Pachamama Pimped (I’m not buying her demonic services from anyone)

amazon synod

Condescension about the tribesmen of the Amazon region? It’s said that they can’t live chastely, because, you know, they are equated as persons with ejaculation, of whatever kind and style, the “sacrament” of, it seems, so many in filthy, filthy Rome. In other words, they have no free will, no capacity for natural moral law. But the manipulators of the Amazon Synod (or the prestidigitators as Cardinal Siri called analogous manipulators), are they not talking about themselves?

The locals of the Amazon shouldn’t be offended by my comments, but rather with the Europeans and those in Rome who are playing them for themselves. I’m indignant on behalf of the locals in the Amazon Region. Those who hate God and neighbor in REPAM and the Brazilian bishops conference who forbid the evangelization of these peoples should be rejected by the locals of the Amazon Region.

So, with all the Pachamama news going on – and it always gets worse, much worse – I did something I don’t recommend anyone do. I Google-Image searched for Pachamama. That was a mistake. Pachamama is simply the slut of the Andes’ demons, so that what is in her womb is, in this superstition scenario, a demon.

The more I learn about Pachamama, the more I am horrified the the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God has been compared to and even equated with this demon goddess.

Amoris laetitia had a section dedicated to pastoral care for prostitutes, which no one paid attention to or made excuses for because they couldn’t wrap their “pious” minds around it. It was just too horrible to think that it could possibly be true. Whilst I lived in Rome for so very many years I would meet South American priests from Pachamama territory who would say precisely and with no ambiguity what the prevailing pastoral practice is; even admitting that they would “visit” the prostitutes themselves. Yep. Here’s a post I wrote about this with it’s own update:

Update: There is some pretty heavy interest in high places right now over some of the more controversial posts I’ve put up about the past couple of Synods. If I had to write an apologia about this, I would just say that my opinions are on behalf of those who suffer much in this world, who are marginalized and kept suffering it seems to me on purpose. That unnecessary suffering really just needs to stop, and stop now.

peep show

Original Post: It seems that paragraph 49 refers to prostitution to avoid poverty. Communion for active prostitutes has been part of pastoral praxis by some for decades and a continuous side debate for some of the liberation theology / arm-chair moral theology crowd. So:

49. Here I would also like to mention the situation of families living in dire poverty and great limitations. The problems faced by poor households are often all the more trying.36 For example, if a single mother has to raise a child by herself and needs to leave the child alone at home while she goes to work, the child can grow up exposed to all kind of risks and obstacles to personal growth. In such difficult situations of need, the Church must be particularly concerned to offer understanding, comfort and acceptance, rather than imposing straightaway a set of rules that only lead people to feel judged and abandoned by the very Mother called to show them God’s mercy. Rather than offering the healing power of grace and the light of the Gospel message, some would “indoctrinate” that message, turning it into “dead stones to be hurled at others”.37

36 Cf. Relatio Finalis 2015, 15.
37 Concluding Address of the Fourteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (24 October 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 26-27 October 2015, p. 13.

I mean, what does that mean in light of footnote 351 other than to provide, say, Communion for active prostitutes? The solution, it seems to me, isn’t to argue for decades about Prostitutes going to Communion, but rather to open safe houses which can immediately set about finding jobs and shelter and education.

Who throws dead stones of doctrine at anyone? Is the reference to priests like me?

Does this throwing stones reference (coming not long after paragraph 27 in which the adulterous woman of the Gospel of John is mentioned) mean that Jesus was a fool damned by our Heavenly Father for telling the adulterous woman to “sin no more,” Himself stoning this woman into marginalization from the faith by His damnable indoctrinated doctrine-stone of “sin no more”? That’s not what the document says about Jesus, instead reporting in paragraph 27 that, “alone with Jesus, she meets not condemnation but the admonition to lead a more worthy life (cf. Jn 8:1-11).” In other words, the Gospel lies that Jesus told her to “sin no more,” which would inescapably imply that she knew she had in fact sinned (both objectively and subjectively), and that the condemnation is only avoided by taking in the forgiveness with repentance and a firm purpose of amendment. All that, for the document, is simply a heap of indoctrinated stones to throw. So, instead, the document insists that Jesus said that she is to live a more worthy life, inescapably implying that her life was already worthy, but just needed to be, you know, more worthy.

And that leads us back to paragraph 49, where the worthiness of adultery by prostitution, while not as worthy as a life which doesn’t include prostitution, is nevertheless so worthy that it is to be rewarded by such casuistry with, say, Holy Communion.

Look: Just open a safe house. I’ve worked in such places, offered confessions and Holy Mass in such places, given Holy Communion to prostitutes galore in such places. I’ve even ended up in a wheelchair and crutches because of such places. Really, I’ve been there, done that. Just get them the help they need. Don’t just say have a nice day with Holy Communion at a street Mass in the red-light district and not provide for them. Do provide for them both physically and spiritually.

Just call me the dumpster priest. But don’t try to make me take up a program that will keep prostitutes in prostitution. To hell with that.

And, by the way, you know all those people steeped in Tradition, that is, those Legion of Mary people? You have to know that I’m one of them, and you have to know that they started out by evangelizing at brothels.

Or is this really about thinking that prostitutes can’t repent? A prostitute once told me that a clergy guy (Episcopalian I think) would walk into her room for quick sex, first taking his clergy collar off, then unzipping himself, as if the collar in the back pocket would make what he was doing out front somehow moral. When she asked him about his visits to herself later (after she was converted from prostitution), he said that he didn’t think that people like her could possibly ever convert. Is that the message that we have here?

I would like to ask someone, but it seems that speaking with parrhesia isn’t to be met with answers of parrhesia. But if I’m wrong on that, I sure would appreciate an answer.

And, oh, by the way, this paragraph 49 cannot refer to something like thievery either for the mom or the boy, can it? We have better theology of private property than that.

I mean, I just can’t believe that this paragraph was written or published. Prostitutes are always in grave danger of disease, damage, dismemberment, and death by physical force or despair along. Get them out of the situation immediately. Don’t argue about their subjective guilt. If you want a lack of mercy and hurling stones, THAT kind of sophistry that keeps them in their prostitution is example number one.

Addendum about the recommendations of the Amazon Synod:

We’ve been hearing there’s a thing about ordaining uneducated men to the priesthood just for Mass, but not granting them faculties for Confessions. That’s consistent with the idea that these people cannot sin because, you know, they are pristine pre-original sin Garden of Eden people. Pfft.

I gotta wonder if the proposed deaconettes (sacramentally impossible) will do dances with pachamamas as part of an Amazonian Rite of Mass, and if that will turn into the shrine prostitutes we read about in the Old Testament. Remember, there’s no sin! (That’s sarcasm for the secularites reading this.)



Filed under Missionaries of Mercy, Pope Francis

5 responses to “Pachamama Pimped (I’m not buying her demonic services from anyone)

  1. pelerin

    I am sorry to have to admit to Googling Pachamama. Mea culpa. Was quite surprised to see it is the name of a Restaurant in London England! And although I was a member of the Legion of Mary in the 1960s I did not know its origin – until now.

  2. pelerin

    (No need to publish) I have just been reading about an elderly retired priest aged 91 who has been violently murdered near Beauvais in France. He is named as Fr Matassoli. May he rest in peace.

    • sanfelipe007

      I am praying for the repose of his soul. Thank you, pelerin, for alerting Father, and thank you, Father, for publishing this comment.

  3. elizdelphi

    I obtained a copy of Windswept House recently and cannot bring myself to actually look at it.

    One thing I know, the answer is saints. Jesus won the victory. The devil is insanely envious.

  4. Aussie Mum

    A real father – spiritual or biological – cares for, teaches and protects those God has entrusted to his care. He wants to lift them up, not use them and tear them down. Perpetrators (lay and clerical) of crimes against women and children and those prelates who push paganism are false fathers.
    I’m glad you were able to help those women Father. A true father is a God send.

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