Ultra-Traditionalismist Shriekers: *Dishonorable* JPII M&F Institute [?!]

You have heard that it was said by the ultra-tradition-al-ism-its that the John Paul Institute for Marriage and the Family has always been entirely dishonorable and deserves to have been smashed down into nothingness because of their not having spent their time pounding sand, because of their having simply been busy about what they were supposed to be doing in the academic world, promoting Humanae vitae, Familiaris consortio, Evangelium vitae, Veritatis splendor, etc., along with analysis of passages in the Scriptures and Fathers of the Church, the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, etc.

What they should have been doing, instead of actually teaching and learning, it is said, is to shriek in mere reaction to the heretics, so that the heretics set the agenda, so that no one can ever get a systematic and academic overview of moral doctrine.

“React to THIS! No, no! React to THIS! ♬ SHRIEK IT OUT! ♬ There is no place, ever, for actual teaching and actual learning.”

No. Merely being ad hoc apologists to scattered and scatterbrained topics is to cave to the social engineering of the extreme left. Apologetics are great, but merely to react to heretics with no place for true academics is merely to pound sand, merely to play a part in the dialectic game. Why would anyone want to play that game?

This is simply emotionalism. It is said that we have come to a time when all must shriek, that there is no more time for teaching and learning doctrine and morality. All we can do now, it is said, is shriek. Otherwise, it is said, we fail ourselves, we fail others, we fail the world, we fail the Chruch, we fail Christ. No, that is not what teaching and learning the doctrine and morality of the Church means.

Pounding sand with the scoffers? Instead, I suggest reading, this very day, say, Humanae vitae and then, in the New Testament, the Second Letter of Saint Peter. It’ll do the heart and soul good. If you need to laugh out loud in the joy of the Holy Spirit, try this video as an occasion of that:


Filed under Fake News Cycle, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis

3 responses to “Ultra-Traditionalismist Shriekers: *Dishonorable* JPII M&F Institute [?!]

  1. Aussie Mum

    “The Gates of Hell shall not prevail!”
    Man-made institutions fail but never the Church or the family for they were instituted by God. Recalling this truth comforts and helps us through these difficult times. Thank you Father.

  2. nancyv

    whoa….never thought I’d actually like “rap”! (never say never) Thanks for providing a calm ‘stay the course’ reasoning in this upside down world.
    Deo gratias.
    p.s. today’s reading and Gospel hit me like a ROCK upside the head.

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