Holocaust Remembrance Day

jewish yellow star jude

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day, a day of remembrance, a day of sorrow and grief, and day of thirsting for justice, and day of agony, a day just like any other day.

Here are some of the names of the children, and their ages, as read at the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. As you listen to these names, know that there are those who have Styrofoam souls upon their own choice, and they cannot understand the significance of what has happened. They would make it happen again and absolutely not know that there is anything wrong with murdering children:

When I was in Rome for decades of my life, I would frequently walk by a memorial to the children who were taken to the camps from the Ghetto in Rome, often going way out of my way to do so.

jewish ghetto rome children memorial

This following video, sent in by the widow of this gentleman, is queued to a most incisive section of seven interviews spliced together, is a statement of history presented to the ages…


Filed under Terrorism

6 responses to “Holocaust Remembrance Day

  1. This is the only reference to Holocaust Remembrance Day that I have seen today. Nothing from the News outlets, Nothing from the governor, nothing from big labor, and nothing from the Church except you. Thanks for the reminder and the remembrance.

    • Father George David Byers

      But what does today mean? Starting at 4:00 pm and going till tomorrow afternoon.

  2. sanfelipe007

    I clicked on the video, but it starts at 00:00:00. Would you provide us with a time stamp to which we can jump?

  3. sanfelipe007

    Thank you! Going…

  4. Anne Maliborski

    only 2 hours and 10 minutes in………. still more to go, but I take HOPE from this message. It struck me how Morris kept speaking of the Christians who helped his family out. I’m sure there were also the Christians who did nothing, and that there were some Christians who did the OPPOSITE of help (like the “volunteers” of all different ethnicities who only wanted to protect themselves.) But it gives me hope to know that there are brave, compassionate people, willing to risk their own safety, security, and family lives for the sake of others. I can only pray that I would be one of these Christians that Morris knew.

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