Tag Archives: Politics

AI disallows criticism about AI porn?

Of all places, California is laudably proposing legislation that would criminalize AI-generated deepfake porn that is shared without consent. The idea is that you get any, say, yearbook picture or something more contemporary and have AI create some deepfake porn with that image. That’s used for sleazy entertainment. That could be used against politicians, bad or good, right? What could go wrong?

WordPress has an editing gadget for inserting AI generated paragraphs. I tried to get it to say something on the paragraph above but my request was denied because of the vocabulary, surely the word “porn”.

Is that AI simply flagging words like “porn” or is that AI refusing to be criticized? It’s interesting that AI has no problem creating porn, but does have a problem getting criticized about it.

I’m guessing this post like all the rest of the posts on this blog will be just about 100% shadow banned, which is another AI flex.


Filed under Politics

I’ll appeal to SCOTUS, of course. CDC friends threaten to get attorneys. Ooo! “Attorneys”

UPDATE: Department of Justice checking into this post:

I’m guessing that named visit means that some underling thinks there are plenty of ways to win over against the free exercise of religion, with the ideology that morality is always and only politics and never has anything to do with religion, you know, like the Ten Commandments. Imagine that, preaching the Ten Commandments being felonious behavior.

===== original post =====

To protect the innocent and to give plenty of logistical space to accusers to hang themselves all the more violently, the content of this post will refrain from reciting some ferocious truths and the most biting of ironies.

It seems that reference has been made by those considering themselves to be friends of the CDC and friends of directors of health policies that attorneys will now be contacted to… stop yours truly… from speaking to immoral mask and “vaccine” policies.

It seems that there are those in the world who don’t like my Covid policy for those assisting at Holy Mass. They want to stop me altogether, perhaps have me put in prison.

What’s my Covid policy? Glad you asked. I’ve repeatedly, intensely, clearly indicated the points of my policy over recent years, and I’m happy to repeat it yet again, and if I’m given a momentary world-stage to proclaim this policy, I will rejoice:

  • The bishop has granted a dispensation from the obligation to assist at Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation. He’s not forbidding you to come to Mass. He’s just saying that it’s your decision as to whether you come to Mass. For my part, I’m going to be saying Holy Mass at the Altar of Sacrifice alone with Jesus, but the doors of the Church will happen to be open. If you choose to come to Mass, you can wear a mask or not. There are medical reasons not to wear a mask, such as having asthma. I’m not going to embarrass anyone whenever they come into church without a mask and force them to explain how it is that they’ve come in without a mask. I’m not a police officer and neither the Church nor the State can make me an enforcement officer forbidding people to fulfill their first amendment rights to free exercise of religion. Also, if you see non-social distancing, like twenty people in a six person pew, it might be that those people belong to one or two families who happen all to live in the same trailer. I’m not going to embarrass them and force them to explain this to people every time they come to church. It’s legal not to socially distance when you live in the same house.

That’s from memory, but I can definitely swear that that’s verbatim, or words very close to that effect. I said it so very many times, also repeating all that to the bishop, who, I’m sure, will be happy to be subpoenaed along with my parishioners just to establish that fact. :-) So, this is for the record.

But what is it that world-class agitators want me to say? Well, I’m no mind reader, so that’s hard to say. But it might actually be a disagreement not so much about masks, which the CDC is continuously ambiguous and inconsistent about, but rather about the “vaccines.” From the get-go, I’ve been extremely clear about the objectively mortally sinful immorality of pharmaceutical laboratories strapping a woman onto a gurney so as to rip an absolutely healthy, absolutely developed baby fully alive in the womb out of the woman, so that it’s now screaming, getting lots of oxygen into its organs and, without anesthesia, ripping the living, healthy organs out of the baby while it screams, the kidneys, the pancreas, the lungs, the eyes… all for research, development, and testing all along the way, you know, full on murder for the “benefit” of adults, that is, for the bank accounts of big pharma.

Jesus said, what you’ve done to the least of these, you’ve done to me. Jesus was also in the womb of His dearest Immaculate Mother for nine months. Do you think His wrath will not be great against those who have sacrificed babies for themselves? Here’s Jesus, a couple of cells big, in the womb of His Mother, while John the Baptist, in the womb of his mother, is already six months old:

And while all this has to do also with Natural Law, I might remind interested parties what Saint Paul VI stated early on in the last encyclical of his pontificate, published near the beginning of his pontificate, Humanae vitae:

  • “No member of the faithful could possibly deny that the Church is competent in her magisterium to interpret the natural moral law. It is in fact indisputable, as Our predecessors have many times declared, (1) that Jesus Christ, when He communicated His divine power to Peter and the other Apostles and sent them to teach all nations His commandments, (2) constituted them as the authentic guardians and interpreters of the whole moral law, not only, that is, of the law of the Gospel but also of the natural law. For the natural law, too, declares the will of God, and its faithful observance is necessary for men’s eternal salvation. (3)
    • (1) See Pius IX, encyc. letter Oui pluribus: Pii IX P.M. Acta, 1, pp. 9-10; St. Pius X encyc. letter Singulari quadam: AAS 4 (1912), 658; Pius XI, encyc.letter Casti connubii: AAS 22 (1930), 579-581; Pius XII, address Magnificate Dominum to the episcopate of the Catholic World: AAS 46 (1954), 671-672; John XXIII, encyc. letter Mater et Magistra: AAS 53 (1961), 457.
    • (2) See Mt 28. 18-19.
    • (3) See Mt 7. 21.

And here’s what Saint Pio of Pietrelcina thought about all this, he having sent a letter on Humanae vitae to Saint Paul VI less than two months after it was published and less than two weeks before Padre Pio died. Humanae vitae was against contraception, to be sure, but also against abortifacients and abortion. Paul VI responded to Padre Pio, but the response arrived after Pio died:

  • Your Holiness: Availing myself of Your Holiness’ meeting with the Capitular Fathers, I unite myself in spirit with my Brothers, and in a spirit of faith, love and obedience to the greatness of Him whom you represent on earth, offer my respectful homage to Your August Person, humbly kneeling at Your feet. The Capuchin Order has always been among the first in their love, fidelity, and reverence for the Holy See. I pray the Lord that its members remain ever thus, continuing their tradition of seriousness and religious asceticism evangelical poverty, faithful observance of the Rule and Constitutions, renewing themselves in vigorous living and deep interior spirit—always ready, at the least gesture from Your Holiness, to go forward at once to assist the Church in her needs. I know that Your heart suffers much these days on account of the happenings in the Church: for peace in the world, for the great needs of its peoples; but above all, for the lack of obedience of some, even Catholics, to the lofty teachings which You, assisted by the Holy Spirit and in the name of God, have given us. I offer Your Holiness my daily prayers and sufferings, the insignificant but sincere offering of the least of your sons, asking the Lord to comfort you with His grace to continue along the direct yet often burdensome way—in defense of those eternal truths which can never change with the times. In the name of my spiritual sons and of the “Praying Groups” I thank Your Holiness for the clear and decisive words You have spoken in the recent encyclical, “Humanae vitae”, and I reaffirm my own faith and my unconditional obedience to Your inspired directives. May God grant truth to triumph, and, may peace be given to His Church, tranquility to the people of the earth, and health and prosperity to Your Holiness, so that when these disturbing clouds pass over, the Reign of God may triumph in all hearts, through the Apostolic Works of the Supreme Shepherd of all Christians. Prostrate at Your feet, I beg you to bless me, my Brothers in religion, my spiritual sons, the “Praying Groups”, all the sick—that we may faithfully fulfill the good works done in the Name of Jesus and under your protection. Your Holiness’ most humble servant, PADRE PIO, Capuchin – San Giovanni Rotondo, 12th September 1968.
    • (l’Osservatore Romano – Weekly Edition in English – 10 October 1968)

So, as I say, I don’t know where these people are coming from. Hey! Maybe they just hate me. That’s O.K. What I want for them is that they get close(r) to Jesus and make their way to heaven. And that’s why I have such policies. If I proffered anything else, I think I would go straight to hell. But I want to go to heaven.

To all these people, whether connected in some way to the CDC or to health policy directors, I don’t care if I’m not your friend, but I do want to be the priest for you. I want the best for you. Choose life. Choose heaven.


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Paul VI, Politics, SCOTUS

Brandon: Americans are a “clear and present danger”

While I was down for the count in post-op recovery, Brandon gave a speech, apparently literally from hell, pronouncing half the American population, the MAGA Republicans, as being a “clear and present danger” to the republic. That’s technical phraseology. It seems to me that this establishes open season on Americans.

Military and law enforcement agencies, all members of which have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic, even over against an anti-American sitting President, are staring at that and scoffing, waiting for the next election… or… as political sycophants, consider themselves obedient to the marching orders given and are considering how to accomplish the task ahead.

Being the proud son of one of the most highly decorated USMC fighter attack pilots, I am particularly offended by the usage of Marines as props for this anti-American speech.

I realize that in making brave to speak of my ♬ feelings ♬ about this, the entitled-to-safe-space leaders of the FBI and DoJ will be frantic to have me thrown into solitary confinement, thinking that this confirms their power. Whatever. This life isn’t forever.

This isn’t about Donald Trump. This is about the the smackdown of the free exercise of religion, of the freedom of speech, of the freedom to assemble, the God-given inalienable rights necessary for the shining light of the visible Church founded by the Son of the Living God. Making America Great Again is, for me, about the rights of the visible Church not only to celebrate the Sacraments but to preach truth in the public square.

Sure, the entitled-to-safe-space leaders of the FBI and DoJ hate such freedoms of Americans, and the hubris of their “power” rises to begin “cleansing” society of believers. But, as I say, whatever. That’s all supremely boring no matter what happens. They think to be “it”, but Jesus Christ, Divine Son of the Immaculate Conception” is the One, the only One. Only Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life, is the One with true power, the power of God, God who is love. They hate that true power is love.

In any other time, anyone giving a speech like Brandon just did would be arrested. Remember the war crimes tribunal of post-genocide Rwanda, that Radio Station which pushed the same rhetoric? They were convicted.

But – Hey! – because Brandon is all about pushing for as much abortion as possible, always and everywhere – Hey! – let’s give him Holy Communion at Holy Mass! /off sarcasm (except the idiocy just keeps going…)


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Law enforcement, Military, Politics

FBI raids Melania’s wardrobe: “I really don’t care. Do U?”

Just my guess, but I think the agents just had to get selfies wearing that coat.

I bet Merrick and Christopher were there as well, in disguise. They couldn’t resist.

Along with Melania, “I really don’t care. Do U?”

Look, Merrick and Christopher, don’t throw a tantrum because of a little humor.

It only proves the point.

1 Comment

Filed under Humor, Law enforcement, Politics

Priests talking politics? Cancelled!

There are some who would say that I’m being “political” in publishing such a post, but about 99.99% of all legislation concerns morality. Pope Paul VI said that because we also have to follow the Natural Law in order to be saved, you know, things like “Don’t murder the innocent,” therefore the Church also has the right to teach about the right way to follow the Natural Law, such as, “Don’t murder the innocent,” even if “Don’t murder the innocent” is also enshrined or smacked down by whatever politicized legislators. Who cares about the powers of this world; we need to get souls to heaven.

But there are (Cardinal) (Arch)Bishops who say that any mention of morality that overlaps into political platforms is off limits, and these (Cardinal) (Arch)Bishops immediately slit the throats of priests who say things like “Don’t murder the innocent,” and they condemn these priests for being “political.”

So, we then have more priests who are forbidden to feed the flock, no longer being able to provide the Sacraments. We start to end up only with priests in parishes who are sycophants to political correctness. But of what use is a priest who is diametrically opposed to all that is Catholic.

  • “But Father George! Father George! We have a prudent priest! You sure could learn something from him, Father George! Like how prudent he is! Our priest will be here to provide us the Sacraments because he will never say anything Catholic lest he gets in trouble! It’s true Father George! No doctrine! no morality! No reverent liturgy! But we still have a priest!

No you don’t. Jesus said: “He who is not with us is against us.”

These (Cardinal) (Arch)Bishops, and then those who follow them, little by little, incrementally, rationalizing, sociopaths all, will have to answer to Jesus at the last judgement, and Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. He is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Prince of the Most Profound Peace.

But the anti-Catholic (Cardinal) (Arch)Bishops and their henchmen should know that Jesus is the Divine Son of the Immaculate Conception. These guys offend her, in front of her Son.

  • “Who gives a damn about abortion, and that Jesus was in the womb of His Mother for nine months as a little baby? Who cares that healthy live babies were purpose murdered for their living organs so as to research, develop and test fake “vaccines”?

Jesus will also and especially be offended that His dear mother is offended. To offend Jesus in this way is mockery of God. God will not be mocked. How can they not see this?


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Politics, Priesthood

Pro-Life Jerone Davison: “Make Rifles Great Again” Humor! Bonus: Mark Robinson. LGB FJB

Hahaha! Great! I love that! LOL! He’s running for U.S. Congress. This is game changing. Just so right.

The humorous video above – so very truthful – got me interested enough to check out Jerone Davison’s campaign for Congress, with the vote coming up real soon in Arizona.

First I went to see his general presentation of issues at his own website:

But then, it’s always useful to go to ballotpedia to see the answers to specific questions on surveys presented to all candidates, which include pro-life questions:

Totally. Awesome. On. All. Issues. He’s super Pro-Life.

Take that you Democrat KKK racist bag-head transvestite burqa wearing cowards… Hahahahaha!

P.S. On a personal note, my own experience with a weaponized baseball bat was in a parish of which I was pastor in the deep-deep south, well over 300 miles further south than I am now. But the bat wasn’t just wrapped in barbed wire (which can rip you to shreds), but also had dozens of large spikes hammered through it so that every hit would also be like being stabbed multiple times.

That bat was in full view in the back seat of a uniquely marked junky red car. The bat had all sorts of racist death threats written on it with paint-marker pens. That car had been parked right in front of the rectory, forcing me to walk by it to the church, all on parish property, on which we also had a parochial school. It would be half a week or so before that car was removed. It was in and of itself a hate-crime.

After some days again my own car needed some work. I asked for advice on good mechanics, and one nice lady told me to go to an out of the way garage in a back-neighborhood of a town that wasn’t close by. But, fine. I went. It took quite a while to find it. There was a guy working on another car. He didn’t see me with his head buried in the engine. I took the opportunity to mentally examine the inside of the garage in detail. I couldn’t miss seeing that same red car was on the far side of the shop, raised up on a hydraulic car lift, like, to the ceiling, all the lights turned off on that side of the shop.

Just then he emerged to see what I wanted but I somehow was able to talk my way out of getting anything done at that shop and left, feeling I had just gotten away with my life, that guy being very possibly the owner of that car and spiked baseball bat.

Such baseball bats are meant not only to smack down black people, but also Catholics and Jews.

It’s all a piece with the Democrat KKK party pushing abortions in black neighborhoods all this time.

Thank God for the Supreme Court’s defederalization of fake rights to murder kids in the womb.

Thank God for new politicians like Jerone Davison.

Here’s another guy I really like a lot, also pro-life, and I hope he becomes our governor here in North Carolina, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, Republican:


NOTE TO THE CANCELERS: The last time I supported a pro-life candidate over satanic pro-abortion maniacs the powers that be did their best to shut me down altogether, frantically contacting me to say that the separation of Church and State (that’s not the law) demands that I, as a priest, take down any support for Republican candidates unless I cover up and lie for the hellion pro-abort racist Demoncrats, which I cannot do.

I suppose I will immediately receive horrific pressure to take down this post, or else. Whatever.

Just some legally significant logistics: I write on my own time on my own equipment for no compensation on my own bandwidth in my own “hut” as one parishioner calls it. I own the blog. I’m the publisher, blah blah blah. … and … Hahahahaha.

I can’t help it:


Filed under Guns, Humor, Politics, Pro-Life, Racism

If this isn’t sex and human trafficking…

  • “The Biden administration has quietly signed a five-year contract to start leasing an abandoned school in Greensboro, North Carolina, to house unaccompanied migrant children away from the southern border.” […] Potentially thousands of migrant children will be detained at the American Hebrew Academy campus in Greensboro until they can be housed with either family members already living here in the U.S. or other sponsors.” — FoxNews

This hits close to home, because this is in the territory of my diocese (a five hour trip one way from my parish, though). I bet there will be some priest who is brought out of retirement to be the Catholic Chaplain, as about 100% of those kids are Catholic, right? I gotta wonder how much Catholic Charities has been, is now, or will soon be involved with all of this:


Filed under Politics

DOS tells Catholics they have no free exercise of religion. Flying flag-rantly against Jesus.

If you’re an American citizen in good standing and a true Catholic you are disinvited to visit the United States Embassy to the Holy See.

Jn 3:16 is not the only 3:16 in the Bible. There’s Revelation 3:16, about God vomiting the idiots out of His mouth.

  • “But Father George! Father George! It’s just “Pride Month!” Get over it!”

Actually, this is more likely to be a thanksgiving to Pope Francis for his pro-homosexualist statements and his recent appointments of militant homosexualists.


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Holy See, Politics

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) on Cordileone banning Pelosi from Holy Communion

You always wanna give people the benefit of the doubt inasmuch as you can, so that just possibly there’s a 0.000000001% chance of whomsoever being open to conversion. We gotta have the hope that we can maybe work with people in this world.

Take Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill) as an example. When asked about pro-aborts protesting outside of SCOTUS Justices’ and elected officials’ family homes he had this to say:

  • “I think it’s reprehensible. Stay away from homes and families of elected officials and members of the court. You can express yourself, exercise your First Amendment rights, but to go after them at their homes, to do anything of a threatening nature, certainly anything violent, is absolutely reprehensible.”

Wow. So very different from Nancy Pelosi on this point. With the glee of the DOJ and DHS, Nancy seems to encourage, you know, that which is “mostly peaceful.” So, with Durbin it seems there might be a conscience hiding in there somewhere. Yet he also is an ultra-pro-abort and way back in 2004 was himself reprimanded about reception of Holy Communion. So, in defending Pelosi over against her San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone, he’s kinda using her as a proxy to defend himself. Which means it’s bothering him, still.

  • “The decision of the Catholic bishops and the treatment of pro-choice Catholics is different in dioceses by dioceses.”

Great point. But I’d like to think that he’s smart enough to know that bishops can be total idiots just like all the rest of us, and that we shouldn’t look so much to them for any consistent teaching but rather to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the authentic interventions of the Magisterium throughout the ages. That teaching is crystal clear: abortion murders innocent human beings, the least of the brethren, about whom Jesus said, What you’ve done to the least of these, you’ve done to me.

  • “As a policy, they [the bishops] were poised to act for the entire nation, but then withdrew that decision.”

Yep. Good point. That’s also true. The bishops as a group are total cowards and greedy as hell, not wanting to offend the powers that be to the end that the bishops conference continues to receive truly ungodly amounts of government money to redistribute to, say, abortionists and marxists and LGBTQI+ “ministries” world-wide, you know, so that they can legally skim mountains of money off the top to finance their USCCB operations. All legal, however terribly immoral. Durbin’s point is that the bishops don’t give a damn about whether or not someone is damning themselves by going to Holy Communion unworthily, so it must not be something to worry about. For Dubin, that’s the teaching of the bishops, and… that is the teaching of the bishops (though not the teaching of Jesus, not the teaching of the Church).

  • “I still believe that the authorities in the church believe we have issues that can only be decided by our own conscience, and not by some bishop’s conscience.”

Well, that’s stating it wrongly. Surely he does get the impression that the bishops hold that there is no such thing as consistent doctrine and consistent morality. We already know that so many of our bishops are out and out anti-Catholic, you know, like Judas. Nothing new there. But Durbin is wrong to say that the argument is on the level of some bishop’s conscience and that all bishops are different and therefore it’s all up in the air. It never was on the level of any individual bishop. Catholic doctrine and Catholic morality is never up to the conscience of some individual bishop. No.

Bishops are to serve the absolute Living Truth, the unmanipulatable Son of the Living God, who is Love, and who said, “If you love me, keep the commandments.” Bishops can’t dispense from Truth or Morality. Bishops cannot dispense people from loving Jesus. The bishop of Rome cannot legitimately proclaim that the commandments are not absolute. The bishop of Rome isn’t God and cannot change the truth. But neither can God change the truth. God is Living Truth. We prove we’re not God by claiming we can change doctrine and morality.

I’m guessing Durbin is making a thing of all this, assisting the bishops by showing them how idiotic they are, because deep down, perhaps unbeknownst to himself, he wants the bishops, for once in his life, for once in their lives, to take the sheep of the Lord’s Little Flock as deadly seriously as Jesus took us deadly seriously. Durbin just wants to be taken deadly seriously. And that means just what it says, deadly seriously:

  • “And I think that is fundamentally unfair. I don’t think anyone should be judged in that matter [of supporting abortion].”

But the Lord will come to judge the living and dead and world by fire. He was Himself in the womb of His blessed Mother for nine months. He doesn’t take kindly regarding the murder of the least of the brethren whom He Himself has redeemed.

To the point: while it is true that Canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law has it that people “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion,” I believe that it is also true, a fortiori, that those bishops who scandalize people into continuing their manifest grave sin, even if Cardinals, are themselves to be removed from active ministry and dismissed from the clerical state. I think of Archbishop Cordileone on the one hand and, quite opposite, Cardinal Wilton Daniel Gregory on the other hand.

Dear Dick Durbin, I realize that you may well think that you or Nancy et alii cannot go to Confession even if you were fully repentant and want to go to heaven and not to hell because, first of all, you are having a difficult time in finding a priest who upholds the constant teaching of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the authentic interventions of the Magisterium throughout the centuries.

But I’ll hear your Confessions. You know the drill. You have to make a public repudiation of manifest public obstinate grave sin. I’m in good standing in my diocese which grants very full faculties for the absolution of sin. Also, I’m a Missionary of Mercy of Pope Francis. I can lift many undeclared excommunications and absolve many “reserved” grave sins. I’ll give you a do-able penance. Don’t risk going to hell. Go to heaven. May such blessings come upon you.


Filed under Confession, Free exercise of religion, Politics, Pro-Life

“I Voted Today!” Tuesday, I mean, at least I think I did

The integrity of the vote is especially up in the air with the Disinformation Governance Board being “put on pause” while they say that they are as active as ever behind the scenes, never having done anything publicly, they say, but making really weird statements and Mary Poppins sing-songs.

Whatever the case may be with the DGB, it does seem that most of those for whom I voted won their bids, and there’s not much disappointment for those for whom I didn’t vote. All local offices had Republicans running against each other, exclusively. Not a Demoncrat was to be seen anywhere at any time. I tried to ensure I wasn’t voting for Rinos for the more political offices.

BTW, the 20 stars flag recalled with the sticker above is that of 13 April 1818. However, North Carolina, where I am, was included in the stripes of the flag of 1775 and the stars and stripes of the flags from 1777 until today.

I’m sure I’ll be getting condemnations from whatever powers that be for siding with one political party [Republicans] over another [Demoncrats], not even attempting to mention pros and cons for both. But, to repeat for those throwing a spittle flecked nutty in the corridors of the power of their own opinions, there’s not even one Demoncrat (I keep misspelling that, or am I?) who is running for any local office.

But maybe the DGB will bring some fake ballot mules out of nowhere and it will be a clean sweep for the Dems. That would be about right. They “have a lot of experience in disinformation.”


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Law enforcement, Military, Pro-Life