Ryan MacDonald destroys crusader cop who destroyed Catholic Priest



Filed under Priesthood

6 responses to “Ryan MacDonald destroys crusader cop who destroyed Catholic Priest

  1. Liz

    God bless Ryan MacDonald and all that he has written and done for Fr. Gordon over the years. I’m so grateful for him!

  2. Fr GP

    how many innocent priest where accused in a variety of places by tampered or false testimony. How many more people were accused and such evidence tampered. In this country now days you are guilty until proven innocent. Do not the falsely accused deserve justice

  3. g p

    I wonder how many are victims of false accusation and tampered information? With fake news everywhere a person is guilty until proven innocent. Many cry out Crucify Him by a stacked case. How many more are there? Have we also pronounced sentence without knowing the truth?

  4. Joisy Goil

    May Fr. Gordon soon receive justice. Better late than never at all.

    • Father George David Byers

      There will always be justice before the Lord.

      • Joisy Goil

        You are absolutely correct Father, I was thinking of here in this mortal life.
        That fact always makes me feel better knowing that God is all knowing and fair, He cannot be fooled or tricked or bribed. GOD is good!!

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