Eureka moment: “There’s nothing I can do.” Priests doing nothing stop child-trafficking.

I’m thinking of founding a movement called PACC – PRIESTS AGAINST CATHOLIC CHARITIES. All that priests have to do is nothing, as said so well in that 7-second video above.

There are about zero priests and (Cardinal) (Arch-)bishops who can listen to how it is that Catholic Charities is trafficking children, bringing them from the border to destinations throughout the United States. They call it a “conspiracy theory.” My story in this includes Catholic Charities asking me three times to deliver unvetted kiddies to unvetted (cartel) recipients. That’s child-trafficking. I didn’t do it. Those who would listen cannot. Their eyes glaze over. Their adrenaline is pumped. I haven’t actually gotten beat up, yet. But here’s the reaction of priests to my story over the past couple of years:

  • A canon lawyer priest ordered me to go along to get along, commanding that I will finance the child-trafficking of Catholic Charities and there’s nothing I can do about it. [“Nothing”, eh?]
  • Another canon lawyer priest then yelled at me for 15 minutes non-stop, ordering me to cease and desist, or it might well be the end of my priesthood, and there’s nothing I can do about it. [“Nothing”, eh?]
  • Another canon lawyer priest, while politely sitting in front of me, just couldn’t listen, but could only commiserate with me about what might well be the end of priesthood, because there’s nothing he nor I can do about it. [“Nothing”, eh?]
  • Then another priest, not a canon lawyer, reprimanded me: “STOP TELLING ME ABOUT CATHOLIC CHARITIES AND CHILD TRAFFICKING! THERE’S NOTHING I CAN DO! AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO.” [“Nothing”, eh?]
  • Another priest, not a canon lawyer, but well practiced in stopping child-trafficking, well able to listen, in discussing all this with me, had the perspective the whole time that the demise of my priesthood is a done deal. I’m out, soon. And there’s nothing I can do about it. [“Nothing”, eh?]
  • Then just the other day, another priest, fully involved in anti-child-trafficking on a world-level, but – how-to-say? – merely domestically, despaired of me being able to continue in active ministry, because there’s nothing that I can do about any of this trafficking and no one is going to let me continue in my rebellion. “There’s nothing you can do.” [Nothing, eh?]

Eureka! That’s it! “DO NOTHING !!!” Less is more.

First of all, find out about this: Google J.J. Carrell’s This is Treason. Go to YouTube channel Redacted put up by Clayton and Natali Morris. Watch the interviews they’ve done with Carlos Arellano. Look up @informantcarlos on Just for starters. Look up on YouTube, say, Congressional hearings, say, of Josh Hawley and ORR. This is getting out. It’s no conspiracy theory. Oh. I forgot. Lookup on YouTube the video “Catholic Cartel” put out by Complicit Clergy back in February 2022.

Then, do NOTHING. To belong to PACC – PRIESTS AGAINST CATHOLIC CHARITIES, there’s NOTHING any priest has to do. There are no membership rolls, no membership fees, no 501(c)3, no email lists… NOTHING.

  • A priest is to inform his parish frequently that NOTHING will be collected for Catholic Charities, that there is no intention to donate monies to Catholic Charities, that the parish as a parish will do NOTHING for Catholic Charities.
  • A priest is to do NOTHING when there’s to be a collection for Catholic Charities: Just don’t take the collection.
  • A priest is to do NOTHING when he’s to sign checks for Catholic Charities. Just don’t sign the checks.

Of course, the priest may be brought up on charges of schismatic disobedience, excommunicated, dismissed from the clerical state (laicized), and this will all be brought about because he did NOTHING.

  • “Lord, I only did what I had to do in protecting you in the least of the brethren, NOTHING.”
  • “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the Kingdom prepared for you from before the foundation of the world, for you have done NOTHING.” ;-)

Yep. So, here’s my offer: NOTHING!


Filed under Priesthood

4 responses to “Eureka moment: “There’s nothing I can do.” Priests doing nothing stop child-trafficking.

  1. Joisy Goil

    DO NOTHING!!!!

    Love it! This had to be inspired by the Holy Spirit!

    Do nothing. That’s what I have been doing too!

    I ignore the junk mail requests, and the parish second collections and all other ways they try put their hands in my pocket and to make me complicit in their shameful, misleading activities. Catholic charities! Bah!

  2. anlace1

    How about the old Sargeant Schultz (from Hogan’s Heros) defense of “I know nothing!”?

  3. anlace1

    How about the old Sargeant Schultz (from Hogan’s Heros ) defense of “I know nothing!”?Pax Christi

  4. E.H.

    Elijah dispaired he was alone, but the Lord had an army of 7000 who had not bowed their knee..

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