“Fiducia supplicans” Francis and Tucho declare 8th sacrament: same-sex orgasm


Don’t leave the Church. Suffer with Jesus.


Filed under Pope Francis

8 responses to ““Fiducia supplicans” Francis and Tucho declare 8th sacrament: same-sex orgasm

  1. sanfelipe007

    Not clicking that link, Father. Not with a ten-foot pole. This poor soul doesn’t need to know everything – especially things I can’t unread. I’m a “fraidy-cat.”

  2. Aussie Mum

    Sidestepping the Sacrament of Marriage and creating a quasi-sacrament via a blessing of couples in irregular and same-sex “unions” cannot be a legitimate development of what the Church teaches, despite that claim being made by the prefect of the DDF with the approval of Pope Francis. According to the document, this new thing is “a specific and innovative contribution to the pastoral meaning of blessings, permitting a broadening and enrichment of the classical understanding”. Rubbish!
    When did Our Lord bless or encourage irregular and same sex “unions”? Never! Does God make clear in the scriptures that adultery and sodomy are grave sins? Yes! Are we now to believe that God has changed His mind? Apparently, according to this pope and the man he has appointed to head the DDF.
    Unless some other way can be suggested for the Church’s teaching being cut off from this madness, I cannot think other than that the Magisterium is in a state of suspension until we have a pope and head of the Church’s doctrinal office who once more act in accord with Truth.

  3. nancy v

    I love y’all! Yes, let us suffer with Jesus and more reason to pray more rosaries…

  4. Joisy Goil

    Can a Pope be removed from office for malfeasance? (Like a president can be impeached) Why aren’t the cardinals doing something about this? (yeah I know, If they act for God they are cancelled)

    If anyone doesn’t think this is the time of the evil one they are not only blind, they are unconscious.

    And as for impeachment – I won’t even go there.

    Blessed Mother, please come and stomp on the serpent’s head.

  5. I speak French, some Spanish, a few words of Armenian and Japanese, but I have no ability in gobble-d-gook. It sure would come in handy right now! However, we need to set our faces to the gale, clench our jaws and keep striving for Heaven, none of us can straighten out this mess. We can only be faithful and trust that the Good Lord will protect His children and help us ride out this storm.

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