Threaten all you want Pierre: I will be faithful to Jesus and the Church


Later in the address…

  • “While we can reflect on this communion in a theological way, we ought to examine it practically, namely by measuring to what extent we as individuals  and our local churches have received the Magisterium of Pope Francis. […] The pastoral thrust of this pontificate must reach the American people, especially as families continue to demand of dioceses and parishes the accompaniment envisioned by Amoris laetitia.”


And that’s a green light for bishops to smash down priests who simply want to be priests of the Catholic Church, of Jesus, faithful to the Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Tradition and the constant and infallible Magisterium of the Church. This is bullying, and a signalling of a new inquisition in which faithfulness and goodness and kindness and actual mercy and truth is punished.

What a joke. Pfft. The grace of Jesus, friendship with Jesus, is stronger than threats, stronger than our weakness, stronger than marginalization and torture and death. What a joke. I mean, look at the hellish betrayal of China by the Holy See. What do we expect? Of course it will be our turn. As the Master, so the disciple.

Look, people: This isn’t things falling apart. As a friend in Rome said: “Finally! A persecution! It means that Jesus loves us, that He hasn’t forgotten us. Finally we have the gift, the privilege to witness to Jesus.”


Filed under Missionaries of Mercy, Pope Francis

8 responses to “Threaten all you want Pierre: I will be faithful to Jesus and the Church

  1. nancyv

    I love your friend’s rallying cry. Thank you.

  2. nancyv

    p.s. My daughter recently read and gave me to read Cardinal Sarah’s “The Day is Now Far Spent”. Says it is a book for all Catholics – for all peoples.

  3. Aussie Mum

    A chronically ill and very good priest recently took off his Brown Scapular and gave it to me to wear as the cords of mine kept snapping and I wasn’t wearing it. He later returned with a spare for me and one for my elder son who is my carer. Each is hand-made and has a tiny Crucifix incorporating an extremely tiny St Benedict medal sewn on one woollen panel and a small Miraculous Medal sewn on the other. In addition to the spiritual assistance and protection provided, these lovingly adorned Brown Scapulas give one much to think on and appreciate, drawing one’s thoughts throughout the day to Jesus and Mary, the Sacrifice of the Cross, the sacred nature of the priesthood and the defeat of Satan. Sacramentals such as these seem especially important in these times of misdirection and confusion in the Church.

  4. sanfelipe007

    Serendipity! This morning I was thinking on why I had not replaced my scapular which, like Aussie mum, snapped off. I passed the door of a neighbor and saw one just laying there. I paused for a moment, thinking I might pick it up. Then thought, “that belongs to someone!” I went on my way. Later, I thought, I should have picked it up ,in case it was blessed, and placed it on somewhere better – where its owner would spot it.

  5. sanfelipe007

    I wonder, might “they” use your Missionary of Mercy status as leverage in some way, Father?

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