Ecumenical Popery: 151 pages of Blah Blah

It’s 13 June 2024. Another document. Pope Francis did not approve of anything in this document in forma specifica, meaning it’s utterly unofficial, just more Blah Blah from the Dicastery for Ecumenism.

There were glib throw-away phrases deftly turning Mt 16 inside-out, upside-down, back-to-front, but no analysis whatsoever of that key passage. They have thrown away the Key of Knowledge. It’s all self-congratulation about how they can blather on and on, sounding academic, but merely sophistically avoiding that which is, He who is central, who is at the Sacred Heart of all this, the Living, Absolute, Unmanipulatable Truth, the Eternal and now Incarnate Word of the Father.

How they can go on for 151 pages and not take a serious look at Matthew 16 speaks to me of cowardice, of self-imposed blindness, of snooty-self-congratulation.

That’s why I republished this the other day:

That post puts this new document from “Ecumenism” into a chipper, easy peasy. Over and done:

If people throw away Jesus, and throw away Peter, why bother doing the Blah Blah dance? Why not just go straight to satanism? Is it to scandalize more people, lead more people to hell and Satan?

Oh, I forgot. Pachamama and all that. They all agree on satanism.

I’ll tell you what, that’s not unity. There is no unity in sin. There is no unity in Satan. Satan is the murderer and liar from the beginning.

I’m soooo sick of all this. But all the more am I enthralled with the wounds of Jesus, who took us deadly seriously. He it is who draws us to Himself, in His grace, that we might take Him deadly seriously. Again:

Remember, as soon as Jesus gave the Keys to Peter, Jesus then spoke of His crucifixion, signaling how deadly serious all of this is. Peter said: “God forbid!” just like this new document. But Jesus says: “Get behind me, you Satan!”


Filed under Ecumenism, Pope Francis, The Blah Blah Synod™

4 responses to “Ecumenical Popery: 151 pages of Blah Blah

  1. elizabethmckernan1

    Fifty-nine years ago I stood up in the church and vowed to obey all that the Catholic Church taught. Everything seemed so logical to me – until now. I remind myself that I have never regretted my decision but I never imagined in my twilight years I would be feeling so insecure.

    • Father George David Byers

      Dearest Elizabeth: Everything is more clearly “logical” than ever! The wounds inflicted upon the Eternal Logos, and the “logic” of that, is clearer than ever. It’s the love of God that makes those wounds reasonable.

      The Divine Son of the Immaculate Conception asked: “If they do this when the wood is green, what will they do when it is dry?”

      We are not to be scandalized by anything or anyone, for have we not seen the wounds of Christ Jesus, who has seen all of this from beginning to end and came into this world to grab us for heaven already knowing what it would cost Him and His dearest dear Mother?

      We are to remain in His Church, in His Truth, that which the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church professes and does believe, those who are with Jesus, with His Sacraments, with the Faith He provides.

      It is perfect obedience to remain in the Catholic Faith, living the Faith, even while Judas beats you down.

      This is what it means to be crucified to self and to the world and to live for Christ Jesus.

      You are more secure than ever in that Living Truth who is Love, whose love is stronger than our twilight years, stronger than sickness, stronger than death, strong enough to get us to heaven always united with Jesus who is the same, yesterday, today, forever.

      Does weak Peter vacillate? Sure. Does he have to be reprimanded by Jesus, by Paul? Yep. Same for us. Hopefully the successors of Peter take in the reprimand. Regardless, we also need to be reprimanded and take in the reprimand throughout our lives as Jesus draws us to Himself.

      Jesus is always but always good and kind and truthful.

      Peter is the rock when he speaks infallibly. Otherwise, he is merely Simon bar Jonah. We pray Simon Peter. We pray for each other. Pray for me!

  2. jmtarter

    Father George,I though that that the “loosed in Heaven” conveyed the authority of Confession upon all of the Apostles and then onto the priests to follow.Orémus, Murray

    • Father George David Byers

      But those Keys are given by the Successor of Peter by way of the Apostolic mandate given, or not, to a priest being consecrated a bishop. Also, there are reserved sins, etc. Also, the sins may be bound, say, against a sin against the Holy Spirit: “If I have to repent, I don’t want your damn forgiveness anyway.”

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