Blah Blah Synod™ homosexualist militants demand my compliance: No.

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A demand was delivered to me on 8 January 2022, an apoplectic insistence that I comply immediately with “The Process” of this Hegelian-Rahnerian “revolution in the way we do Church.”

No. I won’t even send in a response saying, “No.” It’ll just be ignored, well, except offer some comments on this blog.

The entirely self-absorbed “let’s-talk-about-ourselves-and-not-ever-about-Jesus” Synod on Synodality, The Blah Blah Synod™, is not about communion, not about participation, not about mission. It’s about attacking doctrine, morality, liturgy, it’s about attacking Christ Jesus and all those who follow Him, His persecuted Little Flock, maginalizing believers, silencing them, stopping them dead.

Let’s take a look at the resources page. The haters of truth hate when the truth about them from themselves is shown to the world, you know, because they hate the truth. Here’s a screen shot:

Wait… What? Let’s click on that militant promotion of same-sex sex by the Holy See. Let’s see…

This group was always condemned right through the decades even by the U.S. Bishops Conference for the groups militant in-your-face promotion of same-sex sex. And now Francis and the Holy See are promoting this demonic execration. Let’s scroll down just a bit on the resources page. Ah yes, a video, an hour and six minutes. It’s fabulous, effervescent:

Meanwhile, Pope Francis praises, yet again, the co-founder of NWM:

Here’s the deal: There is not even ONE mention of Jesus and His teaching, His revelation, His commandments. Not even ONE mention. Not ONE. Well, now, that’s a different church alright, another church… but, actually, no, that’s not any kind of church. What they is exclusive of God. What they are on about is changing doctrine, albeit over time, but that’s the long term goal. They say it. But God is Truth, and God’s Truth, who He is, is not blah blah blah. Even the kids know that.

I will not blah blah blah. I will instead speak of the Eternal Word of the Father, now Incarnate of the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, who, taking us deadly seriously, laid down His life for us, demanding that we take Him deadly seriously, if we love Him, keeping His commandments. Listen up you freakoid bishops: Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. And you also He will judge.


Filed under Pope Francis, The Blah Blah Synod™

7 responses to “Blah Blah Synod™ homosexualist militants demand my compliance: No.

  1. Liz

    Thank you, Father, for fighting for the True, the good and the beautiful! God bless and keep you always!

  2. janeabrown47hotmailcom

    Continuing to pray for our church and its shepherds.sickening what is happening. Must.pray for help in hating the sin and not the sinner. May the triumph come soon. My knees are so tired as I know we all are. May.our Lord give us strength to continue the fight.

  3. Dianna

    Its all perversion, pure and simple. Cannot spin God’s word into what feels good. Sodom and Gommorah 2.0. Why is this “Pope” allowed to change doctrine? Is there nothing to be done? Can he just raise his fat fingers and decree whats a sin and whats not? He is desecrating a holy institution from within. So what can laypeople do?

  4. Catherine

    I believe that God needs to first show us where the evil and corruption is within. He will not tolerate lukewarm so we have to choose who we lend our ear to and who to follow. Then He gives mankind another chance to change our ways. God has been giving us plenty of chances and opportunities to turn away from our evil ways but the atrocities are becoming unbearable and the stench has reached Heaven. God is merciful and in order that no more souls be lost, He will clean house eventually. Jesus, I Trust In You. Praise be to Jesus Christ! God bless us all!

  5. Stephen Round

    Hilair Belloc quote”I am bound to hold divine-but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight”..Francis and I like him but Retire my Friend.The blah from Rome and my local Bishop and lockdowns convinces me the one good decide was dispensation.Board them up.It appears they believe in science government control and medicine more than Jesus.Graham Green wrote of this in the Power and the Glory.Mexico.Nothing new here.Vigano has it straight.I concur for the most part with your position.Your Latin mass experience with the heart was interesting.I am on the hunt for one of those Mass of the Ages.Had it with the rest.To Hell with the Church of nice for me.Viva cristo Rey

  6. Monica J Harris

    I had to laugh…
    first searched accidentally “” and got an resources page on the Synod on the Family 2014, with excellent books such as “Rigging of the Synod” by Edward Pentin, and “Remaining in the Truth of Christ”—the purloined so-called “Five Cardinals” book, with at least three of the contributors now deceased.
    Meanwhile found the page Father Byers screen-shot, ( at org!) and clicked on New Ways. Oy. Blah Blah Blah.
    Could not find anything substantive in the rest, the Philippines seems to be rather over-represented?

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