Tag Archives: Deep fake

AI disallows criticism about AI porn?

Of all places, California is laudably proposing legislation that would criminalize AI-generated deepfake porn that is shared without consent. The idea is that you get any, say, yearbook picture or something more contemporary and have AI create some deepfake porn with that image. That’s used for sleazy entertainment. That could be used against politicians, bad or good, right? What could go wrong?

WordPress has an editing gadget for inserting AI generated paragraphs. I tried to get it to say something on the paragraph above but my request was denied because of the vocabulary, surely the word “porn”.

Is that AI simply flagging words like “porn” or is that AI refusing to be criticized? It’s interesting that AI has no problem creating porn, but does have a problem getting criticized about it.

I’m guessing this post like all the rest of the posts on this blog will be just about 100% shadow banned, which is another AI flex.


Filed under Politics