Amoris laetitia: irreversible?

nuclear explosion

There are those who have been involved in the Synods on the Family and Amoris laetitia who have said with a great deal of triumphalism that it is all irreversible, that they have done it, accomplished it, provided it, and no one will take it out of their hands.

This reminds me of the statements about that Titanic, that not even God can sink such a ship. And then they found out. Our measly efforts regarding the truth are NOTHING compared to Jesus, who IS Truth Incarnate, the very Word of the Father. Amoris laetitia is not a document by which Jesus will judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. Jesus will judge us regarding our charity as held up by the truth which itself sanctifies us. If anyone thinks that their efforts can replace the infused faith, Sacred Tradition, they are sorely mistaken. Jesus is the standard of truth. Through Him, with Him and in Him, we are to be as perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. We are to pray always. How can we do that if we are so busy congratulating ourselves that our own efforts are irreversible?

I’ve seen this all before regarding textual criticism and the manuscripts of the bible. The Pontifical Council for Ecumenical getting along gave away the farm in having others judge what is in the Bible instead of the Holy Father. They said that it was all irreversible. Rubbish. It seems to me that the mockery of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterial interventions of the Church that are considered infallible (whether ordinary or extraordinary) has gone on long enough.

Anyway, part of the claim for Amoris laetitia being irreversible is surely that it is quite predictable what a state the Church will be in right around the world, so messy, that it will be thought that following our Lord our Lord’s way will never be possible again. No.

People hear the voice of Jesus and follow Him.

Oh, and the picture of the irreversible nuclear explosion up top? Remember that during the nuclear bombing of Japan, a church was virtually unhurt near the epicenter, with the priests inside calmly praying the Fatima rosary. Nothing is impossible with God.


Filed under Amoris laetitia, Synod on the Family

2 responses to “Amoris laetitia: irreversible?

  1. Pat

    There were 8 Jesuit priests who survived Hiroshima. Go figure!

  2. It was 8 Jesuit priests that survived in Hiroshima. Go figure!

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