Tag Archives: SCOTUS

I’ll appeal to SCOTUS, of course. CDC friends threaten to get attorneys. Ooo! “Attorneys”

UPDATE: Department of Justice checking into this post:

I’m guessing that named visit means that some underling thinks there are plenty of ways to win over against the free exercise of religion, with the ideology that morality is always and only politics and never has anything to do with religion, you know, like the Ten Commandments. Imagine that, preaching the Ten Commandments being felonious behavior.

===== original post =====

To protect the innocent and to give plenty of logistical space to accusers to hang themselves all the more violently, the content of this post will refrain from reciting some ferocious truths and the most biting of ironies.

It seems that reference has been made by those considering themselves to be friends of the CDC and friends of directors of health policies that attorneys will now be contacted to… stop yours truly… from speaking to immoral mask and “vaccine” policies.

It seems that there are those in the world who don’t like my Covid policy for those assisting at Holy Mass. They want to stop me altogether, perhaps have me put in prison.

What’s my Covid policy? Glad you asked. I’ve repeatedly, intensely, clearly indicated the points of my policy over recent years, and I’m happy to repeat it yet again, and if I’m given a momentary world-stage to proclaim this policy, I will rejoice:

  • The bishop has granted a dispensation from the obligation to assist at Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation. He’s not forbidding you to come to Mass. He’s just saying that it’s your decision as to whether you come to Mass. For my part, I’m going to be saying Holy Mass at the Altar of Sacrifice alone with Jesus, but the doors of the Church will happen to be open. If you choose to come to Mass, you can wear a mask or not. There are medical reasons not to wear a mask, such as having asthma. I’m not going to embarrass anyone whenever they come into church without a mask and force them to explain how it is that they’ve come in without a mask. I’m not a police officer and neither the Church nor the State can make me an enforcement officer forbidding people to fulfill their first amendment rights to free exercise of religion. Also, if you see non-social distancing, like twenty people in a six person pew, it might be that those people belong to one or two families who happen all to live in the same trailer. I’m not going to embarrass them and force them to explain this to people every time they come to church. It’s legal not to socially distance when you live in the same house.

That’s from memory, but I can definitely swear that that’s verbatim, or words very close to that effect. I said it so very many times, also repeating all that to the bishop, who, I’m sure, will be happy to be subpoenaed along with my parishioners just to establish that fact. :-) So, this is for the record.

But what is it that world-class agitators want me to say? Well, I’m no mind reader, so that’s hard to say. But it might actually be a disagreement not so much about masks, which the CDC is continuously ambiguous and inconsistent about, but rather about the “vaccines.” From the get-go, I’ve been extremely clear about the objectively mortally sinful immorality of pharmaceutical laboratories strapping a woman onto a gurney so as to rip an absolutely healthy, absolutely developed baby fully alive in the womb out of the woman, so that it’s now screaming, getting lots of oxygen into its organs and, without anesthesia, ripping the living, healthy organs out of the baby while it screams, the kidneys, the pancreas, the lungs, the eyes… all for research, development, and testing all along the way, you know, full on murder for the “benefit” of adults, that is, for the bank accounts of big pharma.

Jesus said, what you’ve done to the least of these, you’ve done to me. Jesus was also in the womb of His dearest Immaculate Mother for nine months. Do you think His wrath will not be great against those who have sacrificed babies for themselves? Here’s Jesus, a couple of cells big, in the womb of His Mother, while John the Baptist, in the womb of his mother, is already six months old:

And while all this has to do also with Natural Law, I might remind interested parties what Saint Paul VI stated early on in the last encyclical of his pontificate, published near the beginning of his pontificate, Humanae vitae:

  • “No member of the faithful could possibly deny that the Church is competent in her magisterium to interpret the natural moral law. It is in fact indisputable, as Our predecessors have many times declared, (1) that Jesus Christ, when He communicated His divine power to Peter and the other Apostles and sent them to teach all nations His commandments, (2) constituted them as the authentic guardians and interpreters of the whole moral law, not only, that is, of the law of the Gospel but also of the natural law. For the natural law, too, declares the will of God, and its faithful observance is necessary for men’s eternal salvation. (3)
    • (1) See Pius IX, encyc. letter Oui pluribus: Pii IX P.M. Acta, 1, pp. 9-10; St. Pius X encyc. letter Singulari quadam: AAS 4 (1912), 658; Pius XI, encyc.letter Casti connubii: AAS 22 (1930), 579-581; Pius XII, address Magnificate Dominum to the episcopate of the Catholic World: AAS 46 (1954), 671-672; John XXIII, encyc. letter Mater et Magistra: AAS 53 (1961), 457.
    • (2) See Mt 28. 18-19.
    • (3) See Mt 7. 21.

And here’s what Saint Pio of Pietrelcina thought about all this, he having sent a letter on Humanae vitae to Saint Paul VI less than two months after it was published and less than two weeks before Padre Pio died. Humanae vitae was against contraception, to be sure, but also against abortifacients and abortion. Paul VI responded to Padre Pio, but the response arrived after Pio died:

  • Your Holiness: Availing myself of Your Holiness’ meeting with the Capitular Fathers, I unite myself in spirit with my Brothers, and in a spirit of faith, love and obedience to the greatness of Him whom you represent on earth, offer my respectful homage to Your August Person, humbly kneeling at Your feet. The Capuchin Order has always been among the first in their love, fidelity, and reverence for the Holy See. I pray the Lord that its members remain ever thus, continuing their tradition of seriousness and religious asceticism evangelical poverty, faithful observance of the Rule and Constitutions, renewing themselves in vigorous living and deep interior spirit—always ready, at the least gesture from Your Holiness, to go forward at once to assist the Church in her needs. I know that Your heart suffers much these days on account of the happenings in the Church: for peace in the world, for the great needs of its peoples; but above all, for the lack of obedience of some, even Catholics, to the lofty teachings which You, assisted by the Holy Spirit and in the name of God, have given us. I offer Your Holiness my daily prayers and sufferings, the insignificant but sincere offering of the least of your sons, asking the Lord to comfort you with His grace to continue along the direct yet often burdensome way—in defense of those eternal truths which can never change with the times. In the name of my spiritual sons and of the “Praying Groups” I thank Your Holiness for the clear and decisive words You have spoken in the recent encyclical, “Humanae vitae”, and I reaffirm my own faith and my unconditional obedience to Your inspired directives. May God grant truth to triumph, and, may peace be given to His Church, tranquility to the people of the earth, and health and prosperity to Your Holiness, so that when these disturbing clouds pass over, the Reign of God may triumph in all hearts, through the Apostolic Works of the Supreme Shepherd of all Christians. Prostrate at Your feet, I beg you to bless me, my Brothers in religion, my spiritual sons, the “Praying Groups”, all the sick—that we may faithfully fulfill the good works done in the Name of Jesus and under your protection. Your Holiness’ most humble servant, PADRE PIO, Capuchin – San Giovanni Rotondo, 12th September 1968.
    • (l’Osservatore Romano – Weekly Edition in English – 10 October 1968)

So, as I say, I don’t know where these people are coming from. Hey! Maybe they just hate me. That’s O.K. What I want for them is that they get close(r) to Jesus and make their way to heaven. And that’s why I have such policies. If I proffered anything else, I think I would go straight to hell. But I want to go to heaven.

To all these people, whether connected in some way to the CDC or to health policy directors, I don’t care if I’m not your friend, but I do want to be the priest for you. I want the best for you. Choose life. Choose heaven.


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Paul VI, Politics, SCOTUS

Father Gordon: “Meta-descriptions I wish I could write: What a bunch of assholes.” LOL

The great Father Gordon J MacRae finally get’s to publish his perspective on the overturning of Roe v Wade by the Supreme Court. The Unspoken Racist Arena of Roe v. Wade

He called up this morning and asked me to go to the post, our usual on a Wednesday morning. We discussed the graphics of the post and then he asked me to review his SERP, that is, his meta-description or what we might call a lengthy sub-title:

  • “Catholic priests and politicians who are silent about abortion often cite racism as a higher moral priority. Are they blind to the racist oppression of Roe v. Wade?”

You have to know that black babies are by far the vast, vast majority of babies who are murdered in the womb, truly a genocide of black people, with racist, purposely genocidal Planned Parenthood putting their abortuaries in poor, black neighborhoods, defending their “rights” to kill themsleves (which has always been a goal of the Democrat party of the KKK.

So, I started to read that SERP, that metadescription out loud to him over the phone. Without missing a beat, this is how it went, sending us both into uproarious laughter over the phone:

  • “Catholic priests and politicians who are silent about abortion often cite racism as a higher moral priority. What a bunch of assholes.


After our fit of laughter subsided a bit, only to return many times, Father Gordon expressed his immediate desire to edit his original with my revised edition.


Filed under Pro-Life, Racism

Pope Francis on SCOTUS and Pelosi’s sacrilege

So, Pope Francis gave another long interview, this time to Reuters.

Below I include the bit about the Supreme Courts overturning of Roe v Wade and Nancy Pelosi receiving Holy Communion.

Pope Francis claims ignorance of the law and so can’t comment on that, but does say that abortion is like hiring a sicario, a hit man. But then, establishing that abortion is so very evil, he condemns anyone who would say that pro-abortion politicians like Nancy Pelosi should be denied Holy Communion, with that condemnation carrying the moniker of “non-pastoral”, which, by the way, is enough to have someone removed from ministry. That puts all priests and bishops on notice, and it’s a green light to all sinners to F*** sacramental Confession and just go to Holy Communion in mortal sin, eating and drinking their own condemnation, as Saint Paul warns, thus mocking themselves, mocking the least of the brethren in the womb, and mocking Christ Jesus.

  • “Asked about the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling establishing a woman’s right to have an abortion, Francis said he respected the decision but did not have enough information to speak about it from a juridical point of view. But he strongly condemned abortion, comparing it to “hiring a hit man”. The Catholic Church teaches that life begins at the moment of conception. “I ask: Is it legitimate, is it right, to eliminate a human life to resolve a problem?”
  • Francis was asked about a debate in the United States over whether a Catholic politician who is personally opposed to abortion but supports others’ right to choose should be allowed to receive the sacrament of communion. House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi, for example, has been barred by the conservative archbishop of her home diocese of San Francisco from receiving it there, but is regularly given communion at a parish in Washington, D.C. Last week, she received the sacrament at a papal Mass in the Vatican. “When the Church loses its pastoral nature, when a bishop loses his pastoral nature, it causes a political problem,” the pope said. “That’s all I can say.”

That’s all you can say, is it? I wonder how that’s going to work out before Him who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. We pray for conversion: Hail Mary…


Filed under Confession, Eucharist, Pope Francis, Pro-Life

Taylor Marshall ups the stakes for women on sex-strike. I laughed throughout. GREAT job, Taylor.



Filed under Pro-Life, SCOTUS

Merrick Garland effectively gives free reign to terrorist attacks. Any violence is on him.

In saying that the entire Department of Justice, which includes the FBI, strongly disagrees with the Supreme Court’s decision on overturning Roe v Wade, and considering that Merrick is not prosecuting those protesting at the houses of the Justices of the Supreme Court [just being present to protest is already a felony in the U.S. Code], this means that he’s effectively encouraging terrorist groups like Jane’s Revenge to engage in the “Night of Rage” and then the “Summer of Rage.”

This guy needs to be impeached, or whatever it is you do with Attorneys General who assist by way of benign neglect in terrorizing the American people.

Directly to Merrick: Do your job, Merrick. If any harm comes to Justices of the Supreme Court, if any harm comes to pro-life pregnancy centers, if any harm comes to Catholic churches, it’s all on you, Merrick.

UPDATE: I saw this in the statute previously and dismissed it, but some say that since the decision is issued, any protests at the homes of SCOTUS justices no longer falls under the regulatory statute. I know nothing, but I think that one would have to prove (and that is a high bar, I know, but easy in this case, I think), that the protests after the decision are the same as those before the decision, with the same people and the same motive, that is, now, to force the Court to ignore the law and overturn their just made decision overturning Wade. It’s all at the same Justices’ homes, a continuum of “mostly peaceful protests” which put the lives of the Justices and their children at risk. This is just something that would have to tried in court, that is, the lack of action in the post-decision time frame as tied to the lack of action in pre-decision time frame.

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Filed under Free exercise of religion, Intelligence Community, Law enforcement, Pro-Life, SCOTUS

SCOTUS STRONG! 2022-06-24: Abortion goes to States’ voters. Struggle continues, but we rejoice!

The integrity of the Court has been upheld. Thank you, Justices, for holding strong.

I love that this was published on the Feast of Saint John the Baptist and the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. John, at six months old in the womb, was sanctified in the womb of his mother Elizabeth. This was done by Jesus, who was only hours old in the womb of His Immaculate Mother, Mary.

Here’s the decision: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf

  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (19-1392) — The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833, are overruled; the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.
  • ALITO, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which THOMAS, GORSUCH, KAVANAUGH, and BARRETT, JJ., joined. THOMAS, J., and KAVANAUGH, J., filed concurring opinions. ROBERTS, C. J., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment. BREYER, SOTOMAYOR, and KAGAN, JJ., filed a dissenting opinion.

Roe v Wade was legislation from the bench which, as fake legislation, was a betrayal of the Constitution of these United States. Legislating belongs to the legislature, not to the judiciary. The judiciary is not to be a tyrant. That’s Civics 101. Oh. I forgot, we don’t have Civics anymore. We have “Social Studies.” It’s good that Roe v Wade is gone even regardless of what it was about. But there is still a struggle to bring murderous pro-abortion states to entirely cancel abortion and promote life from natural conception to natural death.

The paid-for Marxists will now ramp up their violence. As with the hellish “Summer of Love”, the White House with its Marxist Justice Department and the Reps and Senators of Congress will encourage the rape, murder, arson and wholesale total destruction of property and infrastructure.

Are you ready to brave all this in the upcoming midterm elections? That’s what the chaos is about, to scare you into not voting.

This SCOTUS decision makes the mid-term elections extremely important. Pro-aborts alive or dead or having moved but nevertheless voting multiple times in multiple states will be out in numbers, a zombie apocalypse. They want massive numbers of Democrats appointed to a huge SCOTUS. They want to get rid of the Filibuster.

Meanwhile, although this is about Natural Law applicable to everyone, true religion must also follow Natural Law for the salvation of the soul. But there are politicians who claim to be religious who are pro-abortion. There are bishops and priests who claim to be religious who are pro-abortion. Well, well…

  • Today’s SCOTUS decision makes “Catholic” pro-abortion politicians look especially stupid and murderous. They need to repent, publicly, then go to Sacramental Confession.
  • Today’s SCOTUS decision makes pro-abortion (cardinal) (arch)bishops and pro-abortion priests look especially stupid and murderous, those who have covered for the pro-abortion politicians, giving them Holy Communion with zero repentance, or simply nicely requesting – pretty please – that pro-abortion politicians don’t receive Holy Communion. SCOTUS sees through the lies of Satan, the murderer and liar from the beginning. Why don’t pro-abortion (cardinal) (arch)bishops and priests see through the lies and the murder? What you do is deny Holy Communion to these hellions.

Just like the Vatican entrenches in Covid lies and pushes the abortion derived “vaccines” even while secular society is beginning to toss restrictions, just so I expect that the Vatican is going to bemoan the SCOTUS decision by giving yet more honors and rewards to the pro-abortionists of the world, and then honoring pro-abortion bishops with the title of Cardinal. (That just happened.) The more murder and lies, the more honors and rewards. They’ve received their reward already. By the way, on this note, Pope Francis just did a real-estate deal with the anti-life devil, Bill Gates. Sooooo disappointing. This involves sovereign Vatican territory… Anyway…

There will be an incomparably more Supreme Tribunal at which the Lord God will stand in judgment of those who by their lies have put to death the least of the brethren, whether in secular society or within the Church. They all think they have power now, even after this SCOTUS decision, but they will find out – always much sooner than later – who is the One having real power, He who is Love, Living Truth and, by the way, Justice, who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.

But for the next few hours, we celebrate this small victory, when SCOTUS agreed with the God of Life!

Again, thank you Justices!


Filed under Pro-Life, SCOTUS

SCOTUS protects 2nd Amendment for self-defense for citizens, not just militias!

New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen (20-843)

This will save lives, beginning immediately. Yay!

  • “New York’s proper-cause requirement for obtaining an unrestricted license to carry a concealed firearm violates the Fourteenth Amendment in that it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

There’s another issuance day tomorrow, 24 June 2022, and the possibility of two more issuance days next week. The decision on whether or not Roe v Wade is to be overturned, sending the abortion issue back to voters in the States will take place on one of those three days.

This great decision protecting the 2nd amendment is just in time for the possible mayhem after the upcoming decision on Roe v Wade. Jane’s Revenge has promised horrific violence. The FBI has confirmed evidence that the threats are legit, saying Catholic churches, Catholic bishops and Catholic priests specifically will be attacked the night of any decision that Jane’s Revenge thinks is adverse to them. DHS has said that such a threat will continue until the end of November (after weird counting of mid-term election ballots).

So, I’m proud of SCOTUS today. Yay!

This makes me nostalgic. The year I was born Dad was accredited to the Supreme Court of these United States:

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Filed under Guns, SCOTUS

More hacking, stalking, gaslighting. Profiles begin to emerge. For the record.

There’s been some interesting techy activity recently in my little world. Even while writing this very post, in draft, it was disappeared from the screen and put into the trash. I got it back into draft, saved it in a text file, and restored the post. This happens really a lot. It’s just gaslighting. In court, whoever it is would just say they were having fun. But, as we’ll see, this is actually likely an attack on the free exercise of religion and free speech, both serious crimes, especially if it’s tied to any upcoming attacks. A brief history:

  • Perhaps unrelated, but I first noticed this kind of activity not too long ago when my two prized videos of the Discalced Carmelite Monastery’s Stations of the Cross that stretch alongside the cliff edge of Mount Carmel high above Haifa, Israel, were erased by someone hacking into my locked-down YouTube page, erasing just those videos. Perhaps some sort of extortion will be presented to me about those videos, to get them back. But I suspect this is a mere episode of gaslighting.
  • Anyway, provably, my blog subscriptions have been hacked, shadow-banning pretty much all would-be readers. I say provably because I help others with their emails because of their being presently incapacitated. I see the results of shadow-banning of myself inside their own communications.
  • Some months ago an Intel officer of some 28 years, a parishioner, who had done his job while a $50,000,00 bounty was on his head for many of those years, asked me about what I thought of the email he had sent me. “What email?” I asked. I had been getting emails from him regularly but not for some months more recently. While researching my difficulty in receiving his emails, he got me on the phone and together we delved into his address book. Someone had hacked into his address book, erased my address not only in the address book but in group emails, and had slightly changed only my email address so that whatever he would send to me would instead go to the hacker. That takes quite a bit of forethought and experience and determination to gaslight yours truly, using even extremely capable close friends. That’s annoying. This person is purposely trying to get caught doing this for the sake of gaslighting. Interesting facts for the growing profile.
  • For about the fifth time in as many years, usually for about three months at a time, a user of Microsoft Azure faking locations of Chicago and then Des Moines, started low-level hacking pretty much 24/7. It was right after I posted on that all too obvious trying-to-get-caught activity that such a hacker ran away with their hair on fire, screaming like a girl and needing a parachute to slow down. Or it might have been a friendly hacker who stopped this person in their tracks. Thanks for that. But the footprints left indicate that they just wanted to get caught, to gaslight. The one who trashed this post now seems to use iCloud out of Chicago, though Scamalytics puts it in Belverde, TX (near San Antonio). At any rate, the thing is, some people want to know what I have to say, even if for wildly self-contradictory reasons, and wouldn’t appreciate such gaslighting at all.
  • At any rate, another parishioner who wasn’t getting notifications on my blog for that entire time just yesterday informed me that their email system had been hacked as well, so that emails were simply blocked from certain people, that is, with all and only the blocked ones being Catholic, also friends of mine, parishioners, also from such as the chancery offices of the Catholic Diocese to which my parish belongs. This is all true of other parishioners. The same blocking also from me. All of this is discoverable. It’s all gaslighting, as it’s just so obvious. But it’s also about crippling communications.

While this cuts communications more broadly, it’s also quite specific to my parish. What if, say, Jane’s Revenge were to come here to bother us? Parishioners would want to know how to recover, and we would be crippled in doing that, right? Jane’s revenge has said that they will be doing things which also will hurt in hidden ways. This would be one of those hidden ways. And, after all, we’re quite vocal about doing what Jane’s Revenge hates so much: we promote respect for life from natural conception to natural death. We support the first and second amendments. We support the document, however inaccurate, that was leaked from the Supreme Court about the overturning of Roe v Wade and sending it back to voters in the States. That means we say no to abortion and pharmaceutical murder of children to use their organs for “vaccine” experimentation. We’re not woke, not deep state, not George Soros afficionados.

But this tiniest of all parishes in North America couldn’t possibly be on the radar of such people, could it? There are people who know.

Just to say, a guy and a gal (I guess), claiming to be students at Western Carolina University just up the road from the parish visited the parish just minutes after parishioners had left Sunday Mass a while back. I don’t know who they were, although I could easily pick them out of a line-up still today. I spoke with them for quite a while. It was memorable because just so very annoying. They were self-hyped as grass roots funded community organizers practicing full-on Critical Race Theory, so hateful, so disgusting. If there’s one thing that presses my buttons, it’s those who pretend to be racists so as to promote racism, Marxists all. I’m pretty good at playing such overconfident idiots. Instead of my falling for their baiting, they, upon my questioning, said it was actually just one person funding their activities and he wanted to remain anonymous. Get that? And… and… they were specifically interested in knowing if we could defend ourselves if we were attacked in church. Get that? It’s like a pre-confession of crimes they’re going to commit. They were clearly casing local churches to get the database of viability of attacks that Jane’s Revenge is proud to say they’ve been working on for a long time and now have.

The one guy (100% looks like him, and he’s very, um, peculiar) seems to have showed up more recently coming out of the drug house behind me with an accomplice, obviously intent on doing home invasions specifically of the rectory. I know this because I happened upon them while I was returning home at midnight after giving Last Rites to a parishioner just before they went off to the hospital. Thanks for the incredible timing, Guardian Angel.

Lastly, if you know, you know:

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Filed under Intelligence Community, Pro-Life, SCOTUS

Against Dem countenanced pro-abortion violence: ancient Letter to Diognetus

Here’s advice from the midst of persecution a couple of millennia back, like yesterday:

letter to diognetus

“Christians are indistinguishable from other men either by nationality, language or customs. They do not inhabit separate cities of their own, or speak a strange dialect, or follow some outlandish way of life. Their teaching is not based upon reveries inspired by the curiosity of men. Unlike some other people, they champion no purely human doctrine. With regard to dress, food and manner of life in general, they follow the customs of whatever city they happen to be living in, whether it is Greek or foreign.

“And yet there is something extraordinary about their lives. They live in their own countries as though they were only passing through. They play their full role as citizens, but labor under all the disabilities of aliens. Any country can be their homeland, but for them their homeland, wherever it may be, is a foreign country. Like others, they marry and have children, but they do not expose them. They share their meals, but not their wives.

“They live in the flesh, but they are not governed by the desires of the flesh. They pass their days upon earth, but they are citizens of heaven. Obedient to the laws, they yet live on a level that transcends the law. Christians love all men, but all men persecute them. Condemned because they are not understood, they are put to death, but raised to life again. They live in poverty, but enrich many; they are totally destitute, but possess an abundance of everything. They suffer dishonor, but that is their glory. They are defamed, but vindicated. A blessing is their answer to abuse, deference their response to insult. For the good they do they receive the punishment of malefactors, but even then they, rejoice, as though receiving the gift of life. They are attacked by the Jews as aliens, they are persecuted by the Greeks, yet no one can explain the reason for this hatred.

“To speak in general terms, we may say that the Christian is to the world what the soul is to the body. As the soul is present in every part of the body, while remaining distinct from it, so Christians are found in all the cities of the world, but cannot be identified with the world. As the visible body contains the invisible soul, so Christians are seen living in the world, but their religious life remains unseen. The body hates the soul and wars against it, not because of any injury the soul has done it, but because of the restriction the soul places on its pleasures. Similarly, the world hates the Christians, not because they have done it any wrong, but because they are opposed to its enjoyments.

“Christians love those who hate them just as the soul loves the body and all its members despite the body’s hatred. It is by the soul, enclosed within the body, that the body is held together, and similarly, it is by the Christians, detained in the world as in a prison, that the world is held together. The soul, though immortal, has a mortal dwelling place; and Christians also live for a time amidst perishable things, while awaiting the freedom from change and decay that will be theirs in heaven. As the soul benefits from the deprivation of food and drink, so Christians flourish under persecution. Such is the Christian’s lofty and divinely appointed function, from which he is not permitted to excuse himself.” [From a letter to Diognetus (Nn. 5-6; Funk, 397-401)]


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Pro-Life, SCOTUS, Terrorism

Humorous hat seen before Holy Mass as SCOTUS smacks down ATF using Becerra case. LOL

American Hospital Assn. v. Becerra. ?!?!? Didn’t expect that one, did you?

It’s all about chevron deference. No longer. That decision of SCOTUS the other day undoes just about all BATFE infringements on the second amendment. LOL. Chevron deference claimed by BATFE was an abuse of authority:

  • “We, the entitled ones at BATFE, get to interpret the law anyway we want because we’re, like, special and have, like, chevron privilege! We can define the law contrary to its plain meaning, because we say it’s ambiguous, and… and… besides… we’re the one’s who are nice.”

SCOTUS finally got sick of it all. Any chevron should be earned, have integrity. Here’s dad:

I’m sure BATFE will now be so emotionally traumatized that they’ll want to do a SWAT raid on the parish, looking for the one who has the offensive hat.

Rule number one: men in the congregation don’t wear hats in church.

Rule number two: be reasonable. The hat doesn’t mean one even owns a gun.

Rule number three: LOL.


Filed under Guns, Humor, SCOTUS