Pope Francis: Expel faggoty faggot seminarians with all their faggotry! Stupid faggoty faggots!

What’s going on here is that the Pope told all the Italian Bishops to get rid of all the faggoty faggots in the faggoty Italian seminaries. There’s too much faggotry of faggoty faggots in your faggoty seminaries, he said.

It was a closed meeting. Word got out.

So, in other words, as far as the fake apology goes: “I’m so sorry if faggoty faggots are so faggoty faggoted that they’re offended like the faggoty faggots they are, stupid faggoty faggots…”

If Pope Francis makes a habit of speaking this way, it’s gonna come out, sooner or later, one way or the other. And now it did. But this is no apology. He’s mad that faggoty faggots are offended.

Meanwhile, I have a suggestion for you, Pope Francis: You’re the man. Stop being such a faggoty faggot with your faggoty appointment of faggoty Tucho-boy Fernandez; stop it with the faggoty blessing of faggoty faggots with your faggoty Fiducia supplicans. What the hell are you doing? Have you no fear of God? You might say, “Who am I to judge?” but God doesn’t say that. God will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. Don’t forget, the faggoty sin cries out to heaven for vengeance.

  • Excursus: You have to know that the image of God as described in Genesis and cited by Jesus in the Gospels is male-female-marriage-family, and that faggoty sin mocks the image of God. The sin is blasphemy in and of itself. The greatest love for one suffering homosexual temptation is to help them to be chaste, to help them to know the power of prayer and the sacraments. Blessing faggoty sin sends people to hell. God will not bless sin.

Speaking of fire and faggots, you have to know that fag is quite the ancient term. As recent as the early 1960s my dad and everyone else used that term for cigarettes. He used to smoke way back in the day, and fag was the nickname for whatever cigarette. A fag has reference to a burning log. No descriptions needed for a diverse usage today.

Meanwhile, there’s an infamous guy, a heretic of heretics in the Church, a treasonous betrayer of Kings and Queens. Everyone wanted him dead. Everyone was chasing him around Europe to see if they could kill him. They called him the fag of all faggots, his faggoty faggotry causing chaos and disruption the world over. It wasn’t for any ss sin that he was called that. It spoke to how they wanted him to die, burning at the stake. That’s the guy who was burned to death in the Campo de’ Fiori, Giordano Bruno. The statue stands at the spot where he was burned, likely at the exact height of the flames of the burning logs.

By the way and just to say, faggoty faggots are NOT offended by Pope Francis using such terminology. Faggoty faggots use fag and faggot and faggotry and faggoty etc etc etc. They have pride about it, right? Pride, pride, pride.

In the same way, if you tell some imam guy that he represents a religion of peace, he’s about going to kill you, because to him, that’s an insult to Allah, to Muhammed, to the Qur’an, to everything they stand for.

That’s why Pope Francis is angry with faggoty faggots in his apology for using such terms of faggotry, because they should be proud of their faggotry. It’s just that for Pope Francis, he himself says, there’s just too much faggoty faggotry in the seminaries, too many faggoty faggots altogether.

Meanwhile, right now, a drag queen dances for young children during Pope Francis’ first World Children’s Day. And Tucho-boy is still in office. And Fiducia supplicans is still in force.

This is what the Hegelian-Rahnerian dialectic of synodality is all about. Spit on yourself. Spit on your neighbor. Spit on God. Come up with your own morality, your own doctrine. So dark. So violent. Diabolical. In a word, it’s willfully desired faggotry.

Meanwhile, we pray for the conversion of all who are leading others straight to hell. We pray for conversion of those who are scandalized. Hail Mary…


Filed under Child Protection, Pope Francis

2 responses to “Pope Francis: Expel faggoty faggot seminarians with all their faggotry! Stupid faggoty faggots!

  1. Joisy Goil

    OMG!!! I know you’re not kidding – but I can’t believe this stuff is happening ! This is surely the time of the devil.

  2. sanfelipe007

    What has gotten into me today?

    Father has said (and I agree) “nothing is as it seems.” Perhaps Francis is not angry that there are homosexuals in the seminaries, or that there are too many. Perhaps He is angry that the candidates are too flamboyant and ebullient about their sexuality. To put it in the vernacular, he protests that there are to many “catchers” than “pitchers.” And “catchers” don’t spread the harm, but contain it – much as hell serves to do.

    I’m not sure that I “speak as adults do, once the pure have left the room.” I feel filthy just typing this comment.

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