Jesus Christ you are my life


Filed under Jesus, Missionaries of Mercy

14 responses to “Jesus Christ you are my life

  1. Aussie Mum

    Pope Saint John Paul II was a true father – a Holy Father who would not lead one astray – and I miss him very much.
    Bishop Athanasius Schneider is doing what he can, even beyond his own diocese, to teach the truth where Pope Francis has obscured it. He shouldn’t have to do that for dioceses other than his own but someone has to and I am grateful for his efforts.
    My diocese is into its 3rd year without a bishop. There are many good priests in this diocese to choose from but none are chosen. I don’t know if that’s because the pope considers them too “rigid” or because those eminently suitable don’t want to be a bishop under the present pope, or perhaps because of the animus against the Catholic priesthood in this country. The higher one’s position in the hierarchy the greater the persecution as obviated by the treatment of our innocent but imprisoned cardinal.
    When Australia’s early Catholic settlers – convict and free – had no priest for many years, their faith was sustained by praying the rosary. It has the power to see us through the toughest times.

    • sanfelipe007

      Thank you for your comment Mum, I had no idea your Diocese was without a Bishop.

      • Aussie Mum

        It’s a large diocese too, Felipe, just over 62,000 square km (24,000 square miles) in inland New South Wales. We have our own seminary which, as far as I know, was the only one that was 100% on track in Australia for many years. That seminary is the reason we have so many sound priests in this diocese. We need a bishop but I guess no bishop is better than a “progressive” brought in from somewhere less orthodox. A neighbouring bishop is presently overseeing our diocese as an Apostolic Administrator sede vacante from his diocesan seat a long way from ours. Perhaps you would be so kind as to say a prayer that the diocese I live in gets a good bishop of its own soon.

      • Father George David Byers

        I vote for Fr Peter Joseph.

  2. Aussie Mum

    I agree Father, Father Peter Joseph would be a very good bishop and he already knows our diocese well.

  3. Aussie Mum

    I have heard about Father Peter Joseph’s revision of Archbishop Sheehan’s Apolegetics and Catholic Doctrine. Is that the work you mean Father? I haven’t read it but from what I hear it is excellent.

  4. sanfelipe007

    I remember Saint JPII final attempt to address the faithful from his balcony. The special chair lifted him up, and after a few moments it became clear that he was unable to speak. He placed his hands to his face, no doubt brokenhearted. The chair withdrew him from our sight. I wept with all the faithful at the Pope’s attempt to speak to us.

  5. Monica Harris

    “The most dangerous deceit and the most basic lie which the devil, the father of lies, sowed in the minds of Adam and Eve was to tell them: “You will be like God”. Where is the deceit? To be like God as the devil tempted them is to seek to be like God without God. That is the deceit and the danger.” (p 107)
    Bishop Schneider

  6. I watched both episodes on EWTN with Bishop Schneider. He is a true leader of the Church, Would make a great Pope I think.
    St John Paul has always been my favorite Pope. My husband and I were married on his feast day.
    Thank you for keeping us up on what is important in our faith.

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