Mother Angelica 30 year old rant


Filed under Pope Francis

14 responses to “Mother Angelica 30 year old rant

  1. Liz

    Oh perfect! She is timeless.

  2. jmtarter

    Fr. George,Wow, that could have been yesterday.What a Catholic!Entirely appropriate for today’s EWTN Novus Ordites to listen to and wise up.God Bless Mother Angelica.Ave Maria,Murray Tarter

    • Aussie Mum

      Novus Ordites? I hope you do not mean that as an insulting label for Catholics attending the Novus Ordo form of the Mass in the Latin Rite.

      • jmtarter

        A Novus Ordite is a Catholic who PREFERS the New Mass over the TLM.
        Someone who receives Holy Communion from a “Eucharistic Minister,” slurps the Sacred Host out of their hand while singing a protestant “hymn” on the way to their seat rather than reverently receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity on their lips while on their knees and silently contemplating the wounds of Our Lord on his cross, the Innocent for us sinful.
        The N.O. Catholic doesn’t know better, they have not known otherwise.
        Communion in the hand was an “indult” forced on the faithful in the U.S. by a credibly accused Satanist Cardinal Joseph Bernadin and grudgingly given by Pope Paul VI in the late sixties.
        The New Mass itself was designed by a credibly accused Freemason Archbishop Annibale Bugnini and does away with significant portions of the traditional liturgy of the Mass, several blessings by the Priest and, in many parishes (thankfully, not ours), does away with the wonderful Leonine Prayers after the Ite misse.
        Sorry, but, this is a pet peeve of mine.
        Oremus Y’all.

      • Father George David Byers

        I’m waiting for, like, some house cleaning during, say, I don’t know, three days of darkness.

    • Aussie Mum

      “Dear brother or sister in Christ, it seems that you are labouring under a misapprehension.
      Do you believe that Mass in the ordinary form is valid? If you do not, you are mistaken. There is only one Sacrifice of the Mass, the Sacrifice of the Cross perpetuated throughout time by validly ordained priests making Our Lord’s Sacrifice 2,000 years ago present for us in our own day. There are two forms of celebrating the Mass in the Latin Rite: The Novus Ordo, classified by Pope Benedict as the ordinary form, and the Traditional Latin Mass as the extraordinary form. Both forms of the Mass are valid as is the Mass celebrated in the Church’s other Rites (Maronite, Chaldean etc). Hence it is not a sin to attend Mass in the ordinary form.
      If it is not a sin to attend a Novus Ordo Mass, then it is not a sin to prefer doing so, even though you seem to think otherwise given your “Novus Ordites” slur. Perhaps you forget that for many years the Novus Ordo was the only Mass available, and if one did not want to miss Mass, one attended it. It is only relatively recently that the extraordinary form of the Mass – the Traditional Latin Mass – became available again, and only then if in one’s parish there was a priest who knew how to offer the mass in that form. Two generations of Catholics had grown up in the Church without ever experiencing a Traditional Latin Mass. Was that a mistake? I think it was and yet perhaps unavoidable given the times in which we are living.
      To summarise, the Mass in the ordinary form is the Mass! Many Catholics attend Mass in the ordinary form because it is that which is most accessible and familiar, and many – perhaps most – of these prefer hearing Mass in the vernacular which is not a sin either.
      Abusing Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is a sin – a terrible sin – but a Catholic who attends Mass in the ordinary form and receives Holy Communion reverently and in a state of grace, knowing that he/she is receiving Our Lord, is not sinning. To say that such a person “slurps the Sacred Host out of their hand” is insulting.
      Yes, there are some priests who offer the Mass irreverently and some in the congregation who receive Our Lord irreverently, and some of these – probably most of those who receive irreverently – do not realise they are receiving Our Lord. I agree that is terrible but it is not the fault of the Mass but because some in the Church have secretly abandoned the faith and led others to do likewise, ensuring that the majority of Catholics have not had their Catholic Religion well taught to them for the last 50 or so years.
      Yes, I know the history of how the Novus Ordo Mass came to be but it is still the Mass. Our Lord was stripped during His Passion and the Church is now undergoing its passion, and in the process many of our churches were stripped to rid them of their Catholic identity (holy images and kneelers removed, and even the tabernacle holding our Eucharistic Lord moved away) yet the Mass offered in these strange circumstances was and is the true Mass. Happily, not all churches were stripped and the building and furnishing of beautiful Catholic churches is coming back where such had been lost. And the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass remains for all times, the same Mass regardless of the rite and form within a legitimate rite.
      And so I ask you, jmtarter, to not despise those who prefer to attend Mass in the ordinary form. Perhaps it will help if I tell you why, when I could still attend Mass and the Traditional Latin Mass became available in my parish, I preferred to attend a Novus Ordo Mass. It was because of the abusive comments made by a loud fellow about “Novus Ordo Catholics” as we left the church after a Traditional Latin Mass, coupled with further abuse hurled online at those “terrible Novus Ordo so called Catholics”. I have personally been verbally abused by persons who think the form of Mass you attend makes you worthy or unworthy of being saved by Christ. Such arrogance is not appropriate in a child of Mary Immaculate, one who has been incorporated into Christ at Baptism.
      Returning for a moment to those of us you call “Novus Ordites” supposedly slurping Our Lord from the palms of our hands”. It is easy to fall into generalisations but such can be misleading. By way of example, I will mention my dearest friend, a widow, devout Catholic and mother of a large family who teaches in a Catholic school and teaches Truth. She prefers to attend Mass in the ordinary form of the Latin Rite, and always chooses to receives Our Lord on her tongue as a number of others do, myself included. I have never been refused taking Holy Communion in this way by any priest. Do remember that in many cases the reverent priest offering the Traditional Latin Mass is also the same reverent priest offering the Novus Ordo Mass from the same altar an hour or so before or afterward.
      Those identifying themselves as Traditional Catholics and their brothers and sisters in Christ as Novus Ordites are forgetting that we are one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

      • jmtarter

        I never said that the Novus Ordo was not approved by the Church only that it’s origins should be known by the average faithful Catholic.
        I HAVE been refused Communion on the Tongue on numerous occasions but I never made any scene in the church other than to step aside and take a few seconds to make a spiritual Communion.
        More Catholics need informed because there is an ongoing effort to dilute and pollute the Church and souls are at stake.
        Inform yourselves and make informed decisions. Don’t just sit there while a Eucharistic Minister gives you Holy Communion in your hand while the priest sits behind the altar like in our former parish.
        Orémus (Let us pray).

      • Father George David Byers

        Hey! I think the great Aussie Mum and the great jmtarter totally agree on everything. Sigh. We live on different continents. But I so would want to invite you both to do a sit-down and talk for just a minute because I know that you would both recognize the depth of devotedness to Christ Jesus and the entirety of His Truth that you both have. And I think that you already both recognize that in each other. All good.

        I know both of you to have lifelong histories of fighting for the unchangeable Truth in these very dark and aggressive times that I’ve witnessed and also suffered myself both here in the USA and in Australia.

        You’re both stalwart warriors for whom I am daily grateful in my priesthood.

  3. I love her more than ever!


  4. Amen! I noticed she said we have endured this for 30 years. Today we have endured it for another 30 years. 30+30=60, and it has only intensified .

  5. Joisy Goil

    If Mother could see the garbage they are teaching kids today, she would really become angry. Every word she said in this video is true.
    I pray that this horrible rubbish they are saying and doing to kids is stopped!

  6. sanfelipe007

    I remember seeing this with my dear departed mother while visiting her! I’ve seen it on other occasions as well. I honestly had no idea it would only get worse.

  7. sanfelipe007

    Annnnnd it got worse:

    Yes, Jesus ate with sinners. One would not be too mistaken to think the Lord called his guests to repentance and to follow Him. But the following was reported about Francis’ dinner:

    “Pope Francis directed the Vatican employees not to question the “transgender” individuals about their gender. “Ask for their names, ask for anything they need, but do not ask them about their sex,” said the Pope, according to Juan Carlos Cruz, the openly homosexual man appointed by Francis to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.”


    “But despite the papal hospitality, it appears that Francis is not encouraging the men – currently living as women – to return to the practice of the Catholic faith or to accept biological reality. The AP reported that Segovia is no longer practicing the faith although he welcomed the recent statement from the Pope and Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández outlining – in rejection of Catholic teaching – that transgender individuals can be godparents. ”

    Father has said that “things are seldom as they appear,” and I agree. I pray that I can see with Christ’s eyes, to pierce the deception of men and to see the work of the Holy Spirit; to also identify the hand of evil at work. Lord have mercy on us.

  8. Aussie Mum

    As you say, 007, Our Lord ate with public sinners to bring them back to the Truth. He became man and died to bring us all back from sin to life.
    Pope Francis evokes two images by eating with men identifying as women. One is that he is following in the footsteps of Christ, loving the sinner; the other is that of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, leading the flock to its death.
    I can certainly err in judgement but as far as I can see what Pope Francis is doing is giving scandal, for there seems no attempt by him to present the truth to these troubled people. St Paul says to “preach the word, dwelling upon it continually, welcome or unwelcome; bring home wrong-doing, comfort the waverer, rebuke the sinner, with all the patience of a teacher” (2 Timothy 4:2). That would be the loving thing for Pope Francis to do, yet he seems to be welcoming the sinner to stay in his sin, and by so doing is not only letting down these men but also telling the Church at large the lie that continuing in one’s sin is acceptable to Christ.
    “The time will surely come,” Paul goes on to say, “when men will grow tired of sound doctrine, always itching to hear something fresh; and so they will provide themselves with a continuous succession of new teachers, as the whim takes them, turning a deaf ear to the truth, bestowing their attention on fables instead” (2 Timothy 4: 3-4). That seems to be what is happening, more so than ever before, now that the apparent successor of Peter gives the impression of turning a deaf ear to the truth.
    Then there was the statement: “It was truly Easter,” commented (Father Andrea) Conocchia when describing the gift of the COVID-19 injections to the group. It was “a day of life and resurrection.” How can a Catholic priest say that?!

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