Tag Archives: This is how you bring me back to life

Imagine Dragons – Bleeding out – LEO tribute

In these days of chaos and anarchy of people getting paid to be violent by arbiters of societal experimentation akin to Josef Mengele experimentation on Jews in extermination camps, it’s good to see the other side of law enforcement.

That might be a crime for the Department of Justice, which is part and parcel of the chaos, holding that the real terrorists are Catholics kneeling at Holy Mass being said in Latin. But, I don’t care about the hypocrisy of those who think they are the powers-that-be. The Lord is always the Lord of History. Part of what the Good Lord wants is the good cops being good cops.

If we have a “Bleeding Out” tribute, we have to have the “This Is How You Bring Me Back to Life” tribute:


Filed under Law enforcement, Officer Down!