indications an asset in extremely broadly defined circumstances (as assessed by courts in view of the bias of relevant agencies or bureaus = guaranteed conviction), regardless as to whether the scope of such a law compromises the Constitution and Constitutional rights of citizens in good standing, including their right to protect the viability of their very lives. Intent doesn’t matter. Wait… What? Isn’t this all supposed to be “of, by and for the people”?

But you gotta know that we’re dealing with those whose bias stemming from their counterintelligence gaslighting lifestyle greenlights all betrayal when the IIPA is turned back-to-front, upside-down, inside-out so as to protect identities of real assets by creating fall-guys of naïve citizens in good standing who are brought to have an inescapable lack of deniability by way of a baited history of a thousand circumstances and incidents, all innocent… but the naïve guy is nevertheless forthwith guilty of all that the real asset did to contravene the law both here and across our borders so as to accomplish whatever assignment, with the naïve guy wondering how it all happened while in solitary confinement. Whew!

Meanwhile, think of it, our Lord Jesus purposely baited the idiots of His own day to have Himself judged as guilty of all our sin. They put Him to death and Jesus accomplished that for which He came, to stand in our place, Innocent for the guilty, taking on that punishment for sin that we all deserve, death, so as to have the right in His own justice to have mercy on us. That’s makes me laugh with great joy.

You just can’t win in a baiting game with Jesus. Might as well just be forgiven and go to heaven.

And I still have two requests for DS-CC in North Rosslyn. All y’all know how to find me.

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Filed under Intelligence Community, Terrorism

Josh Hawley destroys HHS for their sex trafficking of kids

I just got yet ANOTHER phone call from the ubiquitous and regional Catholic Charities asking me to take kids with unvetted backgrounds.

With our new Speaker, expect this to get more intense.

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Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

Day 2: Israel’s defensive war update. Israel was NOT caught off guard?

Blah blah blah. Instead, here’s a comprehensive article early on in this war:

It is quite impossible that Shin Bet, Aman, Mossad, IDF and what-have-you were caught off guard.

What’s not included in that update:

  • What happened at Iranian nuclear sites overnight.
    • Air strikes on Iranian nuclear sites were absolutely at the ready down to the finest detail for very many years indeed. These might not be reported immediately, like, what may have happened already, but I bet that these are ever more at the ready…
  • There’s not a chance that this was false flag by purposed neglect empire building.
    • While empire building by way of false flag operations, including “knowingly letting things go on purpose”, is as old as war itself, there’s no chance that this happened here. First off there are billions of dollars in military support already being received annually from these USA. Secondly, just no. /// Instead, I would put this down to the style of investigations leading up to this point. When infiltrating an enemy, such as is done by Shin Bet, Aman, the Mossad and the IDF over against Hamas and Hezbollah and their puppet masters in Iran, one notes who’s who and who they’re connected with, where munitions and suppliers are holed up, where tunnels are, etc. It’s not that not enough information was coming in; it’s that there was so much wildly important information providing connections and locations that the temptation to take just “a little bit more time” for just “a little bit more information” was a temptation too great to pass up, right? After all, everyone and their pet dog would know that just as soon as Biden released billions of dollars to the Iranian terrorist state that Hamas and Hezbollah, puppets of Iran, would go into action. It didn’t take long. But this is NOT malice. It’s impossible to know the right time in all prudence to shut off information and go on a pre-emptive attack that the rest of the world is going to have a hard time swallowing. It is what it is. War is hell.

And do you think that we, these USA (with our own CIA et alii) knew nothing about this? There’s zero chance of that. Zero.

As one guy said in the comments, we should take note what’s happening at the border of these USA.


Filed under Intelligence Community, Military, Terrorism

Amazon dumps ByteDance’s ByteSpider? Ethical hacker needed…

Hits at the top are the most recent. This is the moment that Amazon seems to have dumped ByteDance’s ByteSpider, which is notorious for hacking firewalls and shadow-banning IP addresses of users of websites such as this one by disallowing visits – according to algorithms, timed or not, sporadically or not.

Whether bot of visit or both, the visits have been at every moment for like a month now, absolutely every link in the blog, even multiple times, even to locked down bits and pieces deep in admin archives, also sharing those things with no sharing bars, even if they’ve been deleted and removed permanently years ago. Much of the time, if the bot or whomsoever was busy, normal readers could not come to the blog at all.

Basically, right now, this blog has about zero readers.

From all accounts, it seems the byters were doing this with so very many that Amazon got sick of them.

So, I dunno. My firewall is compromised. Can I even continue?

Is there an ethical hacker out there who can hack the firewall of this blog and remove the shadow-banning?


Filed under Free exercise of religion, hacking, Intelligence Community

He’s dead: FBI’s Robert Philip Hanssen. On the Seal of Confession.

Bearing the infamy of being one of the worst traitors to these USA, the FBI’s Robert Philip Hanssen, has died apparently of natural causes after surviving for decades in his tiny ultra-max prison cell at the ADX facility in Florence, Colorado. I say “apparently of natural causes” because the spokeswoman for the FBOP said seemingly without provocation that no staff or inmates were injured while “finding him” “unresponsive” on his cell floor. What an otherwise unnecessary thing to say. It’s like: thanks for the confession, lady. Was this “finding” of him dead actually a favor that had been requested by those across the polar ice cap, you know, just in case “Bobby” wanted to be more fulsome for any ongoing interrogations, making up for past transgressions?

A few years ago, when Hanssen was still very much alive, one of the CIA’s video event-spinner guys — when the topic of Hanssen came up — dramatically traced his index finger across his own throat, staring hard at me, with purposed lack of other commentary, indicating that… what?… that the decision had been made that Hanssen would soon enough be terminated and that I should just leave it alone?

“Leave it alone.” Unlikely. That’s not what troublemakers do. When, on another day, I asked this video event-spinner guy as to whether he’s the one responsible for the sudden flurry of disgusting short video-documentaries on “Bobby,” he got instantly frustrated and white hot angry like he had been caught out, and all this in public, you know, in the social hall of our little parish over in the backsides of the beyonds of Moonshiners Appalachia, where, weirdly, much of this kind of weirdness goes down. He had raised his voice in denial: “I don’t know who’s responsible. I. DON’T. KNOW.” Yikes! It took everything in him not to explode from the table to remove himself from the simple question. Not long thereafter, he just up and disappeared, like smoke that is driven away by the wind. Just like that.

Before that last conversation came to an end, I had mentioned that Hanssen, in my opinion, had been framed, at least partially, with the motive of making him the scapegoat for embarrassing ops whose assets-gone-bad had not yet been identified. Why’s that? the video event-spinner guy asked. Because, I said, of the manner and content of the descriptions of Hanssen’s alleged Sacramental Confessions to an Opus Dei priest in those CIA spinning videos. It’s extremely unlikely and irrelevant that Hanssen would relate such things about Sacramental Confession. And it’s about 100% impossible that that priest of Opus Dei would break the Seal of Confession. Just. Ain’t. Gonna. Happen.

There was a stunned silence, you know, as in jaw-dropping, like he had been caught out. To me, all this was obvious. The reason that my observation was not expected is very sad. I’m afraid that there are so few priests who have any respect for Sacramental Confession that almost no laity have even the least understanding of the Seal of Confession. When’s the last time you heard a priest speak of his own love for the Sacrament of Confession, all in thanksgiving for the Blood of Christ at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?

Anyway, right after all that, there were plenty of hits to this blog from ADX Florence. I had offered to go out to Colorado to hear Hanssen’s Sacramental Confession. No go. But I’ll tell you this, it is Christ Jesus, whose blood on Calvary provides the justice for the mercy of the absolution, He taking our place, Innocent for guilty, who will Himself come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.

We all live and then we all die, and always sooner than later. Today’s the day to go to Confession. No matter what we’ve ever done. The last penance I got the other day was a “Hail Holy Queen” prayer to our Lady. Thank you, Jesus.

There’s a zillion lists of “C”s for Confession. I think it was Opus Dei that came up with these four “C”s:

  • Concise
  • Clear
  • Complete
  • Contrite

I think it appropriate to offer a Hail Mary for all those who work in our intel / law enforcement services, which world is sometimes a vortex, especially when that’s not recognized.

And that last bit on tips for how to go to Confession, that’s for all of us, but targeted in particular at yet another intel guy to visit the parish. Today is the day of salvation.


Filed under Confession, Free exercise of religion, Intelligence Community

FBI leveraging Type 5 Assessments vs Catholic bishops, priests, parishioners: blackmail, extortion, bribery, betrayal for $$$

Green lighting Type 5 Assessments for tripwires and sources legalizes doing whatever it takes to have people betray their own friends because they themselves are afraid of being blackmailed or extorted or just out and out pummeled by brutish enforcers until they say what is scripted for them to say, regardless of the truth of the matter. Yep. When the FBI wants to bring someone down, or to do up a bit of social engineering, causing division and fear, this is exactly what they do along with every other political enforcement agency in the history of mankind that has descended into deep corruption.

So these thugs and buffoons come to your parish church and, to fit in, they come up to and receive Holy Communion like Judas did at the Last Supper, sacrilegiously, you know, just to fit in, to look legit. It’s literally Judas’ kiss of death to Jesus. But they will do whatever it takes to earn their thirty pieces of silver. I should remind them that to receive Holy Communion without discerning the Body and Blood of Christ Jesus is to eat and drink their own condemnation, as Saint Paul says.

I think we need to reinstitute the ministry of “porter” which was given to seminarians to test their grit. Can they enforce keeping people out who need to be kept out of church, say, malicious, anti-Catholic FBI agents? These FBI agents doing Type Five Assessments endanger the safety of parishioners:

  • These FBI agents legally do up blackmail, having studied vulnerable parishioners with a past, or with no past, it doesn’t matter, but who are simply vulnerable, catching them off guard. When you blackmail people, bad things can happen, including instant and even fatal escalation. Do you really want these agents around escalating with this one and that, endangering everyone’s safety? This is law enforcement at its absolute worst, its most corrupt stage.
  • For extortion, they can threaten mafia style and bring adverse circumstances to the attention of the target until that target is sufficiently scared. Of course, mistakes are made, you know, going too far, and people die with these kinds of activities. No one cares. But you never know who you are extorting. Agents also die doing up this kind of crap. It’s a known thing that, across the board, with the general public, regardless, some people just don’t like to be shaken down, at all, even once. Extortion is simply bad policing, and is insanely dangerous.
  • For bribery, the actual policy, the actually named legal limit to offer a target is six figures, that is, anything up to $999,999.99. As one guy said, they’ll get the most cooperation with money. It’s the cleanest. And money is free, right?

The rising numbers of these thugs and buffoons would have us at, say, 400 of them in the fifty states. Let’s say there are four agents per state, perhaps less in New York or Illinois, and more elsewhere. That’s more than enough to continuously harass the two chanceries of the two dioceses in North Carolina where I am, and a large number of the parishes.

The policy about effecting Type 5 Assessments, whether with known agents or covertly, went out to all FBI offices for all agents to take in as part of ongoing training and awareness if not for actual assignments. But there are plenty of actual assignments. There were only two whistleblowers in the entire FBI, one who provided, one who squealed. But there are thousands of FBI agents who are Catholics. No one else brought this to the attention of Catholics amongst “we the people” of these USA? I didn’t hear anything until Kyle what’s-his-face said something. What the hell is that?

And, by the way, all the stupid, stupid reporting on this says that the FBI recanted and withdrew such policies. No. They didn’t. Steps were taken to have replacement docs with… more… footnotes… Period. It’s all still up, right?

  • “But Father George! Father George! You say the Rosary and conduct benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament and you’ve offered Latin Mass for years and… like… like… the FBI says that that makes you a domestic terrorist and we know what’s to be done with terrorists… I’ll just tell you, Father George! Terrorists like you are to be neutralized instantly with no due process! You should be shot during stupid ad orientem Mass by FBI agents SWATting your parish! Damn you, Father George! You’re a terrorist! And besides that, Father George, you’re anti-Semitic! For shame, Father George! For shame!”

I’m “guilty” about the Rosary, Benediction, with Mass all ad orientem. But on the anti-Semitic charge, let’s see…

  • I recall being harassed by the Census Bureau to do up the American Community Survey. It wanted to know about race. It provided well nuanced categories which obviously, purposely forced Jews to claim that their race was Arian-Germanic. I called them out on it. I forced a public apology and change in favor of Jews. Is that anti-Semitic?
  • I put myself in harm’s way by calling out those who publicly or privately say they want to kill Jews, “calling them out” meaning I have even personally brought such things to the U.S. State Department down in Atlanta. Is that anti-Semitic?
  • I have publicly called out those who protect Nazis wanted for crimes against humanity, making all go silent, which is dangerous. Is that anti-Semitic?
  • I have gone way out of my way to set up a dialogue between Israel and the Holy See on the Sacred Scriptures. Interesting story on how that worked out. Is that anti-Semitic? The head Rabbi who I met with at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem says that my proposal was by far the most respectful and more of a dialogue than anything heretofore proposed. Is that anti-Semitic?

And, by the way, to anyone in the FBI reading this… answer me this:

  • Have I not already voluntarily – without being asked or coerced in any way – brought you actionable intel on money laundering schemes very likely involving the financing of actual terrorism (likely terrorism that would be brought against Israel)? And to that effect, did I not voluntarily submit to three months of background checks by fully five FBI research stations throughout these USA, each given over to different categories of crime? Is that anti-Semitic?
  • Haven’t you already s*** on me enough by having DipSec in North Rosslyn provide my identity to a guy effecting stuff for DoS and then tried to provide me with an “alternative” identity, effectively obliterating me from the face of the earth? Remember the letter in 1992 from that Ambassador at DoS, the incident in 1996 at the Consulate in Rome, and then that humiliating interrogation at that same Consulate four years later? Remember that, in the back room, at the last desk?

Anyway, what is it that they want? Oh, I think I know…

What if we were to have another “vaccine” mandated, again with Big Pharma harvesting live, well developed, healthy babies from the wombs of their mothers, extracting their organs as the babies scream to get extra oxygen into the organs before cutting those organs out, hearts, lungs, kidneys, eyes… and say bishops and priests finally rebel and say something to their parishioners, that such experimentation, development and testing of “vaccines” using babies is immoral? That’s what’s wanted in the betrayals, either from homilies or from private conversations. And that priest will instantly become an enemy of national security, a domestic terrorist, one who is to be disappeared immediately with no due process. It’s all legal now. Just waiting for it to happen.

But I’ll save you any suspense. I’ll just say it. I think people murdering babies for their own benefit is a mortal sin. There. I said it. And I’m happy about my saying it. :-)

Anyway, all this is stupid. Bishops and priests will betray each other, even lying, just to do it, you know, to be politically correct. No blackmail, extortion or bribery needed. Nope. That’s not my experience. Not at all. Judases are most happy to betray. Feel the power! Look! It’s the men of consensus!

I’m happy to be betrayed by the Judases. I love the Lord God with all my heart and soul and strength, with everything that I am. I’m so radicalized. The bond of love with God who is love is stronger than any absolute idiocy of thuggery brought by the FBI. The FBI’s little plotting is sooo nothing compared to the bond of love with God who is love.

With God’s grace (saving me from my evil), I will love God and neighbor, respect God and neighbor, even if I’m dragged away in chains by the FBI, imprisoned, submitted to thuggery or even death.

And I’ll tell you what, effecting Type 5 Assessments like this brings us to a very fine line that will skip the preliminaries and go right to the genocide against a whole class of people. Yep. Political law enforcement immediately rushes to the lowest common denominator of murder so as to feel the power.

You think I’m exaggerating? Look at how many rationalize murdering babies for their own benefit.

Support your priests in word and deed and prayer.

© Father George David Byers 2023

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Filed under Free exercise of religion, Intelligence Community, Law enforcement

Update: Terrorist bomb threat vs Pope Francis on my parish office phone recorder. Duty to protect Pope Francis.

Some guy pre-recorded a message, then called my parish office phone, and then played his pre-recorded message for the parish phone system to record. He then hung up. Another call came in to the parish office phone recorder with another carefully prepared and edited pre-recorded message the next day.

The first message is one guy [a mole?] apparently recounting a conversation to which he was privy. He retains the usage of the various languages of the participants. I’m not the best polyglot in the world, and I could well be mistaken with my hearing perhaps not being the most accurate, but I’m guessing that the languages involved here are Bosnian, Portuguese, Romanian, Bulgarian and very American English. If you have a better ear than me, drop a note in the comments. Help me out.

The second message the next day seems to be a reprimand for acting too slowly. All of this, on both days, up to the two last words at the very end of the second message, are all the narration of the same guy. But those two last words at the end of the second message are prerecorded and edited into the narrator’s pre-recording, someone with a thoroughly American accent, as if it were like a voice sample baiting someone to do a search on the sample for voice-print verification among assets. Anyone go missing?


  • [Bosnian] La porta Francisco. [Francis brings it (on himself).]
  • [Portuguese] Che hai? [What do you have?]
  • [Bosnian] Lo Pontifex delle chiese. [The Pontiff of the Church.]
  • [Romanian] Uitole. [Forget it.]
  • [Bosnian] Va lelu lazech… [Please….]
  • [Portuguese] Da ferro. [From iron.]
  • [Portuguese] Agirem- fra poco. [We will act quickly]
  • [Bosnian] Esplorioso. [Explosive.]
  • [Bosnian] Ne guio! Ne guio! [Not good! Not good!]
  • [Bosnian] Vigile! Vigile! [Be careful! Be careful!]
  • [Bosnian] Caesar iz annale. [Caesar is (already) in the annals (of history).]
  • [Bosnian] Nach lella! [Get it done!]
  • [Bulgarian] Igrish. [It’s your turn to play.]


  • [Portuguese] Enifiai. [Get going!]
  • [Portuguese] Lo statistica dolosor. [It’s a painful record.]
  • [American-English] Hateful.
  • [The same American-English voice, but saying “Portugal” in the Bosnian language] Portuchugal.

This seems to refer to a pipe bomb. “Caesar” seems to be a personal name of the Portuguese guy, who is nominated by the Bosnian guy to get it done. That the American-English voice says [forced to say] “Portugal” in the Bosnian language is rather…

What creeps me out about this…

  • … is the amount of time it must have taken to put these recordings together, especially the second message with the edits of the American voice.
  • … that there was a second message the next day, with some kind of verification system.

What I mean to say is that:

  • … if it’s for real that something was in the works, why involve me, say, as a messenger? Creepy.
  • … if it’s fake, well, that’s pretty elaborate and time consuming. That’s just as creepy. And, if fake, and therefore a kind of baiting of yours truly, to what end? Cui bono? Creepy.

And if it is a hoax, that’s a waste of time for law enforcement and can be a felony. Just sayin’.

I’m duty bound to protect Pope Francis if I can. I have acted on this.

© 2023 Fr George David Byers

////////////////////// UPDATE:

In the original post above I write: “FIRST MESSAGE MONDAY [a while back]”. That phrase, “a while back” refers to a time frame of, say, the end of November, the beginning of December of 2021. Also note that the “DAY STAMP of “MONDAY” is not accurate. I just never bothered to set the clock. The audio file included in this post is a recording I made with my hand-held recorder (that I use to record homilies). The date stamp on my extraction recording and the saving of that file on my computer is December 6, 2021. However, I move slowly, and this was done perhaps a week after the original message was dropped.

Therefore, this present post published at the end of January 2023 is recounted some 14 months after the fact.


  • After getting some advice, I immediately sent this off to the head of Vatican Intel 14 months ago. I’m sure that was expected. I added the caveat to be cynical with these messages, as it could all be a set-up, baiting, to see what they investigate, or not, or share with other intel services, or not, such as those with provenance in these United States.
  • I didn’t want to say ever so breathlessly anything on this blog in one of those “for the record” posts, as I didn’t want to be duped into having someone outed and killed, such as that American voice edited in at the end of the second recording, you know, if any of this were to be real, and not some play-exercise for instruction of newbies by some bored counterintel officer behind an all too boring desk in Northeast Virginia. Killing of assets is always brutal. But now it’s 14 months later, and, if real, such a terrorist cell is surely long since disbanded, with most or all members dead or incapacitated.
  • But if that American voice is one of ours, this publishing 14 months later is a plea to go and get him. That might have been done immediately if the Vatican shared that recording. But if nothing was done by anyone, this post is to say, that’s on them, not me, you know, for the record.

Oh, and just to say, listening to this again, the last word of the first message may be a different voice, another voice-print…


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Intelligence Community, Law enforcement, Military, Pope Francis

More hacking, stalking, gaslighting. Profiles begin to emerge. For the record.

There’s been some interesting techy activity recently in my little world. Even while writing this very post, in draft, it was disappeared from the screen and put into the trash. I got it back into draft, saved it in a text file, and restored the post. This happens really a lot. It’s just gaslighting. In court, whoever it is would just say they were having fun. But, as we’ll see, this is actually likely an attack on the free exercise of religion and free speech, both serious crimes, especially if it’s tied to any upcoming attacks. A brief history:

  • Perhaps unrelated, but I first noticed this kind of activity not too long ago when my two prized videos of the Discalced Carmelite Monastery’s Stations of the Cross that stretch alongside the cliff edge of Mount Carmel high above Haifa, Israel, were erased by someone hacking into my locked-down YouTube page, erasing just those videos. Perhaps some sort of extortion will be presented to me about those videos, to get them back. But I suspect this is a mere episode of gaslighting.
  • Anyway, provably, my blog subscriptions have been hacked, shadow-banning pretty much all would-be readers. I say provably because I help others with their emails because of their being presently incapacitated. I see the results of shadow-banning of myself inside their own communications.
  • Some months ago an Intel officer of some 28 years, a parishioner, who had done his job while a $50,000,00 bounty was on his head for many of those years, asked me about what I thought of the email he had sent me. “What email?” I asked. I had been getting emails from him regularly but not for some months more recently. While researching my difficulty in receiving his emails, he got me on the phone and together we delved into his address book. Someone had hacked into his address book, erased my address not only in the address book but in group emails, and had slightly changed only my email address so that whatever he would send to me would instead go to the hacker. That takes quite a bit of forethought and experience and determination to gaslight yours truly, using even extremely capable close friends. That’s annoying. This person is purposely trying to get caught doing this for the sake of gaslighting. Interesting facts for the growing profile.
  • For about the fifth time in as many years, usually for about three months at a time, a user of Microsoft Azure faking locations of Chicago and then Des Moines, started low-level hacking pretty much 24/7. It was right after I posted on that all too obvious trying-to-get-caught activity that such a hacker ran away with their hair on fire, screaming like a girl and needing a parachute to slow down. Or it might have been a friendly hacker who stopped this person in their tracks. Thanks for that. But the footprints left indicate that they just wanted to get caught, to gaslight. The one who trashed this post now seems to use iCloud out of Chicago, though Scamalytics puts it in Belverde, TX (near San Antonio). At any rate, the thing is, some people want to know what I have to say, even if for wildly self-contradictory reasons, and wouldn’t appreciate such gaslighting at all.
  • At any rate, another parishioner who wasn’t getting notifications on my blog for that entire time just yesterday informed me that their email system had been hacked as well, so that emails were simply blocked from certain people, that is, with all and only the blocked ones being Catholic, also friends of mine, parishioners, also from such as the chancery offices of the Catholic Diocese to which my parish belongs. This is all true of other parishioners. The same blocking also from me. All of this is discoverable. It’s all gaslighting, as it’s just so obvious. But it’s also about crippling communications.

While this cuts communications more broadly, it’s also quite specific to my parish. What if, say, Jane’s Revenge were to come here to bother us? Parishioners would want to know how to recover, and we would be crippled in doing that, right? Jane’s revenge has said that they will be doing things which also will hurt in hidden ways. This would be one of those hidden ways. And, after all, we’re quite vocal about doing what Jane’s Revenge hates so much: we promote respect for life from natural conception to natural death. We support the first and second amendments. We support the document, however inaccurate, that was leaked from the Supreme Court about the overturning of Roe v Wade and sending it back to voters in the States. That means we say no to abortion and pharmaceutical murder of children to use their organs for “vaccine” experimentation. We’re not woke, not deep state, not George Soros afficionados.

But this tiniest of all parishes in North America couldn’t possibly be on the radar of such people, could it? There are people who know.

Just to say, a guy and a gal (I guess), claiming to be students at Western Carolina University just up the road from the parish visited the parish just minutes after parishioners had left Sunday Mass a while back. I don’t know who they were, although I could easily pick them out of a line-up still today. I spoke with them for quite a while. It was memorable because just so very annoying. They were self-hyped as grass roots funded community organizers practicing full-on Critical Race Theory, so hateful, so disgusting. If there’s one thing that presses my buttons, it’s those who pretend to be racists so as to promote racism, Marxists all. I’m pretty good at playing such overconfident idiots. Instead of my falling for their baiting, they, upon my questioning, said it was actually just one person funding their activities and he wanted to remain anonymous. Get that? And… and… they were specifically interested in knowing if we could defend ourselves if we were attacked in church. Get that? It’s like a pre-confession of crimes they’re going to commit. They were clearly casing local churches to get the database of viability of attacks that Jane’s Revenge is proud to say they’ve been working on for a long time and now have.

The one guy (100% looks like him, and he’s very, um, peculiar) seems to have showed up more recently coming out of the drug house behind me with an accomplice, obviously intent on doing home invasions specifically of the rectory. I know this because I happened upon them while I was returning home at midnight after giving Last Rites to a parishioner just before they went off to the hospital. Thanks for the incredible timing, Guardian Angel.

Lastly, if you know, you know:

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Filed under Intelligence Community, Pro-Life, SCOTUS