Tag Archives: Terrorism

Click and a jam. Pastor lives.

The other day in Pennsylvania. Yikes! In the videos all over the internet you can hear the click and the jam.

How’s your situational awareness? Hard to tell from the picture, but is that a cross-draw belly-band elastic holster he’s got on underneath the T-Shirt? The Gym-shorts/PJ bottoms combo wouldn’t much work.

Here’s the deacon flying over the rail, simultaneously tackling the perp and wanting to get control of the weapon. Adrenaline permits much:

Awesome, that. A nanosecond later, having spun the perp around and having seated him on the steps and grabbing the gun from him:

Not all churches have such deacons!

I’m guessing that the deacon has some military/LEO experience!

Be aware that not all guns always end up with a mere click and a jam.

Be aware that angels aren’t necessarily going to save us from any such event. The job of the angels is to get us to heaven at the time that is best for our souls. The angels will always do what it takes. We just need to be doing the will of God at every moment. That includes being at the ready like the deacon above, if we can, if we have the circumstances of health to be at the ready in this way.

Does your church have any kind of security measures… at all?

Here’s a FRC analysis of terrorist incidents against churches in these USA from 2018-2023.

Something to think about.

Having a security detail is not an insult to guardian angels, by the way. Angels can handle anything instantly. But our angels want us to do what we can so that we can learn some charity instead of throwing all responsibility onto them.

The point isn’t “winning” from an earthly perspective:

  • “Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” (Mt 26:53-54).

The point is doing the will of God. That may be that we suffer martyrdom. All glory be to God. Meanwhile, we do what we can in charity. It is not charity to do absolutely nothing preventative all nonchalantly when we know that bad stuff happens this side of the judgment. We need to praise God for what He provides that is good and for what He permits that is evil… the latter with the view of drawing a great good from the evil that is permitted.

It’s not that God isn’t paying attention. It’s part of the effects of original sin that we might perhaps suffer the aggression of others in this world. Can we learn to forgive? Can we learn to go to heaven. That’s the point.

Jesus might for a moment, while we’re in this world, save us from some of those effects of (original) sin, you know, from the continuing weakness of mind, of will, of getting sick and dying, of being tempted, of feeling to be in darkness, feeling far from God, being smacked down by others… all effects of sin which are not suffered in heaven at all.

But the point of Jesus saving us is not to take away, in this world, the just effects of sin chosen with the sin, original sin and otherwise, but to provide us with a humble and contrite heart should we want it, to provide us with forgiveness, to provide us with His presence, to draw us into His friendship, His grace, which, as Saint Paul says, turns to glory in heaven, where no such effects of sin are to be suffered any longer. The point is to have us learn to be charitable to others.

Whether God provides a “click and a jam” or permits that we have the privilege of giving our lives in witness of His love and truth, it’s all good, whatever is best for us. He knows what is best for us, whether we live a bit longer or die immediately in witness of Him.

Meanwhile, God wants us to be charitable, to be at the ready like the deacon flying over the railing and doing the necessary. First of all that means opening our eyes to understand that God can and will permit bad things to happen but only to bring a greater good that is according to His will. That’s huge. Most people throw a tantrum and just say that God would never ever ever permit something bad even if for the greater good. Really? …

Back to the question: does your church have any security measures at all?

We can’t be lackadaisical about this. I remember making a comment on such things some years ago and this time a Catholic deacon reprimanded me, saying that we must, in charity, just let the entire congregation be gunned down, because, you know, being nice to the perp and all that. And no, evil does not make sense.

Are you able to join or set up a security commission in your church?


Filed under Situational awareness, Spiritual life, Terrorism

Boston Strong. Patriots Day. Lest we forget.

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Filed under Patriotism, Terrorism

Hamas hatred of Israel? Ask Thailand.

In fact, ask those who have suffered, a lot. Ask Father Gordon MacRae about this:


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Filed under Terrorism

Cynical usage of Intelligence Identities Protection Act 1982 PubL 97–200 50 USC §§ 421–426

[[ Sorry, but I have to repost this “for the record” yet again, as I have episodically done for years, always for cause. This time, an event occurred on Nov. 5, 2023, at, I’m guessing, +/-10:53 AM. Apologies for the precise if breathless syntax. Someone’s gotta do it.]]

The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 (Pub.L. 97–200, 50 U.S.C. §§ 421–426) can be summarized as that which makes it a Federal crime – enforced with a penalty of a fine or up to three years in prison or both regarding anyone with or without whatever security clearance and access / need to know – to compromise directly or by patterned indications an asset in extremely broadly defined circumstances (as assessed by courts in view of the bias of relevant agencies or bureaus = guaranteed conviction), regardless as to whether the scope of such a law compromises the Constitution and Constitutional rights of citizens in good standing, including their right to protect the viability of their very lives. Intent doesn’t matter. Wait… What? Isn’t this all supposed to be “of, by and for the people”?

But you gotta know that we’re dealing with those whose bias stemming from their counterintelligence gaslighting lifestyle greenlights all betrayal when the IIPA is turned back-to-front, upside-down, inside-out so as to protect identities of real assets by creating fall-guys of naïve citizens in good standing who are brought to have an inescapable lack of deniability by way of a baited history of a thousand circumstances and incidents, all innocent… but the naïve guy is nevertheless forthwith guilty of all that the real asset did to contravene the law both here and across our borders so as to accomplish whatever assignment, with the naïve guy wondering how it all happened while in solitary confinement. Whew!

Meanwhile, think of it, our Lord Jesus purposely baited the idiots of His own day to have Himself judged as guilty of all our sin. They put Him to death and Jesus accomplished that for which He came, to stand in our place, Innocent for the guilty, taking on that punishment for sin that we all deserve, death, so as to have the right in His own justice to have mercy on us. That’s makes me laugh with great joy.

You just can’t win in a baiting game with Jesus. Might as well just be forgiven and go to heaven.

And I still have two requests for DS-CC in North Rosslyn. All y’all know how to find me.

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Filed under Intelligence Community, Terrorism

Here are the Israeli hostages posters, putting faces and backstories to the numbers, print-able, put-up-able, slideshow-able

That’s an example above. Here are the two pdfs with all posters:




Filed under Terrorism

FBI, America’s friend or foe? LifeSite from Treehouse. Heading to Martial Law?

That article is a must read, or listen, as LifeSite has an extremely useful “listen to the article” tool.

That article at LifeSite has a couple of in-article time-queued YouTube videos of Christopher Wray from November 1, 2023. I had listened to those the other day, and I had heard what Wray said, but this time a couple of sentences of his stood out for me:

  • “This is not a time for panic, but it is a time for vigilance. We shouldn’t stop conducting our daily lives, going to schools, houses of worship, but we should be vigilant.”

What that means is that attack is not considered indisputably imminent, is in motion, or is already taking place (DEFCON 1) at least that he’s going to tell us, and so there are no forced lockdowns and martial law right this moment, but we are absolutely to be [hyper]vigilant. For a politicized FBI to come up with that, against their own politics, is noteworthy.

What Wray’s seemingly out-of-character statement means is that we’re also to be at the ready in any number of ways. It doesn’t matter if Wray’s statement is simply an excuse for empire building, such as in: “Give us billions of dollars more for our budget because, like, times are dangerous!” What the truth of it is doesn’t matter. False flags can also be used to force lockdowns. In the case of martial law, there’s no more church-going allowed. Curfew means you’re shot on sight. Ready for that?

Even though Wray throws a measured tantrum to insist that we’re NOT at that stage, right now, the point is that threw the measured tantrum. He brought it up. That’s what’s being considered. Again, whether that’s all false-flag stuff, I don’t know. But I think the question is valid: Are you ready for that?

Perhaps I’m uselessly nostalgic, but can’t we have more of this:

But we might just see some acquisition of goods in times of lockdown:


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Intelligence Community, Law enforcement, Military, Terrorism

Al Aqsa Flood’s Day of Jihad 13 Oct 2023

Hamas’ talking heads say:

  • You’re a bunch of meanies, Israel. Turn our electricity back on in Gaza! Be nice!


  • Hey! Here’s an idea: Stop chopping off the heads of babies. Stop burning people alive. Stop your murdering and hostage taking. Stop launching thousands of missiles. Stop escalating. We will not negotiate with your satanic violence.

Meanwhile, continuing with satanic violence, today, Friday October 13, Hamas is escalating, calling for a global jihad against all Jews and Christians, but with an emphasis on taking over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, specifically “to protect”, they say, الأقصى, al Aqsa (the Soul), which is the mosque you see in the video above with the blackest of all black domes ever, even blacker than Saint Peter’s ever blackening dome, for now anyway.

Some 33 years ago I “invaded” al Aqsa, sat down on the carpet more than half way up, there being some Muslim men scattered about, and I proceeded to reclaim the site for our Lord by quietly singing from memory the Victimae paschali laudes and the Salve Regina, because, that’s what any Catholic priest would do, right?

I got this idea from Islam. If you see a Muslim praying, wherever he is, that place is being claimed, in his mind, for Islam. Just thought I would return the favor.


Filed under Interreligious dialogue, Terrorism

Day 2: Israel’s defensive war update. Israel was NOT caught off guard?

Blah blah blah. Instead, here’s a comprehensive article early on in this war:

It is quite impossible that Shin Bet, Aman, Mossad, IDF and what-have-you were caught off guard.

What’s not included in that update:

  • What happened at Iranian nuclear sites overnight.
    • Air strikes on Iranian nuclear sites were absolutely at the ready down to the finest detail for very many years indeed. These might not be reported immediately, like, what may have happened already, but I bet that these are ever more at the ready…
  • There’s not a chance that this was false flag by purposed neglect empire building.
    • While empire building by way of false flag operations, including “knowingly letting things go on purpose”, is as old as war itself, there’s no chance that this happened here. First off there are billions of dollars in military support already being received annually from these USA. Secondly, just no. /// Instead, I would put this down to the style of investigations leading up to this point. When infiltrating an enemy, such as is done by Shin Bet, Aman, the Mossad and the IDF over against Hamas and Hezbollah and their puppet masters in Iran, one notes who’s who and who they’re connected with, where munitions and suppliers are holed up, where tunnels are, etc. It’s not that not enough information was coming in; it’s that there was so much wildly important information providing connections and locations that the temptation to take just “a little bit more time” for just “a little bit more information” was a temptation too great to pass up, right? After all, everyone and their pet dog would know that just as soon as Biden released billions of dollars to the Iranian terrorist state that Hamas and Hezbollah, puppets of Iran, would go into action. It didn’t take long. But this is NOT malice. It’s impossible to know the right time in all prudence to shut off information and go on a pre-emptive attack that the rest of the world is going to have a hard time swallowing. It is what it is. War is hell.

And do you think that we, these USA (with our own CIA et alii) knew nothing about this? There’s zero chance of that. Zero.

As one guy said in the comments, we should take note what’s happening at the border of these USA.


Filed under Intelligence Community, Military, Terrorism

If a Kabul Airport rescue team consulted me then you gotta know that… [re-post 2 years later lest we forget]

Since the second that Traitor Biden called for a fear-filled middle of the night retreat betraying everyone in the world and untold numbers of friends on the ground there has been a group of U.S. veterans of Afghanistan who have been working 24/7 to get trusted friends of years out of that now hell-hole. Literally, they’ve not slept for the past week and a half.

I got a call yesterday from this group wanting my contacts actively in communication with what’s happening inside Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKAIA) and environs so that last second logistics could be arranged. I did that. You never know whose friend of a friend will be the key to getting out one… more… soul…

What I heard in the voice of this long-time friend dragged me right into the middle of all this, filling me with adrenaline. I said that I wanted to fly them over right now and Just. Get. The. Job. Done. He was, of course, simply mission driven, dead pan logical, already doing the impossible with the impossible.

Here’s the deal: If I was consulted about HKAIA, a mere priest in the back ridges of Appalachia, you gotta know that the situation is even worse than what we see on the news, much worse. Hell… Hell…

What more can I do? Lower the flag? And pray? Yes, both of these things…

Hopefully this handing over of contact info will be one of a myriad little things that will accomplish the goal, which in this case is about getting close, trusted friends out, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one… no sleep… gotta get it done… one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one … by … … …

… dead … silence …

Hail Mary… pray for us now and at the hour of our death…


Filed under Military, Terrorism

September 11, 2001 – Lest we forget our future

september 11 2001 twin towers falling
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 9-11-september-11-2001-cross.png

It was just after 10:46:40 PM on the evening of September 11, 2001, in the chapel of the major seminary of the diocese of Wagga Wagga, Australia (14 hours ahead of us), during a Holy Hour (I taught Scripture and languages in that seminary) that one of the seminarians ran into the chapel and – out loud – said that I had to come and look at the television. I was the only American at the seminary. He didn’t say what it was about, so I ignored him.

A few minutes later another seminarian came in to fetch me saying it was really important. America was being attacked. There are planes… You just have to come. Now. I went. He ran down the long hallway the length of the seminary. I ran as best I could. Now I was worried.

I looked at the television screen and made the sign of the cross, said the Lord’s prayer and the Hail Mary.

May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.


Filed under Terrorism