Tag Archives: Officer Down!

Imagine Dragons – Bleeding out – LEO tribute

In these days of chaos and anarchy of people getting paid to be violent by arbiters of societal experimentation akin to Josef Mengele experimentation on Jews in extermination camps, it’s good to see the other side of law enforcement.

That might be a crime for the Department of Justice, which is part and parcel of the chaos, holding that the real terrorists are Catholics kneeling at Holy Mass being said in Latin. But, I don’t care about the hypocrisy of those who think they are the powers-that-be. The Lord is always the Lord of History. Part of what the Good Lord wants is the good cops being good cops.

If we have a “Bleeding Out” tribute, we have to have the “This Is How You Bring Me Back to Life” tribute:


Filed under Law enforcement, Officer Down!

DOJ-FBI’s SPLC Attorney charged as domestic terrorist against police

I dunno. Is this the creep who guided the DOJ’s FBI to profile those who attend the Catholic Latin Mass as domestic terrorists? Is this the guy Chrissie Wray and Merrick Garland whimper and hide behind as they attack Jesus’ Last Supper united with Calvary, as they surveil the Sacramental Confessions of pious children and adults? Wow. How very, very creepy. How disgusting. The DOJ? Pfft. The FBI? Pfft. The SPLC and the DOJ-FBI are trespassed from my parish campuses.

This attack, near Atlanta, just to the south of my own parish… I expect such attacks will begin to take place inside Catholic Churches. After all, the DOJ-FBI has teamed up with the SPLC.

Oh, great. Just great.

Let’s see the most monstrous of all domestic terrorism according to the DOJ-FBI:

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Filed under Free exercise of religion, Law enforcement, Officer Down!, Terrorism

Assassinated Police Officer Jason Rivera: Eulogies at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, NY

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Filed under Law enforcement, Officer Down!

On not taking the head-shot. Analogies abound.

Criminals are pretty sloppy. In the still of the video above, we see that this guy has his trigger finger on the trigger. Let’s take another screen shot, one of at least a dozen that could be taken:

Judging that the body-cam is on the right side of the cop, the perp is taking direct aim at the head of the cop. As the video proceeds the cop has any number of occasions by which he would not have a risk of hurting someone else because of a pass-through bullet going into the window of a building, but, he didn’t take the opportunity to take the brain-box shot and drop Mr Perpy like a sack of potatoes. That puts fellow responding officers and other citizens at risk.

Why a brain-box shot? Because shooting at his feet is only going to make this guy pull the trigger and your cop is dead, that’s why. It’s called ending the threat. You don’t intend the guy to die, just to stop the threat. Sometimes quick action is needed more in some circumstances than others. This is one of those times. Not two to the spinal cord and perhaps one to the brainbox but one to the brainbox and perhaps two to the spinal cord. It’s called immediately necessary self-defense. It’s called protect and serve.

Having said that, just so you know what I’m exactly talking about, let me tell you a story. I know the Sheriff in another county (and he personally told me this story) who did up a foot-chase of a perpy guy who was continuously shooting at the Sheriff. But the Sheriff did not respond in kind, just ran after him. Finally tackling the perpy guy, cuffing him, the Sheriff threw the perpy guy in jail. He “read” the perpy guy correctly, that Mr Perpy guy was doing up a suicide by cop, and that the shots the perpy guy fired were so wild that the perpy guy couldn’t possibly have wanted to hurt the Sheriff. The perpy guy, after a year in jail, confessed as much after requesting a jail-meeting with the Sheriff, thanking the Sheriff for not shooting him. But the guy in the lead video up top is not like that. He’s just really confident over someone whom he calls a rooky cop, and knows he has an easy mocking event to feed his adrenaline needs. Regardless of his motivations, his sloppy gun work is too sloppy, mortally dangerously so. No one got hurt in the video up top, but that’s beside the point. This exaggeration in not participating in self-defense, in not participating in protect and serve, is what gets officers killed, what endangers the whole community.

Analogies abound:

Say some fabulous ecclesiastic is trolling believers by hotly desiring they do up some demon idol worship glorifying the sacrifice of children, you know, like with anything Pachamama.

Should the faithful member of the Lord’s Little Flock just be a doormat, not say anything, pretend that it’s not his place, that he has to be a man of consensus because that’s the super-dogma of tyranny for which he was ordained and nobody is daring to say anything and it’s expected he shut his face as well and…?

If some fraudulent ecclesiastic is publicly scandalizing the Lord’s Little Flock, that son of Satan, that squirmy serpentine brood of Satan, that white-washed-tomb full of filth and dead men’s bones, that hypocrite who is trying to make proselytes unto Satan twice as bad as themselves, that freakoid is to be called out, publicly, and rightly so.

These are Jesus’ trials when His little ones are being scandalized. What you have done or not done to the least of these you have done to me, says the Divine Son of the Immaculate Conception, the Divine Logos of the Father now Incarnate, with the wounds still upon Him, He who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. Though I am always the most grievous sinner if I am not in grace, I do rejoice in the forgiveness of the Lord, in absolution in Sacramental Confession (if we can even find it anymore). I do have hope of finally getting to heaven. I want to go to heaven, blessed by Jesus. I’m sure that’s the case for all y’all as well. I’m not so sure that’s the case for those fabulous ecclesiastics who forbid priests to grant absolution or provide Last Rites just because those priests don’t have proof of “vaccine” status.

Oh, and what’s the “head shot” dropping such ecclesiastics like a sack of potatoes? The Hail Mary prayer of course. And just to be infantile, as I am, let’s do that in Latin:

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

Oh, and stopping the threat involves ending the scandal by publicly reprimanding the perpy guys, those ecclesiastics who have taken the side of Satan, not of Jesus Christ. We must protect Jesus’ Little Flock. We must not run. We must stand with Jesus.

  • “But Jesus is gonna, like, get ripped to shreds,” they say.
  • My response: “And? So? Stay with Jesus. And go to Confession. And pray a Rosary.”

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Filed under Law enforcement, Officer Down!, Priesthood

Arizona Department of Public Safety DPS director pulled over because… Wait! What?

I haven’t watched this in a while but this director of the Arizona DPS Department of Public Safety tries to use the funeral of a law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty as the reason he’s way – and I do mean waaay – over the speed limit, and the cop who rightly pulled him over gave him a pass. Just as bad.

So, he gets out of a ticket etc. over the body of a dead cop.

Let’s do an analogy, shall we? Is there one?

  • Hey, I’m entitled to be a hero by promoting “vaccines” over the dead bodies of babies murdered for research, development, testing, and I’m a bishop so I get to do what ever the hell I want – and I do mean whatever the hell I want – because the Church is here for me, so that I can be a hero! And I can smack down anyone who gets in my way, because I’m the one, I’m the only one. I say what law is; I say what justice is; I… I… I…

What’s really disturbing is that all this is done with smiles and niceness, you know, it’s polite society. Really creepy. Murderers always are. They give themselves a license to murder.

Do they really think Jesus is going to listen to their rationalizations: “But Jesus, I had to play the hero by murdering the least of the brethren in the womb. I’m a hero! I’m a hero! I’m a hero!”

Pope Francis’ latest move about forbidding a testing option, and instead just demanding “vaccine” jabs for all is cruel, raw power cut off from reason and justice. I will not comply. But many (Cardinal) (Arch)bishops do comply and direct their priests to comply. No testing options. Get the jab! they scream. And, thank God, there are some priests with integrity who do not comply, and so are thrown a trash heap of history, amongst the bodies of the murdered babies. It reminds me of that scene recounted by Fulton Sheen upon the liberation of an extermination camp. There was a small mountains of bulldozed bodies. Sitting on top was a teenage girl. When asked what she was doing there, she answered, “How can I live when all my people are dying.” Good for these few, these very few honest priests.

Sure, I’ll probably be put under interdict or excommunicated for speaking about cruel, raw power cut off from reason and justice, but that’s what it is, cruel raw power, and such a reprimand is necessary:

  • “When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned.” (Galatians 2:11)

Just because someone has hurt feelings over this citation, well, I don’t care. I want them to go to heaven, even at the cost of their having momentary hurt feelings, even at the cost of my being smashed down by way of interdict or excommunication. All of that is illegitimate, for I have not committed a crime of causing such ecclesiastics to be hated. No, no. I ask people to pray for those who so hotly desire babies to be murdered for their own benefit so that such prayers might help them to convert. But, again, Jesus is the last One they want to hear about. Hail Mary… [“fruit of thy womb, Jesus…”]


Filed under Law enforcement, Officer Down!

Pope Francis: Samaritans are rapists and murderers

So, Pope Francis is sick and tired of Jesus’ Church. Pope Francis interprets everything through violence, looting, assault, rape, arson, murder, all the dark mayhem of dialectical materialism, saying that those things collectively, those who do them – BLM, AntiFa – are like the Good Samaritan in that parable of Jesus. But the descendants of the Samaritans in Samaria, you know, in Nablus, in Shechem, are insulted by his characterization of them. They don’t think such violence is good. But Pope Francis does. The answer to any lack of justice is not more lawless violent aggression.

It’s not evil that here in these USA we have a constitutional republic with the rule of that law which is to respect God-given rights of the individual. Sometimes that respect is not afforded by whatever fallen individual. That’s not the fault of God-given rights, nor of the law, but of those individuals who disrespect those rights. There are laws and penalties about abuse of power as well. What’s for sure is that demonic violence is not the answer. Right, Pope Francis? Guess he disagrees. Demonic violence is what he wants.

Let me give you an example of who Samaritans are in my own life, you know, during a deadly force incident in Samaria. I was there despite a curfew delivering gas-masks to the Missionaries of Charity orphanage in Nablus (Shechem) during the beginning of the Gulf War. A barrage of gunfire broke out close to me. I was a dead man for sure. Except that a Samaritan literally dragged me into his house, risking his life to do this, keeping me there until the danger was past.

If he were like the “Good Samaritan” described not by Jesus but by Pope Francis, that Samaritan would have shot a gun into the air, getting the attention of those controlling the curfew just around the corner, then closed his door, ensuring I would get shot.

Go ahead. Be brave. Only 35 seconds. Pope Francis’ heroes are seen in the video below, not Jesus, but thugs and buffoons…

You should apologize to the Samaritans, Pope Francis. Oh, I forgot, you’re also a thug and a buffoon. What’s your rallying cry, Pope Francis? Is it: “Assassinate Police!” ???

  • “But Father George! Father George! You don’t understand! You can’t criticize Pope Francis because he’s like the Pope and everything and stuff like that there! You’re an ol’ meanie, Father George!”

Sure. Like there’s no prophet nor any greatest of prophets nor any Son of the Living God Himself who ever criticized anyone ever. You be loco in the head if you think that. You’ve never ever read the Sacred Scriptures if you think that.

I mean if these woshippers of Pope Francis as god want to prove that they don’t criticize him, they really have to agree with everything he says, explicitly, and do what he does explicitly. Yes, let’s have more of the men of consensus who are so sycophantically politically correct with everything Pope Francis says and does go ahead and themselves bring Pachamama idols into their own cathedrals to be enthroned on the Altar of Jesus’ Sacrifice so as to be adored; let them go to Nablus and tell the Samaritans themselves that they are all rapists and murderers. No, really. Can’t do it? You worthless scum of the earth cowards.

It’s difficult to stop now… They should go ahead and have a Blue Mass (Mass for the Police) in their cathedrals, and then scream: “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” No, you won’t do that? How come? You worthless scum of the earth cowards. Go to Confession. Oh, I forgot. You forbade priests who would give a valid absolution from doing that because they are not vaxed… Sigh


Filed under Law enforcement, Officer Down!, Pope Francis

*Don’t Give Up On Me* Police Tribute

The Department of Justice Arlington (sarcastic Rosslyn) funneled through the George Bush Center for Intelligence (careful McLean) visited the blog last night, surely at the suggestion of the FBI’s CJIS (apoplectic Bridgeport), and right quickly after that post on Jewish Catholic Dialogue was published, and not because of any comments on Jewish Catholic Dialogue. Maybe it was the title of that post that set algorithms screaming with all seven levels alarmed. ;-)

But that title wasn’t click-bait. It was quite the good time.

Question is, am I about to get red-flagged for being too good of a shot with a mere Glock? Not to worry, guys and gals, I got your six. See the video above.

Sure, I’ve been hearing really a lot about corruption of “State” and “Justice” etc. Whatever. That’s to be found everywhere. It’s how to work with it, right? Life is bigger than the corruption of some. For my part, I’m continuing to spruce up training from ICPC, you know, about Death Notifications, PTSD, Suicidal Ideation Among Officers, Ceremonies, etc. It’s the least I can do.

I fully realize that some at “Justice” may well have difficulties tolerating the very existence of law enforcement, but here’s how I look at it: Take note of the individual officer. These are fellow human beings doing a service to the community. There are plenty of superb officers, just as there is a multitude of great people at “Justice” and “State” and amongst “Intel”. Right? The greatness of these USA is that we don’t throw everyone in different categories but rather recognize the God-given rights of all.

It’s true though, I would like to see honor honored and promoted just as dishonorable and murderous traitors of these USA should have an honest court hold them to penalties applicable in law. But, whatever. I say: Saint Michael, pray for us.

Don’t give up on me.

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Filed under Law enforcement, Officer Down!

I’m NOT Scared of the Dark: Police Tribute

The best summation of the best of The Finest. Just my nsho. I’ll soon be chasing off for another refresher of courses for law enforcement chaplains.

Some might be “offended” by the violence depicted in this tribute. I ask them if they are offended by, say, a memorial to those fallen in battle, or by a crucifix.

Anyway, there are also many super-cool moments in this video. I really appreciate the inclusion of the scene of the bald officer getting out of the cruiser at 6’24” …

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Filed under Law enforcement, Officer Down!

Entire Andrews NC Police Dept suspended w/o pay for not breaking law or policy :-)

Yours truly just being helpful back in thee day, fetching a cruiser from the mechanics due to unrepeatable logistics and circumstances. Because I was chaplain, I cannot publicly give character references lest I be obliged in court to repeat every great conversation we ever had, however private, personal, religious. But I can comment on the public town meeting.

We’re looking to get the 8th police chief in three years coming up. Get that? You think that’s the fault of the chiefs, of the officers, all of them, so many officers, so many chiefs, in so little time, career LEOs or fresh out of BLET?

There was a town meeting last week at the Firehouse. We found out that our officers not only did not break the law, but that they did not break any policy, at all. In fact, what they are accused of allegedly doing seems entirely reasonable, laudable, indeed, necessary, as a matter of personal, city and county security, and because of that, of state and national security. If what happened to these officers is happening elsewhere, we’re all drowning in deep sewerage. Personally, I think they should get a medal for what they allegedly did, casting a light – with humor :-) – on what seems to me to be dark and dangerous and wide, wide, wide open to abuse. Yep. It’s always best to avoid pre-arranged ambushes of police officers, don’t you think? :-)

I pushed a bit in that town meeting – speaking four times – with the last intervention being four words: “Pay and back-pay.” It worked. Now they have their pay, though they are still suspended. I call them victims, not perps. I do not think they did anything imprudent, or because they lack experience, or whatever. Some of these guys have long time military and law enforcement careers. Instead, I think they allegedly did what they very precisely had to do until investigations about who and why can take place. :-)

If what allegedly happened to them in their police station – taking them by surprise – happened in my house, I would not have the same actually very benign and humorous and entirely laughable response. :-)

I would be very much tempted to do the Keanu Reeves thing if I were outside the city limits and having no neighbors, tempted to… – in less than a second and from the hip – take out multiple non-human non-animal targets. :-)

I have done up a bit of practice and I am happy to report that it has stuck with me. Sorry, just a bit of humor there. Laugh with me. :-)

It would have fictionally gone something like this in that fictional house of mine :-)

Let me say one more thing: :-)

To the liberals out there: Don’t be Red Flagging me for putting up a bit of humor with Mel Gibson. This IS humor. We’re allowed humor, are we not? Oh, I forgot, liberals have no sense of humor, except, say our Vice-President, who hysterically laughs in the face of drug cartels and human trafficking and sexual abuse and murder in kid-cages at the border. I would laugh, instead, at what would be truly humorous, like the the alleged perps of our day going to prison, say Hillary and Bill, say Comey and Rosenstein, say Kerry and Pelosi, say drug cartels and sex traffickers. :-)


Filed under Guns, Humor, Law enforcement, Officer Down!

Bill in California: no believers allowed to serve as law enforcement officers


Talk about a way to protect corrupt cops on the take from cartels, mafiosi or even from local idiot politicians who protect mid-level drug and prostitution rackets. LEOs who are believers will be thrown out of law enforcement, while criminals will be hired.

All un-Constitutional you ask? As if that were the end of discussion and it ain’t gonna happen? Since when did we even have a Constitution or a Justice Department that could care less about any Constitution? When did Hillary or Strzok or Comey or Obama or any of these guys be brought up seriously on charges?

Nobody who is anybody in the dark world of corruption is prosecuted, ever. The only ones prosecuted in entirely kangaroo courts are those who thirst for justice and mercy, for a Constitutional Republic with the Rule of Law that is actually followed.

I don’t know the origin of that term “kangaroo courts” but I imagine that it has to do with judges and political correctness, as kangaroos travel in herds of hundreds and even thousands. And yet, it is also applicable to those not granted any due process, such as to those who follow the Constitution of these United States. The pass-time for Aussies is to stand up on the back of a flat-bed truck, holding on to the crash-bar at the back the cab with one hand while holding a rifle in the other (yes…) shooting as many roos and joeys as they can in an afternoon.

Oh! I forgot! The same thing has been happening in the military. Anyone who does not actively persecute particularly believing Catholics is smashed down. And here Catholics were the vast majority of military members.

Oh! I forgot! The same thing has been happening in our intelligence agencies. THE enemy of the State is the guy who loves God and loves neighbor, who respects others by joyfully living the Constitution with the Rule of Law.

Oh! I forgot! There are moves to destroy the Constitution, and legislatures are openly trying to pass laws against the Rule of Law. This is how all societies fail. We are in the very last stage of failure.

But there are always good people who are believers – no matter what – and they will be instruments enabling open love of God and neighbor in a society that protects the same. But when will be smashed down in the process.

As for me, I want to go to heaven, so I couldn’t care less about the being smashed down part. Heaven is forever.

The present idiots get five bucks of corruption money and then go to hell. Their choice.

We pray that all might want to go to heaven. Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be…


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Law enforcement, Officer Down!