Vatican Gardens St Michael purposely failing against Satan, mocking Jesus

Saint Michael Vatican Gardens.png

There are things you just don’t want to see and so don’t see. I thought it was good that a statue of Saint Michael the Archangel was installed in Vatican Gardens a while back. The pictures I saw at the time were fuzzy and from odd angles. I thought it was all a bit “soft,” but, at least St Michael was there, thought I. But I didn’t see what was actually going on. Because of all the idiocy going on in Vatican Gardens these days, I wanted to write a post contrasting the presence of Saint Michael with this other rubbish. But what I saw was not good. Now I know that it’s all a piece. In that presentation of Saint Michael…

  • Saint Michael misses the mark. Instead of piercing a spear into Satan, he contorts himself, going out of his way kind of pole-dance with the spear, ending up piercing – whoops – his own right foot. A bit sadomasochistic, that. Meanwhile, the left foot is… playing footsie… with the genitals of Satan…
  • Saint Michael is presented homoerotically, so that his erect penis is holding up the garment otherwise slipping off his rather sleek look-at-me body. Apparently, he’s so narcissistic that this is why he misses the mark. Or, I guess, that’s on purpose. He’s posing with his friend, Satan. Why hurt Satan when he is the vehicle to present oneself narcissistically?

Because of these two things, there is only one consistent interpretation of the rest of the presentation. The pierced hand of Jesus is reaching out from the gates of hell with the phrase “Non prevalebunt” from “The gates of hell will not prevail against her (that is, the Church)” has the wounds of Jesus as the subject of the verb. But in this context, that can only mean that the demonic Jesus and His useless redemption of us will not prevail against Satan, or against Satan’s friend, Saint Michael. Sigh.

My advice is this: Don’t mock Saint Michael like this. You will NOT get away with it. Mockery will catch up to you.

Update: A priest friend wrote in that Benedict XVI was the inspiration for the initiative for a statue of Saint Michael conquering Satan. But then he was gone as Pontiff. My priest friend was hoping that no one would get the idea from what I wrote above that Benedict was in any way to blame for this fiasco. He’s NOT to blame!


Filed under Pope Francis

10 responses to “Vatican Gardens St Michael purposely failing against Satan, mocking Jesus

  1. sanfelipe007

    Classic iconoclasm. The Chuch has gone though this before. We may have to wait for another Pius IX. I recall an art class which required the drawing of nudes. It is kind of “right of passage” in the training of artists.

    Funny, call pornography “art” and you are the bad guy when you destroy it.

  2. Aussie Mum

    That “work of art” which mocks St Michael brings to mind three other disgraceful “artistic” displays.
    – A blasphemous homoerotic mural commissioned in 2007 by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia for his cathedral in which the homosexual artist depicted the archbishop semi-naked but wearing his scull cap and in the embrace of another man who is almost totally naked. Our Lord is depicted partially clothed but what covering he has is see-through. Pope Francis has since appointed Archbishop Paglia Chancellor of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.
    – Evo Morales, President of Bolivia and devotee of Pachamama, in 2015 gave the gift of a “communist crucifix” (corpus attached to a hammer and sickle) to Pope Francis who happily received it. Morales has just fallen from power.

    – The strange 2017 Nativity Scene at the Vatican, approved by Pope Francis and Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin, was sexually suggestive and its creation linked to an LGBT community mocking the Mother of God by proclaiming her their patroness.
    How I miss Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

  3. Catherine

    Dear Father George, I am so glad and relieved to hear that Pope Benedict is as saintly as I have always imagined him to be. I always believed that Pope Benedict was so very brave to stay at the Vatican when he retired. I never felt he was safe there. He had someone trusted do an investigation and report on the condition of the Vatican before he retired. I wonder if he stayed close by, based on these findings, to specifically pray for the next Pope and the Church? In my heart, he is as great as Saint Pope John Paul II. Along with the scapular, I treasure and always wear the Miraculous Medal that Pope Benedict XVI blessed. We are so fortunate and blessed that the Church still has a lot of good and holy priests, bishops, etc. to fight against the evil that seems to be within and without the Church.

  4. Catherine

    Thank you Father George for enlightening us on this statue. No wonder no one took pictures and posted it on the internet.
    I remember a while back that Pope Francis consecrated Vatican City and the Church into the care and protection of Saint Michael, the Archangel and also to Saint Joseph. The ceremony was at the statue of Saint Michael that was newly installed. At the time, the news reported that Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI had wanted to attend the ceremony so the two popes were in attendance. I was relieved that this consecration was done. Boy were we ever taken for a bunch of suckers!
    I love Saint Michael and Saint Joseph. I wear Saint Michael’s scapular along with the Brown scapular. I feel sick at in heart and soul at this horrible desecration. There is no question that the spirit of evil has been working overtime trying to destroy everything that is sacred.
    Now I question if Emeritus Pope Benedict is a party to this communist agenda to destroy the church? I hope not. Thank goodness Jesus in the Gospel reassured us: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18). I guess this is all part of the Passion of the Church that we were warned about. God bless you and protect you Father George!

  5. Joisy Goil

    I have wondered for quite awhile about Pope Benedict’s retirement. I suspect there is more to the story that we know.
    Now that all these horrible things have come to pass I think more and more about what Jesus said, Matthew 24:22 “If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened.”

  6. Katol

    Very good Text. I agree with you. U

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