Tag Archives: Pope Francis

Apparitions document: They’re so scared!

That would be the great Mario Luigi Cardinal Ciappi, O.P. (RIP) and the great Silvio Angelo Pio Cardinal Oddi (RIP) in the pictures above. Ciappi made it to 86 and Oddi to 90. They are still most feared. Hah!

Just to say, there is, of course, much that is reasonable, “prudent,” in the document itself, which is, itself, somehow, way too prudent, emanating an unconscious, uncontrollable but manipulated affectation of fear.

Overall, ever so subtly, you get the idea that the purpose of the document is to downgrade Fatima, particularly the third secret of Fatima, of which they are so very afraid. Reasons are given in the document why the third secret would be considered illegitimate by the present powers-that-be (Pope Francis et alii), and why it would be considered way too scary by past powers-that-be (from John XXIII to Benedict XVI).

Others have written on both Cardinals Oddi and Ciapi, that they read the Third Secret of Fatima, it being said that they characterized a part of the third secret as having reference the great apostasy spoken of by Saint Paul (2 Thessalonians 2), adding that this great apostasy would begin from within the Church, starting from the very top. It was after John XXIII read the third secret that he railed against the prophets of doom at the solemn opening of the Second Vatican Council.

Is that why the powers-that-be thought and do to this day think they cannot reveal the third secret? John Paul II intimated that he thought it would be imprudent to reveal the third secret (against the Mother of God?!?!) because if he did, the worldly powers would take advantage of the Church for the annihilation of the faith of many nations (the great apostasy). In other words, if they only knew the diabolical apostasy at the top of the Church in the near future, they would work even more zealously to infiltrate the Holy See (where the great apostasy begins), more than they already have. But that’s just my little narrative. Am I right?

Personally, I think that the Mother of God knows better than any Pope, and it could have been, surely, that many many souls would have been converted even in those corridors of “power” in the Vatican, and the infiltration wouldn’t have been so bad. It’s already late. Too late?



I. General Guidelines

A. The Nature of the Discernment

11. While the following provisions foresee the possibility of a discernment in the sense described in Par. 10 (above) [approval of the supernatural nature of an apparition], it must be noted that, as a general rule, it is not foreseen in these Norms that ecclesiastical authority would give a positive recognition of the divine origin of alleged supernatural phenomena.

15. The discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena is carried out from the start by the Diocesan Bishop (or by another ecclesiastical authority mentioned in Part II, Arts. 4-6) in dialogue with the Dicastery. However, since special attention to the common good of the entire People of God can never be lacking, “the Dicastery reserves the right to evaluate the moral and doctrinal elements of that spiritual experience and the use that is being made of it.” It is important not to overlook that sometimes the discernment may also deal with problems, such as delicts, manipulation, damage to the unity of the Church, undue financial gain, and serious doctrinal errors that could cause scandals and undermine the credibility of the Church.

[Note that the bishop is, I think illegitimately, left out of any timely fatherly governance. For instance, if I were a bishop [hahaha!], and some prophet was promoting an apparition of the Mother of God who was, in turn, promoting the sex mysticism of Tucho-boy, well, I don’t care what the Vatican said, I would condemn the “apparition” as fake. Is this micromanagement overreach by the Vatican? Are they so scared that other apparitions will repeat the third secret, publicly, as did much of Akita? Won’t that be considered to be that which brings “damage to the unity of the Church”? There’s a conflict of interest there.]

B. Procedural Norms

Investigatory Phase

Art. 15 – Among the negative criteria, one should carefully consider:

3°. A sectarian spirit that breeds division in the Church;

[But would it be sectarian if the Mother of God were to speak of the general apostasy beginning in the Vatican at the very top? Is she creating the division? Are they not the one’s creating division by all the heretical, blasphemous, anti-doctrinal, anti-moral, anti-Liturgical schismatic things they do? It’s self serving to rule out that which brings division when our Lord said that the very reason He came was to bring the sword and division. Those with the Anti-Christ are to be cut off, anathema. The more division the better. Thanks be to God. Heaven will be heaven and hell will be hell. Thanks be to God.]

Meanwhile, the Holy Spirit fills many with a prophetic spirit, speaking the truth about the great apostacy and how we must remain with Jesus and His dearest dear Mother.

Let’s take a look at the great prophet Joel 2:28-32. He’s so cool. He’s so very hated in our day. I love it:

  • “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.”

There ain’t nothing at all that the micromanagers are going to be able to do about the Holy Spirit. And that brings me great joy.

Stepping back from all this… The fear that is exhibited in this document proves the point of the many true apparitions such as Fatima and Akita.

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Filed under Apparitions

Presser on Apparitions […live…]


Filed under Apparitions, Pope Francis

Piliated woodpeckers, heretics, apostates

I’m amazed with piliated woodpeckers. Weighing only ounces, these guys have a 30 inch wingspan. They are to be seen quite frequently, even the other day at church in the middle of town after Holy Mass. They are protected though not endangered. It’s the ivory-billed that are about extinct. The physics and physiology… the mathematics involved as to how these guys don’t get concussions is absolutely amazing, pointing to God as Creator.

I’m also quite amazed with heretics beating their heads against walls apparently just to do it. A zillion times in a few seconds, and then again, and again, and again, and again… The lack of reason, the darkness, the insistence rationalizing despair, a proselytism to weakness in numbers… Frighteningly amazing. They are more dazed, more stupid the more they insist. But they do insist, throwing themselves into a laughter of despair.

People are fed up with heretics, with apostates (Chapeau to Rorate and LifeSiteNews).


Filed under Nature, Pope Francis, Spiritual life

“Father George, you gotta retract about what you said about Dignitas infinita! Moral evil is not ontological evil! You idiot!” Um…

Any readers across the pond might think I’m wrong about what I wrote about the document Dignitas infinita in this post the other day:

Dignitas infinita: universal salvation even if you willfully, knowingly hate God?

  • “But Father George! Father George! You’re an ol’ meanie! You’re wrong, Father George! You gotta retract and apologize to the writers of Dignitas infinita! They made a distinction between ontological evil, which is NEVER LOST, and moral evil, which they admit can be really really bad Father George! So they’re right and you’re wrong! We’re all going to be saints in heaven! Get with the program, Father George ! ! ! ! ! ! “

No matter how many exclamation points are used, it’s actually that distinction between moral evil and ontological evil that is wrong, heretical, and is the attempted destruction of the Catholic Church, the divinity of Christ, the fact of sin, the fact of any forgiveness of sin, etc.

The consequences of sin are also and deeply ontological. The consequences of grace are also and deeply ontological. Sanctifying grace transforms the very being of the individual, turning to glory in heaven. There’s nothing more ontological than that, being transformed to see God in the Face. But sin, mortal sin, wrecks destructions upon the very being of the individual, the mere shell of which, in all hatred and rebellion, goes to hell for eternity, never to see God in the Face.

The ontological fact of redemption, of salvation, is that we are ontologically fit to be and are tabernacles of the Most Holy Trinity (the indwelling of the Most Holy Trinity as the saints call it), tabernacles of the fiery Holy Spirit, as Saint Paul says. God radiates from our very being, all ontological.

Martin Luther rejected the beauty of our Redemption and said that we remain forever a pile of bull s*** in eternity in heaven; it’s just that, he said, Christ covers that pile of s*** like a blanket of snow, the glistening of which is what the eyes of God the Father are dazzled by, God the Father being deceitfully tricked by God the Son. Though God the Father is so gullible, we are nevertheless nothing more ontologically than s*** forever. This insult to our redemption by the Divine Son of the Immaculate Conception (also a terrible insult to her) is what is embraced wholly by Dignitas infinita. What an irony: each person has infinite dignity by being, ontologically, a pile of s*** in eternity.

I reject all that s***.

I accept the forgiveness of my sin wrought not by a mere external decree, but by the flooding into my soul of the life of the Most Holy Trinity. No more room for sin and guilt in this re-creation in the Body of Christ. This is the difference between heaven vs hell, grace vs s***, truth vs Dignitas infinita.

Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders. Gott helfe mir.

P.S. If I notice this kind of thing, it’s not because I’m especially smart, but because I’ve seen it all before as a seminarian. This was all the rage after Vatican II amongst the heretics. The writers of Dignitas infinita are altogether unoriginal, stuck in the late 1960s and early 1970s. With the publication of this kind of Lutheran s***, their time has now come to an end.

Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

P.S. Again, these guys tried to blame all this on JPII. That’s a lie. That’s for another post.


Filed under Pope Francis

Dignitas infinita: universal salvation even if you willfully, knowingly hate God?


So, while trying to get some sleep last night I listened to the document Dignitas infinita on my Android phone, using the always annoying text-to-speech app [settings / accessibility / select-to-speak]. What I noted is that there are constant contradictions throughout this weirdly self-cancelling document.

It’s obvious that there are a number of “voices”, mumblings in meetings, contributions by committee members which had to be included but only grudgingly, and which are not well integrated, to the point that you can name the source of this or that paragraph as coming from Cardinal “Tom”, or Father “Dick”, or Sister “Harriette”, none of them always agreeing with each other. After all, it’s a dicastery of dialoguers (appointed people), not a congregating specifically of member Cardinals, right?

I offered the painful agony of the experience of listening to this document for the souls in purgatory. I couldn’t endure physically reading it. The document is so annoying. Everything in the context of the document is wrong, including every “the” and “and”, while the contradictions pile up.*

The perverted wishful thinking in Dignitas infinita is universal salvation: everyone, without any exception, retains infinite dignity in eternity in heaven regardless of any moral defect whatsoever, even actively hating God and neighbor in eternity in heaven, forever trying to murder everyone and lie to everyone in eternity in heaven.

  • “But Father George! Father George! That doesn’t make sense and I gotta make it make sense or I’ll just up and die!”

Look: Error is such because you can’t make sense of it. Don’t try. If you succeed, you will be in error. Accept the fact that some people even want to share their error with you. There’s Judas, right? We’re not entitled to have no Judas among us. Are we then betrayed. Yes. Rejoice that you can stand with Jesus. If you willingly, knowingly want to be in error by rationalizing it, you risk going to hell. Don’t do that. You’ll need to go to Sacramental Confession because you will, objectively speaking, have lost your dignity altogether.

The corollary for this theoretical error is, of course, practical error, blessing sin, because, well, error and all that. God doesn’t bless sin. No priest can force God to bless sin. If a priest were to attempt to bless sin, to force God to bless sin, he will risk going straight to hell, you know, speaking objectively. He will need to go to Sacramental Confession because he will have actually lost his dignity altogether.

The summary corollary for all this error is that there is no sin, no salvation, no Savior, no religion, but only a fraternity of dark and violent arrogance cutting everyone off from God and from each other, and then calling that eternal dignity in heaven, you know, because, well, error and all that. Such people have a desperate need to repent and go to Sacramental Confession. Our Lord says that those who deny Him will be denied by Him before our Heavenly Father, they having lost their dignity at that point forever. There’s nothing infinite or heavenly about lost dignity. It’s hell.

By the way: don’t despair; don’t leave the Church; don’t abandon Jesus; don’t let the knuckleheads get you down so that you attempt to use them as an excuse for thus hating God and neighbor. Tough it out, and… and… meanwhile, rejoice, because you are being given an opportunity to be crucified with Jesus. He knows well what this is all about. Been there. Done that. Be the little child trusting in Jesus within the mantle of Immaculate Mary.

If you bother to read the document (I don’t recommend it but the link is up top), you’ll notice that it races from half-baked morality, reminiscences of natural law, all the way to the mere ethics (customs of fallen-human-nature imposed by elitists), the customs of, by definition, going along to get along with no foundation of that being a creature with free will before His Creator and all the obligations that such free will before God entails. There is, in all of this mere political correctness, no moral imperative of “Love one another AS I have loved you” with a crucified love, with God’s love, but merely a casuistic, condescending and pandering scolding for that which relatively makes these people feel uncomfortable for whatever unrepeatable nanosecond, a scolding that all can even laudably ignore because -Hey! – we all have infinite dignity forever in heaven no matter what! Again, if you think that doesn’t make sense, know that it doesn’t. Don’t try to make sense of it. All of this is pure evil.

Examples? While the rights of, say, the disabled are touted, the executioners of the disabled in the Third Reich T-4 program to eliminate all the disabled in gas-chambers and ovens are canonized with the infinite dignity thingy that continues in eternity in heaven even while they forever actively hate God and neighbor, continuing with their murdering and lying in heaven. “Infinite dignity” is a license to murder, to hate, to lie. Does that sound like dignity? Again, don’t try to make sense of it.

It comes down to power, the power to shake one’s fist at God and neighbor, the power to go to hell. That’s not power, but such people think it is. Feel the adrenaline while executing the innocent! Hey! Heaven and hatred at the same time! Yay! /// off sarcasm

“Oh! That’s really evil” the document exclaims, but then repeats that no one ever loses their dignity, not in any circumstance, not amidst the accomplishment of any evil. Again, this doesn’t make sense. Don’t try to make it make sense or you will end up in hell, because, you know… Feel the adrenaline, the power of shaking your fist at God and neighbor. But then, the nanosecond you die…

Summary: the whole document comes across as someone trying to get out of being condemned to hell forever with no dignity whatsoever, thus desperately coming up with excuses from within themselves as reasons why they shouldn’t be condemned, you know, like Narcissus seeing his reflection in the water, finding the totality of the reason for his existence in the reflection of himself. I dunno. It’s a question people can ask themselves…

Recommendation: If that’s what you’re doing, get your hide off to Sacramental Confession. Go to Jesus and have your sins forgiven. Do it now while you have the chance. And don’t sin again!

My own penance given to me in Sacramental Confession the other day: Five reps of the Lord’s Prayer. Thank you, Jesus.

Monitum: Footnote (1) of Dignitas infinita blames JPII for this heretical phrase. It’s a lie. That’s for another post. What they did in blaming JPII for this is very terrible.

* A few days ago I cited a couple of paragraphs about human trafficking which were entirely correct. I did that as ammunition, however cynical, however ironic, against the traffickers. Je suis un enfant terrible. See: Dignitas infinita and human trafficking.

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Filed under Confession, Pope Francis

Dignitas infinita and human trafficking



Human Trafficking

  1. Human trafficking must also be counted among the grave violations of human dignity. While it is not a new phenomenon, it has taken on tragic dimensions before our eyes, which is why Pope Francis has denounced it in particularly emphatic terms: “I reaffirm here that the ‘trade in people’ is a vile activity, a disgrace to our societies that claim to be civilized! Exploiters and clients at all levels should make a serious examination of conscience both in the first person and before God! Today the Church is renewing her urgent appeal that the dignity and centrality of every individual always be safeguarded, with respect for fundamental rights, as her social teaching emphasizes. She asks that these rights really be extended for millions of men and women on every continent, wherever they are not recognized. In a world in which a lot is said about rights, how often is human dignity actually trampled upon! In a world in which so much is said about rights, it seems that the only thing that has any rights is money.”
  2. For these reasons, the Church and humanity must not cease fighting against such phenomena as “the marketing of human organs and tissues, the sexual exploitation of boys and girls, slave labor, including prostitution, the drug and weapons trade, terrorism, and international organized crime. Such is the magnitude of these situations, and their toll in innocent lives, that we must avoid every temptation to fall into a declarationist nominalism that would assuage our consciences. We need to ensure that our institutions are truly effective in the struggle against all these scourges.” Confronted with these varied and brutal denials of human dignity, we need to be increasingly aware that “human trafficking is a crime against humanity.” It essentially denies human dignity in at least two ways: “Trafficking profoundly disfigures the humanity of the victim, offending his or her freedom and dignity. Yet, at the same time, it dehumanizes those who carry it out.”

The Supreme Pontiff, Francis, at the Audience granted to the undersigned Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the Secretary for the Doctrinal Section of the Dicastery, on 25 March 2024, approved this Declaration, which was decided at the Ordinary Session of this Dicastery on 28 February 2024, and he ordered its publication.

Given in Rome, at the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, on 2 April 2024, the nineteenth anniversary of the death of Pope St. John Paul II.

Víctor Manuel Card. Fernández

Msgr. Armando Matteo
Secretary for the Doctrinal Section

Ex Audientia Die 25.03.2024

I wholeheartedly support these two paragraphs of Dignitas infinita, and hold them out as an accusation to those who are doing these crimes in the name of all that is Catholic and in the name of charities. It’s like reading a description of the activity of NGOs, if you get my drift.


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking, Dignitas infinita, Pope Francis

Archbishop’s Letter cancelling Father John Mary


Filed under Pope Francis, Priesthood

An unapproved locution, one of many

From LifeSiteNews:

  • The newly released message from the Mission of Divine Mercy, allegedly received from God, speaks of great hope as God promises the faithful that His “voice is about to thunder.” He says that He is giving His unfaithful priests and bishops just one more hour to turn to him before He casts them aside. But most interestingly there is a message to the bishops about Pope Francis. The message says, “And you have allowed the usurper to sit on the chair of My Peter — He who is carrying out the Great Treason that will leave My Church desolate.”

So, I know nothing about the Mission of Divine Mercy. I am not claiming any following of what has been happening there, apparently, for very many years. The bishop, I don’t think, has said anything one way or another about the “messages” some of those at the Mission have been receiving, except to forbid that they be publicized. Father Charles Murr says that a bishop can certainly command obedience regarding such a gag order, you know, in favor of an investigation. But, Father Murr, continued, if there is no investigation at all, just a flat order to cease and desist, that’s simply unjust. And then we go to the argument from Saint Thomas that an unjust [application of] law is null and void.

I’m no Canon Lawyer. I’m not taking sides on that. All I want to do here is make some distinctions that Canon Lawyers may find helpful.

The threefold warning from God the Father is directed to laity [minute 6’00”], to priests [minute 9’00”], to bishops [minute 13’++”ff] is a final warning before events purifying the Church of extreme untowardness plays out. Those things are, of course, mentioned in, among other places, Daniel, Matthew 24, Apocalypse. Nothing new here. I agree with everything in that message, though, as I say, it seems to me that some distinction are in order.

To the bishops, God the Father says:

  • “[1] And you have allowed the usurper to sit on the chair of My Peter, [2] he who is carrying out the Great Treason that will leave My Church desolate.”

PART 1 — The word “usurper” is, of course, very serious. To say “allowed to sit” could mean the conclave, but it could also be post hoc, seeing after what is happening but doing nothing about it. So, what does this mean? However emotional anyone wants to be, to use the word “usurper” is not necessarily sede-vacantist, claiming that there is an invalid pope. There is common usage for that word referring to violent take-overs, or invalidating electioneering, etc. But it can also refer to an office, so to speak, being used for that which was not intended, in this case, by God Himself. That doesn’t mean that using the word “usurper” declares that Pope Francis is not pope. It just means that Pope Francis is not using his “office”, so to speak, was intended.

PART 2 — “Carrying out the Great Treason” Logic: You can’t commit treason of any kind unless you are first of all entirely legitimate. Get that? Whatever you might want to think the Great Treason happens to be, it is said here that such treason will leave the Church desolate. We hear of the abomination of desolation throughout the Scriptures. I used to think of this as an idol, but this may be a person, a desolating abominator.

I haven’t delved studies of “the man of sin” or “The Anti-Christ”, et alii. Sorry I’m not of much use to you there. I don’t know if this statement refers to present desolation wrought by the one committing the Great Treason or if such treason is what leads to even worse desolation in the future. It’s difficult.

But I think I can guess at what the Great Treason is: the very fact of the Synod on Synodality. Why’s that? Because the Hegelian-Rahnerian methodology is such that the human-wrought dialectic, having no conclusion but always changing according to the whims of fallen human nature, replaces Sacred Revelation with our fallen opinions on doctrine, with our fallen opinions on morality, replacing good instruction in the spiritual life with narcissism, replaces religion (giving to God what is His due in justice) with worship of self, replaces reverent liturgy, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with… what?… Pachamama? elements of Mayan ritual human sacrifice, replaces the Living Truth, Christ Jesus, rejecting His redemption of us from sin, and replacing that with… what? same-sex sex as blessed by Pope Tucho?

If you can get over your shock at the statement about “usurper” (which may also be true in the worst sense… I don’t know… I wasn’t there…), have a listen to the short message to laity, priests and bishops. It’s all stuff I’ve been wanting to say and have been saying, strongly, for a long, long time. It resonates with me. Here: LifeSiteNews.

And, yes, I still insert the name of Pope Francis into the Eucharistic Prayer.


Filed under Apocalyptic, Apparitions

Hey! Tucho Fernandez! Here’s the truth about your lie on “non-liturgical blessings”

A question by email came in the other day about the possibility of non-liturgical blessings. The impromptu answer, as fast as I could tap on the phone “keyboard”, had two points:

  • “Once ordained, a priest can never again bless anything except by way of his ordination, which ontologically changes the soul of the priest. A priest cannot un-ordain himself even momentarily. He cannot give an un-priestly blessing even if he wanted to.”
  • “Moreover, priestly blessings are a sacramental, drawing on the merits of Christ and the saints, which is inescapably a liturgical action regardless of words used, regardless of solemn or simple, rigorously rubrical or ad hoc.”

Further random but incisive comments:

  • Such a blasphemous blessing of same-sex sex by Cardinal Tucho Fernandez and Pope Francis as seen in Fiducia supplicans and follow-up means that Rome has abandoned the faith, that Rome is the seat of the anti-Christ, and that the final battle in the Church as prophesied at Fatima, viz., over the family, is lost.
  • Moreover, please understand, when the image of God as delineated by Genesis, male-female-marriage-family, is cast aside, it is done away with precisely because it is the image of God. This is a direct insult to God. This is a direct insult to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, whose Last Supper united with Calvary by way of Jesus’ wedding vows with His Immaculate Bride, the Church, This is my Body given for you in Sacrifice, my Blood poured out for you in Sacrifice.
  • This is a denial of Jesus as the Divine Son of the Living God Incarnate of the Immaculate Virgin. And this is the definition of the anti-Christ.
  • This is a denial of our Redemption, God’s marriage with His Bride the Church re-establishing the image of God within us by sanctifying grace.
  • For the anti-Christs, their denial of Jesus is precisely why same-sex sex is “blessed.” But God will not bless that which is sinful. God will not be mocked by these mockers.
  • This is why female priests are desired by some, for, at such a “Mass”, this would be a lesbian symbol, a woman marrying her bride. What an insult to the Church, to God, to everyone.

Even more random thoughts:

  • I bet we do suffer the publication of further Eucharistic Prayers with special consecrations pandering to other religions or none, to other pronouns or none, to forgiveness of unrepentant sin, whatever, you know, just to make sure that the Daily Sacrifice has come to an end.
  • Anything further? Drop a comment in the combox.


Filed under Holy See, Pope Francis

Church founded on personal faith or person of Peter? Novus Ordo vs the Son of the Living God.

Firstly, let’s note that this is not about an actual chair that Saint Peter might have sat his back-end upon. No, this is in praise of God granting Peter a most unique teaching authority, when he’s pronouncing upon matters of faith and morals to the universal Church that which is revealed by God, not Peter. He is singled out among the other apostles. But, pay attention, it’s the person of Peter that’s infallible, not his own personal appreciation of the faith. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. This is not easy, but it’s worth understanding this in our confusing times.

Let’s start by comparing what you might hear at Holy Mass today, the “collect” for the Feast of The Chair of Saint Peter, firstly, the TLM in Latin and in English [skipping the commemoration of day 5 of week 1 of Lent]:


V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Deus, qui beáto Petro Apóstolo tuo, collátis clávibus regni cœléstis, ligándi atque solvéndi pontifícium tradidísti: concéde; ut, intercessiónis eius auxílio, a peccatórum nostrórum néxibus liberémur:

Commemoratio S. Pauli
Deus, qui multitúdinem géntium beáti Pauli Apóstoli prædicatióne docuísti: da nobis, quǽsumus; ut, cuius commemoratiónem cólimus, eius apud te patrocínia sentiámus.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.

V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
O God, Who when giving blessed Peter, Your Apostle, the keys of the heavenly kingdom, bestowed on him the power of binding and loosing, grant that by the help of his intercession we may be delivered from the bonds of our sins.

Commemoration of St. Paul
O God, Who taught vast numbers of the Gentiles by the preaching of the blessed Apostle Paul, grant, we beseech You, that by honoring his memory, we may enjoy the benefit of his patronal intercession with You.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
R. Amen.

Before moving on to the Novus Ordo, note some logistics above. Whenever there is a feast of Saint Peter, Saint Paul is commemorated. And vice versa. Anomalously, there is only one conclusion for both prayers. This otherwise doesn’t happen with other saints or with other sets of multiple prayers. This emphasizes our joy in their reconciliation. You’ll remember that Paul had enough Catholic charity for Peter that he reprimanded Peter when Peter stood condemned for his damnable public heresy that was leading people straight to hell: see Galatians 2:11. Peter, by the grace of God, took the correction. Both became saints. They’re oft depicted with an embrace in iconography so as to show that this reconciliation took place. There’s even a feast of both of the together, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.

Note also that in the prayer regarding Saint Peter, there is an earnest prayer that we might be delivered from the bonds of our sins by the keys of binding and loosing. Quite humble, that. All of this in its entirety is thrown out by the Novus Ordo…

Let’s compare with the Novus Ordo, which, for it’s collect, skips all reference to keys and forgiveness, but instead promotes the heresy that rejects Sacred Scripture, and forbids Jesus to have a say in the foundation of His own Church, insisting that Jesus founded His Church NOT on the person of Peter, but rather on Peter’s personal appreciation and personal confession of faith. And while Peter had repeated a revelation from God the Father, Peter’s own reception of that revelation was almost non-existent. He had a long way to go before he would become Saint Peter. You’ll recall that it was only seconds after Jesus founded His Church that Peter was reprimanded as Satan by Jesus, the Son of the Living God.

The Novus Ordo has only one prayer, skipping Saint Paul. There is only one prayer in the Latin typical edition of the Novus Ordo, but there are two English translations, because… options… right? Both have the same heresy, taking the lead from the heretical Novus Ordo Latin. Again, let’s provide the Latin, then the English:


Præsta, quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus,
ut nullis nos permíttas perturbatiónibus cóncuti,
quos in apostólicæ confessiónis petra solidásti.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.


All-powerful Father,
you have built your Church
on the rock of Saint Peter’s confession of faith.
May nothing divide or weaken
our unity in faith and love.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
— Amen.


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that no tempests may disturb us,
for you have set us fast
on the rock of the Apostle Peter’s confession of faith.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
— Amen.

In Matthew 16, Peter’s confession of faith does not refer to the content, “You are the Son of the Living God,” revealed to Peter by God the Father, but rather on the fact of the action of Peter himself blurting out what God the Father revealed but which Peter himself hardly understood. That’s hardly rock-like; it is not that which Jesus founded His Church upon. Let’s see just how bad it gets:

  • Peter did call Jesus “Lord”, but had so much disrespect because of lack of faith in Jesus as the Son of the Living God, that Peter, in protestation to Jesus saying that He is going to be crucified, says to Jesus: “God forbid, Lord!” That means that God the Father is God, but that Jesus, Lord, is a damn fool. No, it is Peter who is not only damned at this point, but, as Jesus points out, Peter is Satan. Jesus is very patient, and continues to instruct Peter. This was seconds after the foundation of the Church. As the text says, Jesus founded His Church on the very person, flesh and blood, of Peter, not on the appreciation that Peter had of the faith, nor in his confession based on the poor appreciation.
  • But Peter himself is so very weak. Peter also denies Jesus three times: I don’t know the man. I don’t know the man. I don’t know the man. Jesus is very patient, and will forgive Peter, “Feed by lambs,” “Tend my sheep,” “Feed my sheep.”
  • Peter, well into the apostolic ministry after Pentecost, heretically rejects the Redemption wrought by Jesus in favor of being saved by circumcision, a punishment wrecked upon Abraham and his descendants. Peter did this so that he could be politically correct to those in front of him. He sold out Jesus to be in with the in-crowd. Peter’s falling away was done with full-on heresy, as Peter the Apostle, head of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. By grace, he took the reprimand of Paul and converted once again. That means that Peter was still not rejected by Jesus. Right?

Note that in all of these instances Peter is not acting infallibly but merely upon his personal opinions in front of individuals.

But compare Pope Francis, who in all of his many, grotesque, filthy, arrogant, damnable heresies, is always and, just like Peter in those instances above, merely giving his private opinion, even if he expressed this for all the world and Church to hear, universally. Pope Francis has spread his heresies, regardless of what he says, as the Successor of Peter, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ, the Supreme Pontiff, visible head of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and on matters of faith and morals, particularly those fomented into a whirlwind of controversy as a backdrop for his drama, and, yes, to the whole Church.

Just like Paul’s reprimand of Peter, Pope Francis is subject to that which is most Catholic, a reprimand. Objectively speaking, Pope Francis has become Satan, a stumbling block, a heretic, one who scandalizes everyone. Please God he takes into his soul the reprimands he is provided continuously and with such charity and at such great cost to those who do him this good deed. But that personal heresy does not mean he is not pope any more than Peter’s evil actions and evil heresies took him out of the papacy. Right? … RIGHT? …

Here it is: None of what Pope Francis has execrated has been infallible, not because anyone or all of us together say he is wrong, but because his pronouncements of pretense are missing one condition for infallibility besides all the others listed above, that of saying, “a Deo revelatam” “being revealed by God”, that is, already revealed, that is, before the death of the Last Apostle, Revelation being Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture together, the fullness of Revelation being Christ Jesus Himself. Pope Francis avoids this as if his life depends on it, because it does.

Here’s the truth: In the biblical text Jesus pronounces that He is founding His Church on the singular person of Peter. If Peter is to use the keys of the kingdom, if Peter is going to pronounce on matters of faith and morals to the universal Church, he is going to have to be correct, for the truth is NEVER expendable, even for an instant, but Peter, in his person, body and soul, is entirely and at each moment immediately expendable.

There is no grace period. There is no, “Oh well, the pope got it wrong, going against infallibility, so let’s discover a way to depose him post factum, after the fact, because, by his heresy that he pronounced ex cathedra, infallibly, he got it wrong and therefore he’s no longer pope. No. There is no “after the fact”. If the pope opens his mouth to pronounce on matters of faith and morals to the universal church also saying that what he is saying is already revealed in Sacred Revelation, but he is going to be wrong about this, well well, he will not be able to do that: he will be struck down by God or otherwise entirely incapacitated. He cannot be merely fallible in that manner. He is, in his person, as it were, infallible when it comes to faith and morals spoken to the universal Church as also pronounced to be already revealed by God in Sacred Revelation. He will die in his person before he can infallibly pronounce what is wrong. He is expendable. Truth is not expendable. God is Truth. Peter serves God by being at risk in this way.

Only God can un-pope the pope, as it were, by destroying him, personally, in his person, dead or incapacitated before the fact, not after. No one else is above the pope, not even a bunch of Cardinals like the ever so elite and exalted Cardinals Cupich and Fernandez and Gregory and McElroy et alii. They or any nice group you care to name are not infallible over against the pope. That’s heretical.

  • But Father George! Father George! You don’t understand! I’m, like, really, really, really mad at Pope Francis and therefore he’s not pope! So there, Father George! Ha ha!

It doesn’t work like that. You can call him heretical, and you’d be right. But that doesn’t un-pope him. We have the evidence of Galatians 2:11 for that. Pope Francis has not made an incorrect infallible statement. He’s not made any infallible statement.

Now, if he did make an incorrect infallible statement, meaning, like, he actually pronounced infallibly with all the conditions mentioned above including that what he is pronouncing has already been revealed by God in Sacred Revelation, that wouldn’t mean that the faith has changed, but rather that, as has been suspected all along, he simply has never been pope from the get-go, for whatever myriad reasons, perhaps also electioneering, and the thousand other conjectures, lots of them really good conjectures and not really opposed to each other, but many other conjectures being silly. Anyway, in that case, not being pope, he could make pretend all day every day saying whatever damnable heresy he wants and that would not cancel the Catholic Church or the papacy. It would just mean that we have an anti-Pope. In that case, you don’t need a bunch of Cardinals to depose him, you just need some of the Swiss Guards and the Gendarmerie of the Vatican to arrest him and put him in solitary confinement, even dragging him to the couple of jail cells the Vatican does have if he throws a tantrum. It is what it is.

Are you worn out? So am I. But Jesus said that the time would be shortened for the sake of the elect, otherwise not even one would be saved. And you know what Jesus says about that, proclaiming that He will not lose even one of those the Father has given to him. Lot’s of hope in them there words.

Thank you Jesus, for granting to such as Peter and such as his successors infallible teaching authority, the keys of the kingdom of heaven which are also to be turned for the forgiveness of sin. May you grant conversion of heart and soul to the Successors of Peter that those the Father has given you may more easily be drawn by you to the cross, and to heaven, having had their sins forgiven.

To be totally pedantic in translating the Greek of Matthew 16:

  • “Whatever you may bind at any given time (second person singular subjunctive aorist active) upon the earth will (third person singular indicative future middle) already have been made to be perfectly standing in that way (nominative neuter singular participle perfect passive) in the heavens.”

The eternal truth will remain. If Peter does not going to conform himself to that truth, he’s expendable. Period.


  • Why is the Novus Ordo teaching us heresy and doing this specifically on the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter?
  • Do you see what’s happening to my soul?


Filed under Pope Francis