The Blah Blah Synod™ How bishops and priests are to listen to those in the darkest of existential peripheries: important

So, Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary-General of the Synod of Bishops, yelled at the US bishops: “Let the pastors not be afraid to listen to the flock.” That’s fraudulent gas-lighting.

I’m not afraid to listen. Let me tell you just how much I’m not afraid. I’m so unafraid that I show people the wounds of Jesus, I show them their biographies written out in the wounds on Jesus’ body, perfectly clear depictions of their self-entitlement to be idiots identities, must more clear then they could ever express themselves. I show them their damned and sinful selves so that they can find their true identities in Christ Jesus, He the Head of the Body, and we, who are to be the members of His Body, as Saint Paul says. As people open their mouths to defend their self-entitlement to sin against doctrine, sin against morality, sin against liturgy, to sin by way of idol-worship, to sin by way of sacrificing children… I have their jaws drop right to the floor so they can enunciate clearly their sins in Sacramental Confession. Other than that, their jaws can just drop so that they now listen, stunned into silence, by the Word of God spoken to them, surely for the first time in their lives. They speak loudly in that manner of stunned silence, with their hearts and minds and souls captured by the Word of our Heavenly Father, now Incarnate, Christ Jesus. Let me be clear:

You can Blah Blah Synod™ all the hell you want, but in doing so you will obscure those wounds of Christ Jesus, you will silence the voice of those wounds, you will muffle the voice of our Heavenly Father speaking that eternal Word of God who is Love, you will never be able to hear the true needs and misery of those who had chosen sin and darkness but now want to come back to the fullness of life and light, but cannot, because of ecclesiastics who hotly desire to forever listen to the dainty desires of sin instead of listening to the confession of, repentance from sins in Sacramental Confession, instead of listening to the ripping to shreds of Jesus with the scourging, instead of listening to the smashing of the crown of thorns into His skull, instead of listening to the nails thudding through His hands and feet into the wood of the Cross, instead of listening to the gurgling of the blood and water gushing from the Heart of Love Himself when the sword is rammed into His side, instead of listening to the command given now to the Father to obey the Son: “Father! Forgive them!”

If we don’t hear that repentant confession of sin, and that’s all we need to hear, we will never be able to see sin as sin, for we ourselves will be so immersed in sin that we will deny sin is sin. We won’t give witness to those who want to listen to a word about the Sacrifice of the Word Incarnate. We won’t give witness by our deeds to those who want to see how it’s done, that is, with ourselves going to Confession.

People are screaming to be heard from the midst of the darkness they don’t know how to escape except in a downward spiral, even suicide. “Listen to me!” they cry. “Listen to me begging to have witness to Jesus shown to me!” But no. The last thing The Blah Blah Synod™ is about is Jesus. Jesus doesn’t count. Jesus is just a symbol to be shoved to the side in thematic liturgies given over to demon-idols. These ecclesiastics don’t hear the pleas for Jesus, the pleas for good doctrine, good morality, good liturgy, for Sacraments and sacramentals. Jesus, the Word, is stifled with all the Blah Blah.

But I’ll tell you what, people have a right before the throne of God, sinful as they are, lost as they are, to have witness from the pastors of the Lord’s Little Flock. And, yes, they are entitled to that witness by the Blood of the Lamb, He who stood in our place, Innocent for the guilty, so that He has the right in His own justice to have mercy on us. He came into this world baiting the ecclesiastics of the day, getting the job done, baiting them into to killing Him. They think they won, but in having founded His mercy on His justice, taking on the death we deserve for sin, Jesus, Innocent, usurps Satan’s right over us (we having given Satan that right over us with original sin and then whatever of our own rubbish sin). Jesus takes us back with such violence! He gets the job done, literally come hell or high water.

When people are not given that witness to Jesus, to which they have a right because of the enormity of what Jesus in His love did for us hanging over the heads of all mankind, when people are not given that witness to Jesus they have a right to take that witness, to make it happen. People aren’t going to bother with the wimpish cowardly Styrofoam ecclesiastics who are inverted, self-absorbed and dainty, those who are men of consensus. No. People are going to go after those who are already witnessing to Jesus, to His doctrine, to His morality, to His Sacrifice of the Mass, and they are going to push that witness of those who are faithful to be even clearer than it ever has been by way of martyrdom. And this martyrdom will be the most exquisite listening of those true pastors to the needs of the many for whom Jesus died, the new members of Jesus’ Little Flock.

That’s how to listen. Can you hear the flesh being ripped off, now? the thorns being smashed into craniums, now? the thud of nails piercing hands and feet and into the wood of uncountable crosses, now? the cries of “Father! Forgive them!”, now?

But that glorious witness will not be given unless we are listening to our Heavenly Father eternally speak that one Word now Incarnate, Christ Jesus.

Give a listen to the biographies of people. It’s all so very clear for all to hear:

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