Tag Archives: Intelligence Community

Free speech dead. Essential interview with the top authority in the world, now whistleblower

This guy is wicked smart, like smartest-guy-in-the-world ex-NSA Bill Binney in his day.

Well worth the listen. Perspective altering.

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Filed under Free exercise of religion, Intelligence Community

Buying 2A items is getting wyrder and wyrder

The other day I tried to make an online purchase of an ultra-super-common, legal, 2A related item not having requirements for permits, nor waiting periods, nor registration, nor rules, nor “fees” (taxes) nor FFL necessities… no requirements nor possibility of serial numbers… just an everyday boring item…

In a moment of weakness, I indulged. And now I blush. It was 2A related apparel.

There are, for those not in-the-know, items of clothing convenient in their own small but useful ways for 2A but also for just about anything else, including caps, gloves, “ears”, jackets, whateevvuuur… as one might have for any other sporting activity. Analogously, I use other sport gear for unintended purposes, such as using soccer-socks for my swollen legs, or downhill skiing goggles for chainsaw activities, since they better fit over glasses, or shot-cancelling earmuffs amplifying normal sounds but cutting out anything above 23dB, not only a Glock (162dB), but also a chainsaw (106-120dB). 2A occasions an inventive and adaptive spirit.

I was surprised to see that my purchase was auto-declined, but not for lack of money. Was it because the item was being sold by a company that sells largely 2A stuff?

When I called my local banker, she took a look and verified that it was me who attempted to do the purchase, and then went a bit deeper…


… she iterated under her breath, looking at the vendor. She then asked for tons more of invasive information and said she needed about half an hour. “It’s all good,” I said.

Exactly half an hour later I tried again and the purchase went through no problem, as expected. I’m sure this kind of useless bureaucracy is not her favorite activity. But it does seem that the attempted purchase was auto-flagged for political reasons, for unconstitutional reasons, say, by algorithms used with banks everywhere as instigated by FinCEN. FinCEN gets hyper not only about individual items you buy, but also because of the company from which you buy them. They know it’s illegal to abuse FISA in this way, and so back off as soon as it’s questioned. LifeSiteNews has a critique of FinCEN. They also notice when you buy, say, a Bible, which, like the Latin Mass, indicates that you are surely a domestic terrorist (cf FBI and DoJ).

At any rate, as I write this, my apparel has shipped despite things becoming wyrder and wyrder.


Filed under Guns

Police, the executive, protected by the judiciary, secret proceedings: what could go wrong?

Lifetimes ruined, by the hundreds. Check out Ryan MacDonald’s incisive attack on police corruption as protected by judicial corruption over at Father Gordon MacRae’s Beyond These Stone Walls:

In speaking with Father Gordon this morning about all this he cited a conversation he had very recently with New Hampshire law enforcement official:

  • “No one is more infuriated about a bad cop than a good cop.”

How many cops do you know who are infuriated?

Outside of hundreds of lives being ruined, including that of my best friend, Father Gordon MacRae, why should anyone take interest in this ongoing tragedy in a world filled with injustice and corruption?

Well, well. Note to friends in the intelligence community: when you get this level of corruption from the powers that be, some of whom miraculously increase their financial worth out of thin air, and then go on to move up the political ladder right up inside the Capital Building in Washington, DC, you might notice that others, also foreign actors, have already noticed such filthy corruption with these same individuals, and those foreign actors know how to manipulate that corruption, right?

You’ll notice Claire Best mentioned a couple of times in this article. All y’all know the great work of Claire Best, right?

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Filed under Intelligence Community, Law enforcement

Most Blessed Sacrament: stormy night on the Sea of Galilee. But the CIA?

Father James Blount once said something akin to the following. It stuck in my memory because of his hilarious way of demonstrating walking on water. This is someone’s paraphrase:

  • If you do only one Holy Rosary a day that’s because it keeps you from drowning, or in other words, treading water we keep ourselves from drowning in misery, despair and sin. And so one Holy Rosary a day is good.
  • But, if you do two rosaries a day, instead of treading water you start to swim. You start to make progress and you are growing in the spiritual life.
  • If you do three rosaries a day you will have really made real progress.
  • And if by any chance you are able to do four rosaries a day you stop swimming and you start walking on top of the water.

And then dearest Father Blount says the same thing about the Most Blessed Sacrament and numbers of Holy Hours. One, two, three and four, you know, to walk on water even on a dark and story night.

If you’re praying the rosary quite a bit, if there’s an opportunity, you’re going to find yourself before the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is what it is. Mary and her cohort of angels will get you there.

Then, once you’re before the Most Blessed Sacrament, there’s just no two ways about it: you’re going to find yourself before the Most Blessed Sacrament really a lot. The only way to stop is one’s duty in life, sickness, death, and going to heaven.

Meanwhile, the reference to walking on water is to Peter jumping out of the boat when he saw Jesus walking on water. It was stormy. Instead of looking to Jesus, he looked to himself for the strength he did not have. He sank. None of us can walk on water of our own. Jesus is our Savior. “Lord, save me!”

In other words, just my surmising of the state of Father Blount’s soul… When Father Blount is up to four Holy Hours a day, he is so in solidarity with Jesus being in solidarity with us, that he is now on the cross on Calvary while chaotic fiery oceans of demons broken out on Calvary are defeated even while one is watching and praying while Jesus draws all to Himself as He is lifted high on the cross.

The Rosary leads to the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Oh, and that picture up top? That’s Jesus in a “new” tabernacle in the rectory. A retired CIA guy was able to get the tabernacle from a closing church. It is sometime after 3:00am this morning.


Filed under Adoration, Intelligence Community

Cynical usage of Intelligence Identities Protection Act 1982 PubL 97–200 50 USC §§ 421–426

[[ Sorry, but I have to repost this “for the record” yet again, as I have episodically done for years, always for cause. This time, an event occurred on Nov. 5, 2023, at, I’m guessing, +/-10:53 AM. Apologies for the precise if breathless syntax. Someone’s gotta do it.]]

The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 (Pub.L. 97–200, 50 U.S.C. §§ 421–426) can be summarized as that which makes it a Federal crime – enforced with a penalty of a fine or up to three years in prison or both regarding anyone with or without whatever security clearance and access / need to know – to compromise directly or by patterned indications an asset in extremely broadly defined circumstances (as assessed by courts in view of the bias of relevant agencies or bureaus = guaranteed conviction), regardless as to whether the scope of such a law compromises the Constitution and Constitutional rights of citizens in good standing, including their right to protect the viability of their very lives. Intent doesn’t matter. Wait… What? Isn’t this all supposed to be “of, by and for the people”?

But you gotta know that we’re dealing with those whose bias stemming from their counterintelligence gaslighting lifestyle greenlights all betrayal when the IIPA is turned back-to-front, upside-down, inside-out so as to protect identities of real assets by creating fall-guys of naïve citizens in good standing who are brought to have an inescapable lack of deniability by way of a baited history of a thousand circumstances and incidents, all innocent… but the naïve guy is nevertheless forthwith guilty of all that the real asset did to contravene the law both here and across our borders so as to accomplish whatever assignment, with the naïve guy wondering how it all happened while in solitary confinement. Whew!

Meanwhile, think of it, our Lord Jesus purposely baited the idiots of His own day to have Himself judged as guilty of all our sin. They put Him to death and Jesus accomplished that for which He came, to stand in our place, Innocent for the guilty, taking on that punishment for sin that we all deserve, death, so as to have the right in His own justice to have mercy on us. That’s makes me laugh with great joy.

You just can’t win in a baiting game with Jesus. Might as well just be forgiven and go to heaven.

And I still have two requests for DS-CC in North Rosslyn. All y’all know how to find me.

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Filed under Intelligence Community, Terrorism

FBI, America’s friend or foe? LifeSite from Treehouse. Heading to Martial Law?

That article is a must read, or listen, as LifeSite has an extremely useful “listen to the article” tool.

That article at LifeSite has a couple of in-article time-queued YouTube videos of Christopher Wray from November 1, 2023. I had listened to those the other day, and I had heard what Wray said, but this time a couple of sentences of his stood out for me:

  • “This is not a time for panic, but it is a time for vigilance. We shouldn’t stop conducting our daily lives, going to schools, houses of worship, but we should be vigilant.”

What that means is that attack is not considered indisputably imminent, is in motion, or is already taking place (DEFCON 1) at least that he’s going to tell us, and so there are no forced lockdowns and martial law right this moment, but we are absolutely to be [hyper]vigilant. For a politicized FBI to come up with that, against their own politics, is noteworthy.

What Wray’s seemingly out-of-character statement means is that we’re also to be at the ready in any number of ways. It doesn’t matter if Wray’s statement is simply an excuse for empire building, such as in: “Give us billions of dollars more for our budget because, like, times are dangerous!” What the truth of it is doesn’t matter. False flags can also be used to force lockdowns. In the case of martial law, there’s no more church-going allowed. Curfew means you’re shot on sight. Ready for that?

Even though Wray throws a measured tantrum to insist that we’re NOT at that stage, right now, the point is that threw the measured tantrum. He brought it up. That’s what’s being considered. Again, whether that’s all false-flag stuff, I don’t know. But I think the question is valid: Are you ready for that?

Perhaps I’m uselessly nostalgic, but can’t we have more of this:

But we might just see some acquisition of goods in times of lockdown:


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Intelligence Community, Law enforcement, Military, Terrorism

Day 2: Israel’s defensive war update. Israel was NOT caught off guard?

Blah blah blah. Instead, here’s a comprehensive article early on in this war:

It is quite impossible that Shin Bet, Aman, Mossad, IDF and what-have-you were caught off guard.

What’s not included in that update:

  • What happened at Iranian nuclear sites overnight.
    • Air strikes on Iranian nuclear sites were absolutely at the ready down to the finest detail for very many years indeed. These might not be reported immediately, like, what may have happened already, but I bet that these are ever more at the ready…
  • There’s not a chance that this was false flag by purposed neglect empire building.
    • While empire building by way of false flag operations, including “knowingly letting things go on purpose”, is as old as war itself, there’s no chance that this happened here. First off there are billions of dollars in military support already being received annually from these USA. Secondly, just no. /// Instead, I would put this down to the style of investigations leading up to this point. When infiltrating an enemy, such as is done by Shin Bet, Aman, the Mossad and the IDF over against Hamas and Hezbollah and their puppet masters in Iran, one notes who’s who and who they’re connected with, where munitions and suppliers are holed up, where tunnels are, etc. It’s not that not enough information was coming in; it’s that there was so much wildly important information providing connections and locations that the temptation to take just “a little bit more time” for just “a little bit more information” was a temptation too great to pass up, right? After all, everyone and their pet dog would know that just as soon as Biden released billions of dollars to the Iranian terrorist state that Hamas and Hezbollah, puppets of Iran, would go into action. It didn’t take long. But this is NOT malice. It’s impossible to know the right time in all prudence to shut off information and go on a pre-emptive attack that the rest of the world is going to have a hard time swallowing. It is what it is. War is hell.

And do you think that we, these USA (with our own CIA et alii) knew nothing about this? There’s zero chance of that. Zero.

As one guy said in the comments, we should take note what’s happening at the border of these USA.


Filed under Intelligence Community, Military, Terrorism

Jewish DoJ Merrick Garland discredits himself, virtue-signaling holocaust as cover for FBI oiling up the trains for faithful Catholics

Just 3’11” to 3’22” is enough, but watch the whole thing for context.

I am reminded of Peter Strzok Jr’s self-defense in Congress when he said that he couldn’t possibly ever do anything wrong at any time because he self-proclaims himself to be patriotic. Such virtue-signaling outrageously disrespects all true patriots who fill our National Cemeteries and who have served the American people with honor.

For Merrick Garland to say he could never discriminate against any religion because he’s Jewish (and he does have family members who survived the Shoah) is to virtue-signal the holocaust, using each and every person who died as a license for him to do the same to others. This is supreme disrespect for those who were murdered. It is a betrayal of all Jews, living and dead.

I’m guessing that not even one of those who suffered the holocaust would wish ill on a whole class of people, including those innocent of any crime whatsoever. What is it with Merrick Garland?

Let’s just say the quiet part out loud:

  • Justice isn’t about hatred and vengeance, about taking out one’s power-tripping on innocent people, making sure, in this case, that the prize, abortion abortion abortion, cannot, will not be hindered by faithful Catholics who go to Holy Mass and are pro-life. But there is a two-tiered system of “justice” justified by virtue-signaling. The very people trampled in this way will appear at the final judgment of the living and the dead and will be the ones to accuse those who virtue-signaled at their expense.

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Filed under Intelligence Community

[Update:] Steaks in the trash. Too bad, that. [Bonus: Jesus Christ, you are my life!]


[[[ UPDATE: This post if from 2018, five years ago as of this update. Lot’s of things were going on at the time. So very annoying. Scroll down for the update. ]]]

As soon as I got these steaks on dry ice anonymously in the mail, I put up a note on the blog saying that my absolute policy is not to take gifts from intel. I have that policy because it happens, a lot. If something arrives from the ol’ anonymous person, into the trash it goes unless they fess up. In this case, after a grace period, no one has. So, there it goes, into the trash. Here are the pictures starting with them being placed in a trash bag:


And then into the city trash bin:


I’m sure I’ll hear about it just as soon as they are thawed out, saying what a fool I am, that those were from so and so friend of mine. Too bad, that. You had your chance to fess up.

“Procedures only work if you follow them every time.”

/// UPDATE: Said to be from Flushing [an up and coming Chinatown], it seems it’s actually from “Bucharest”. The guy felt he just had to email the post to a buddy. See “/?msg” at the end…

From scamalytics…

Another gift in the mail to come, I suppose.

It just makes the city landfill fuller.

By the way, I wouldn’t have thought anything of this as I have a rather spooky friend in that part of the world. It’s just that scamalytics gives this IP a score of 100% criminal fraudulent activity for internet traffic they can see from this IP.

I think people should just get a life. Hey! I know! …

Go to Confession!

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Filed under Intelligence Community

SOUND OF FREEDOM review: Trafficking of kids run by DHS, I mean, by Catholic Charities?

First of all, watch that presentation above.

Now, let’s talk adrenaline. These kids are kidnapped, transported, raped continuously about to death, then horrifically tortured to extract adrenaline from them (for sale to the highest bidder), then their organs are harvested while they are somehow still alive, with no pain killers (as that would nullify the acceptability of the organs). And don’t think they don’t do it at a hospital near you.

Two million kids at any given time. And they’re all dead within two weeks (average in New York City), or just a bit longer depending on the supply chain. That can mean many tens of millions of kids every year.

A few years ago, this was a few billion dollar industry. Right now it’s 152 billion. In a few years this will be a trillion dollar industry.

And no one wants to talk about it because everyone is gawking at kiddie porn. That could all be stopped instantly by the way of imprisonment of media moguls. But no. Nothing.

America has no conscience. Contraception (treating others as pieces of meat, not human beings), abortion (the ultimate narcissism), euthanasia (the entitled removing of the pesky reminder of the same consequences of original sin and our own sin), same-sex promotion (the shaking of one’s fist at God, at the image of God in us: male-female-marriage-family), “vaccines” (which use living, breathing well developed, healthy kids removed from the womb, organs extracted and replicated).

  • Tim Ballard, with all of his foundations, is still working the rescues as I write this. Thank you Tim.
  • Glen Devitt, over at foundationsentinel.org, is still working the rescues as I write this. Thank you Glen.

Et alii. Meanwhile, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing… Don’t be caught up too much in what is presented. That’s all good. That’s all necessary. But there’s also a message in what’s not presented.

There’s zero criticism of DHS which basically runs the anti-child trafficking. There can be terribly unexpected evil reasons for not putting more of an emphasis on the 85,000 kids gone missing AT OUR BORDER, you know, so that it almost seems that counterintelligence operations against the American people are distracting us from what’s happening right here right now, that DHS has been running the child trafficking under the cover of being anti-trafficking.

And why is it, again, that it is forbidden to do DNA checks to ascertain veracity of claims of kids belong to supposed parents?

Our heroes might not be saying anything because their biggest enemies are DHS and CBP. Are they, by, say, SOUND OF FREEDOM educating as many as possible without letting on to the powers that be that we are onto them. Let’s do a review:

The actual powers that be, whether in Church or State, absolutely will not do anything because they’ve all given in. And so they entrench all the more. And they hate those who don’t mirror them absolutely and try to destroy them in any way possible.

What you done to the least of these you’ve done to me, says Jesus. But the powers that be don’t believe in Jesus at all.

Keep the faith. Love God. Love your neighbor as yourself. Don’t ask what if it was your kid. Ask if it was yourself. Because you’re next.

Having said all that, absolutely do go an see SOUND OF FREEDOM. It’s a great education. Necessary.

Now’s the time. Today is the day of salvation.


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Intelligence Community, Law enforcement