Tag Archives: Pachamama

Repost! It was “Sts George & Philomena are fake!” Now it’s “Jesus and Mary are fake!”

There is no other saint I know of who is more archeologically established than Saint George. We have found the ruins of early centuries church buildings built in his honor at the very time of his death throughout the still anti-Catholic Roman Empire, from throughout Europe to throughout the Near and Middle East and everything in between.

Saint George is trashed because of Renaissance paintings of Saint George on a white horse slaying a dragon so as to save a maiden. “All fiction!” it is shrieked. “Don’t be a martyr! Be a man-of-consensus with the world!” That’s the brow-beating, bullying insistence which the soft and self-absorbed readily accept.

But the white horse is that of Jesus in the Apocalypse. In that Apocalypse the dragon is the great Serpent and Satan who is possessing the Caesars of the day. In that Apocalypse the maiden is the Church and the Mother of God. In the Apocalypse those who are killed in witness to Christ Jesus are the victors by their faithfulness right through death. The renaissance paintings are not original to those painters: They were merely representing frescoes in catacombs which depicted all martyrs like Saint George and at the time of Saint George in this fashion. Men who were martyred, women who were martyred, all depicted riding on white horses slaying the dragon, victorious over Satan by being faithful right through death.

Likewise, the virgin martyrs are dismissed as those to whom modern teenagers cannot relate. The first to be cancelled is Saint Philomena. In recent scientific studies, it is established absolutely that her catacomb stone reads: “Pax tecum Philomena” with no other possibility, and that the small glass vase found in that place contains the blood of a girl carbon-dated to the time of Philomena. Yep.

A priest working in the Holy See at the time I attended the presentations of these scientific studies actually hunted me down in Rome and insisted that it cannot be that I, a student at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, could promote the viability of placing Saint Philomena in the liturgical calendar once again. He was frantic, as if possessed. Yep.

The problem is both virginity and martyrdom, and martyrdom because of the virginity because of giving oneself over to Christ Jesus, to be “hidden with Christ in God” as Saint Paul says. We can’t have that today, shriek the inverted.

But that’s all years ago. Now what we have presented to us is that Jesus and His dear mother are irrelevant in every way. We must ignore them; we must obey the fallen world, we must worship Satan, Pachamama. Yep.

I will worship our Heavenly Father through, with, and in Jesus by the Holy Ghost and I will thank our dearest Immaculate Virgin Mary for interceding even for me as advocate, mediatrix, co-redemptrix. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Mary.


Filed under Saints

New Order of Mass and Demon-Worship Child Sacrifice vs Traditional Latin Sacrifice of the Mass and Jesus

(1) Let’s begin with Cardinal Blase Cupich and the demon idol Nian:

The rumble video above is the Novus Ordo Mass in the Archdiocese of Chicago with Cardinal Blase Cupich presiding. He’s blessing of the Chinese lion demon Nian. He’s done this many times through the years. With this blessing, this world class enemy of the Traditional Latin Mass is having the idol thing channel the demon Nian, whose usual escapades include eating human beings, particularly children… Get that? Eating sacrificed children. And we have to bribe demons to stop that? A child-eating demon is our savior from “the beginning all the way to the very end”. It ain’t that way, your Eminence. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Almighty, the One who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.

(2) Now let’s move to India, with the demon-idol Ganesh:


Apparently, Ganesh was a too-sexy boy who was beheaded, getting an elephant head and hanging belly instead, you know, to make him ugly, apparently like everyone else. Apparently, Ganesh is so popular because he is the “you’re sexy even if you’re ugly” demon god who needs to be worshipped by apparently also ugly Catholics. Hey! Maybe it’s good to decapitate “too sexy” kids! Not. What are they doing? And this is Goa, where not long ago Catholics would be saying even multiple rosaries a day in family. What happened? What kind of church leadership is this?

(3) Then there’s the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas in southern Mexico:

That’s the old stomping grounds of the Mayans, with their child sacrifice as the state religion of old. When it’s a government forced child-sacrifice religion, you gotta know that every ritual of that religion, such as masks and dances, are all about adrenaline pumping acquiring and sacrificing of kids. Well, well… the bishop is now presenting a new New Mass to Pope Francis that incorporates, you know, some of these merely adjunct rituals of the past that glorified child sacrifice. Merely. Why?

(4) Pachamama…

Let’s not forget Pope Francis causing the abomination of desolation demon-idol Pachamama to be established on the Holy of Holies where it must not be by divine mandate. Children are sacrificed to this day to this demon-idol Pachamama. Get that?

Every fallen culture of every fallen tribe, tongue, people and nation of whatever time from the beginning until the end runs to the lowest common denominator of demonic sacrificing of children when we fallen human beings make up our own liturgy. We’re always looking for “just one more possibly innocent human being” (usually children) to sacrifice to whatever god or goddess so that we can be vicariously redeemed, saved. Imagine that, being saved by sacrificing kids.

The only true worship of God comes from the One who, instead, laid down His own life for us, truly Innocent for the truly guilty, standing in our place so that He would have the right in His own justice to have mercy on us. Jesus is the One, the only One, the only Innocent One.


The reason why we keep looking, why we keep on murdering, is because we have lost sight of Jesus.

Tell you what, this demon worship simply does not happen with the Traditional Latin Mass. Nope.

But it’s the Traditional Latin Mass that is said to have “nothing to do with the life of the parish” and is therefore to be relegated to some non-parish venue which cannot be advertised in, say, parish bulletins. That’s from Cardinal Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments: Jesus has NOTHING to do with the life of the parish, he says. Wow.

When Jesus is denied, cast to the side, said to be utterly irrelevant, that’s when the old lowest common denominator comes back into play. And that’s what we have today. Child-sacrifice is quickly making a come-back, now by symbolism, but the bloody reality will soon follow, you know, with encouragement of abortion, infanticide, with sacrificing of children on the altars. How’s that? Sounds extreme? Because that’s what fallen humanity always does when we blaspheme and throw away the Divine Son of the Immaculate Conception. Every time.

Pope Francis wanted Alexander Tschugguel, who threw a demon-idol into the Tiber, to be arrested.

The FBI wants Traditional Latin Mass goers to be arrested, you know, for being racists? But…

That’s a priest-friend standing. Black. That’s two white-boys kneeling to either side of him. Soooo racist, right?

And then there’s this wonderful, gentle lady…

Whatever with the FBI, whatever with Pope Francis and Cardinal Cupich, with those in India, with those in that southern most diocese in Mexico, whatever with Cardinal Arthur Roche, this great lady, who out-classes all of them put together, gives my heart and soul immense joy.

© 2023 Fr George David Byers


Filed under Free exercise of religion, Liturgy, Pope Francis, Terrorism

Clericalism = Liturgical Abuse. Pope Francis’ liturgical abuse defines clericalism

Pope Francis says that he is against liturgical abuse. But he is by far the worst offender.

The Lord’s Little Flock has a right by way of the Blood of the Lamb to the Liturgy offered without the abuse of priests whose liturgical abuse screams “Look at me! Look at me!” No, we must look to Christ Jesus. Only He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, who draws us to Himself on the Cross, on Calvary. But you would never know about Jesus with the demon-idol worship of Pope Francis.


Filed under Liturgy, Pope Francis

+Cupich priest Pfleger’s Pachamama canoe?

Front view above, side view below.

Children are sacrificed to Pachamama. This is unfortunate but passes as acceptable Novus Ordo Mass in the Archdiocese of Chicago, where the fabulous +Blase Cupich blesses the pagan demon Nian, to sets about eating children in that monster demon lore.

And, yes, Fr Pfleger seems to be wearing the broken-cross “peace” sign.

This is the Novus Ordo in Chicago. Nothing to see here, folks. But don’t dare to use the Ancient Rite for the Sacrifice of the Mass. The all tolerant fabulous +Blase Cupich will hunt you down. End of you. To survive as a priest in Chicago, you have to give a nod to child-destroying demons. And +Blase is on a rampage hunting priests down in other places. I don’t care. I’ll stand with Jesus. Not +Blase and his very many henchmen both here in these USA and across the pond.


Filed under Liturgy

Synod Mass: Let’s worship demons together!

You’re better at being calm and carrying on, dearest Taylor.

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The leopard demon god is the violent demon god of darkness, all that is not light, diametrically opposed to the Light of the Nations. What in hell is the leopard violent demon god doing in the sanctuary of Jesus’ Sacrifice? Jesus wants to get us out of the grasp of the violent demons of hell. But, this hell… For me, if that came to my parish… well…

I can only imagine how this will soon disintegrate into direct desecration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Oh, I forgot, it already has. Remember the Most Blessed Sacrament being inserted into the belly of the Pachamama idol as if it were a monstrance? Ain’t gonna happen in my parish on my watch.

And don’t think Pope Francis condemns this as liturgical abuse. He’s the worst offender, placing the Pachamama, the Abomination of Desolation, on the altar of Jesus’ Sacrifice, the Holy of Holies.

I’ll just say it: this is all demon worship and I’m not going to have anything to do with it. It’s all straight out of hell. I’m not going to judge these souls, or the bishops (so many at that synodality Mass), but I will say this: objectively speaking, the stuff they are doing will bring them straight to hell. It is objectively mortally sinful. But God is the judge of all that is subjective. I’m not. But, objectively speaking, it’s from hell.

To any bishops reading this: I’m a priest of Jesus Christ, not of your damn demons. I will live and die as a priest of Jesus Christ. I’m not going to preside over your damned demon worship.

This is why I also love the ad orientem worship of Christ Jesus in His Sacrifice during the Traditional Latin Mass. We’re facing Jesus together, not putting on some damn show. At Jesus’ Sacrifice on Calvary, demons are cast down to hell. But this theatrical blasphemy of synodal hell portrays the demons winning, as Jesus is no longer important. Jesus has been conquered by the demons… isn’t that the message here?

Moreover, Saint Michael the archangel, defend us in… oh, I forgot, that prayer is forbidden in some places. And you wonder why Saint Michael is forbidden?


Filed under Pope Francis

I think there’s a great again meme in there

These billboards are all over Pennsylvania, and will remain up for a couple of months. They were put up by former Republican state senator Scott Wagner. Good on Scott Wagner.

So, continuing meme, how about…

You get the idea.

I’m sick of it. I’m sick of all of it. I’m sick of individuals who betray these U.S.A. I’m sick of individuals in the Church who betray Christ Jesus. I’m sick.

But, enough of that. That’s just me being weak and useless.

I should be enthusiastic, joyful to live in these times. What a privilege to live in these times. Thank you Jesus.

So how about something like this…

That portrait of Saint Thomas More as Chancellor of England under King Henry VIII always had pride of place in the law offices of my dad.


Filed under Humor, Pope Francis, Spiritual life, Terrorism

Fr George, you’re not a man of consensus, a weaver of dialogue, but merely an embarrassing troublemaker: “We can’t have that kind of thing going on.”

Let’s list just a few of the things with which I am certainly discordant with the powers that be:

  • You have heard that it was said that the Ancient Rite of Mass, the TLM, is not valid as the Lex orandi, the law of praying, Jesus’ Sacrifice, and therefore is not valid as a source of Lex credendi, the law of believing, and is therefore simply hurtful rubbish which must be trashed, obliterated from the face of the earth.
    • But I say to you that anyone who knowingly and wittingly and willfully and freely holds that to be true is a blasphemer, a heretic, an apostate, an excommunicate.
  • You have heard that it was said that idol worship, say, of murderous demon Pachamama, is just some nice weaving of dialogue and that we have to incorporate demon worship into the Sacrifice of the Mass, the Novus Ordo.
    • But I say to you that anyone who worships a demon idol will become like that demon idol. See Psalm 115: 4-8 — “Their idols are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, and noses but cannot smell. They have hands but cannot feel, and feet but cannot walk, and throats but cannot make a sound. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them.”
  • You have heard that it was said that those who do not repent, those who fully intend to sin again, say by way of adultery, are to receive the absolution that they do not want, that they are rejecting.
    • But I say to you that we must recognize the moral capacity of people and power of God’s grace and then say with Jesus, having brought someone to repentance: “Go and do not sin again.” To say that all, for instance, Latinos, have no moral capacity and so must be merely accompanied in their sin is racist and an insult to Jesus.
  • You have heard that it was said that same-sex marriage is not to be sanctioned, but that same-sex civilly sanctioned unions are good.
    • But I say to you that this destroys the image of God, which is one male, one female, marriage and family life. Any same-sex whatever is an attack on the image of God.
  • You have heard that it was said that the pro-abortion “vaccines” are necessary in charity, to protect others.
    • But I say to you that the murder of children in the womb for the research and/or development and/or testing of these “vaccines” is not protecting others, but murdering others. Also, it makes those getting the “vaccine” (as with all vaccines) into super spreaders who maybe get sick less themselves or maybe die less. Murder for hire, for self-benefit, is never good, never charity, and will make you risk going to hell forever.

/// There are thousands of things which I cannot tolerate in conscience for myself, which I cannot teach others to do, regardless if it is a guy named Bergoglio or ________________ (fill in the blank) who is pushing whatever idiocy. I don’t care what abuse of authority attempts to coerce me to commit sin. I’m not going to do it.

  • Do you want to take me out of active ministry, also hurting Jesus’ Little Flock? I feel badly for Jesus’ Little Flock, but for me, what is that punishment compared to going to heaven for eternity for having done the right thing without compromise, standing with Jesus in His trials?
  • Do you want to suspend me a divinis, from offering the Sacraments and from preaching, also hurting Jesus’ Little Flock? I feel badly for Jesus’ Little Flock, but for me, what is that punishment compared to going to heaven for eternity for having done the right thing without compromise, standing with Jesus in His trials?
  • Do you want to excommunicate me, also hurting Jesus’ Little Flock? I feel badly for Jesus’ Little Flock, but for me, what is that punishment compared to going to heaven for eternity for having done the right thing without compromise, standing with Jesus in His trials?
  • Do you want to burn me to death at the stake, thus also hurting Jesus’ Little Flock? I feel badly for Jesus’ Little Flock, but for me, what is that punishment compared to going to heaven for eternity for having done the right thing without compromise, standing with Jesus in His trials?

Seriously, I would rather stand by Jesus in His Trials. I say that with hope that, even if I am as weak as Peter, or worse, Jesus will not abandon me:

  • Luke 22:28-34 “You are those who have stood by me in my trials. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.”

But we must have hope!

1 Comment

Filed under Pope Francis, Priesthood

Pachamama hunts down the Guadalupana (Guest Post)

[[[ This is a guest post of Aussie mum. We all owe her a debt of gratitude. Hail Mary… ]]]

Our Lady of Guadalupe, “Ahh… a close up of her face”.

Yes, the gentle face and compassionate gaze of a true mother looking upon her children, her Immaculate Heart the complete opposite of the malicious heart of Pachamama. It therefore startled me when I discovered that the month of August dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is also dedicated to her antithesis.

The Mother Earth fertility goddess, a demonic construct mocking our Blessed Mother, has been given various names in different parts of the world. She (Mother Earth) is best known in Latin America as “Pachamama” (translation: “World Mother”) in the Quechua language of the Inca, and “Tonantzin” (translation: “Our Mother”) in the Nahuatl language of the Aztecs, and is associated with the Sun-god with whom she supposedly brings forth and maintains creation.

In addition to the dedication of the whole of August to Pachamama in lands once hers and now seemingly hers again, her son and husband, the Sun-god Inti, has also returned to the region. He features on the current coat of arms of Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador, and on the current national flag and state ensign of Argentina (see link below) and Uruguay; he also appears on the traditional, but not current, flag of Peru.

The Sun-god and Mother Earth’s blood lust and predilection for human hearts required ritual human sacrifice in the past. The victims were men, women and children.

And sometimes, children alone.

We are told in the 3rd article linked to above (sciencemag) that recent archaeological discoveries in Mexico are “testimony to an industry of human sacrifice (on a scale) unlike any other in the world”. Surely today’s abortion industry is “an industry of human sacrifice”, and given its slaughter of 40,000,000 to 50,000,000 infants globally per year (WHO stats) it functions on a scale greater than that of the Aztecs and Inca combined. Cannibalism also accompanied human sacrifice, at least in the Aztec Empire, and such goes on in our world today as well but now it is aborted baby body parts cannibalised for research and for use in manufacture (e.g. vaccines, face creams).

Clearly, barbarism is not confined to the past. In fact it is a recurring theme throughout history. We are trapped in a fallen world under demonic headship unless we are incorporated into Christ and remain faithful to Him, which explains why human sacrifice and its associated cannibalism disappeared from Latin America after the Catholic religion was introduced there in the 16th century, only to resurface in our modern world in the form of the abortion industry and its spin-offs as adherence to the Catholic religion wanes world-wide.

Because our world is now post-Christian, immersed in the culture of death as was pre-Christian societies, “modern” men and women tend to take a sympathetic approach to the horrific religious practices of the Inca and Aztecs. The following snippets of an extract from Lehigh University re the film “The Other Conquest” is a disturbing example. “… blood was seen as especially pleasing to the gods, especially blood from the heart, … many of the ritualistic practices involved the cutting out of hearts, and almost all of the practices resulted in cannibalism of the victim … This was an important and irreplaceable aspect of the culture … To be chosen as the sacrifice was an honor and a type of heroism … Carrasco’s subtle references to the Sun God and the Mother Goddess, as well as the dramatic ritualistic sacrifice scene, seem less abrupt and confusing when a viewer can understand them within the organizational framework of a well organized and methodical ancient religious tradition. The Aztecs were not the hateful barbaric cannibals a top-level knowledge of their religion can paint them as. Rather, they were an organized group who committed some unorthodox practices based on their highly revered religious traditions.”

It therefore comes as no surprise that modern man, wishing to defend the indefensible, also portrays the overthrow of the Aztec Empire by Catholic Spain in a most cynical light. They don’t want to know what really happened when the Spanish arrived – the replacement of false religion and its culture of death with the true religion and its culture of life – and incorrectly claim (1) that the natives didn’t really convert to the Catholic religion but embraced the Virgin Mary as just another iteration of Mother Earth, and / or (2) that all religions are basically the same and so it makes no difference which one is followed.

Actually, the post-Christian world is worse than the pre-Christian in that pre-Christian societies had no previous contact with the Catholic religion but our modern world has and yet it prefers idols of one kind or another. No wonder our Blessed Mother exhorted: “Do not offend the Lord our God any more because He is already so much offended” (Fatima, October 1917), and made clear that her divine Son requires reparation for sins committed against her Immaculate Heart (Fatima, July 1917). How incensed He must be when men and women who have the opportunity to know and love His Mother are instead indifferent, ignoring her suffering united to His on Calvary – such immense suffering endured for our sakes – and yet are open to honouring an horrific Mother Earth fertility goddess. As we all know Pope Francis even welcomed the Pachamama idol to Rome (Oct, 2019); two months later he denied that Mary is Co-Redemptrix (Dec 12th 2019, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe).

Oh, how we need to pray for Pope Francis. Not even the most corrupt popes of the past went this far!

Medieval Times (late 5th to the end of the 15th century) showed us that Christendom – a Catholic civilisation – is attainable, while Modern Times (16th to the 21st century) shows us what happens when the Catholic religion is widely rejected.

The following events stand out as marking the beginning of our times:

(1a) 1517 Germany – the Protestant Reformation, a revolt led by Luther sparking a world-wide Religious Revolution that would replace the Church with the anti-Church if it could.

(1b) 1517 Turkey – the Abbasid Caliphate replaced by the Ottoman Caliphate, making Turkey the centre of the Islamic world with a bridge into Europe via Constantinople (Istanbul).

(2) 1519 Mexico – the beginning of the end of the Aztec Empire as the Spanish arrived under Cortez, finding a level of barbarity they could neither understand nor tolerate. Conversion to the Catholic religion would overcome the deeply ingrained culture of death but most of the conquered population were resistant to converting.

(3) 1531 Mexico – God’s response to (1) and (2) above: He sent His Mother into what had been the heart of the Aztec Empire (Dec 9th) as the Woman of the Apocalypse, “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet …” (Apocalypse 12:1). Her appearance was miraculously pictured upon Juan Diego’s tilma and she directed that she be called “Holy Mary of Guadalupe” (Dec 12th).

Note: What the native people “read” in the picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a summary of the surrounding events can be found at:

The most obvious reason for the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe is that she came to convert the Aztecs, and that is certainly true. Their “‘reading’ of the Sacred image brought whole tribes from all over Mexico, led by their chiefs and rulers, to be received into the Faith. And so it happened that the worship of pagan idols was overcome” and “more than 8,000,000 natives in seven years (were converted) to the Catholic Faith.” (Father Rahm cited in Thomas Mary Sennott, Acheiropoeta: Not Made by Hands: Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe .., p. 27). However, there is much more to Our Lady of Guadalupe’s appearance:

– It was the one and only time in history that the Mother of God has appeared as the Woman of the Apocalypse, and as such it is of particular universal significance;

– It stands at the head of other Marian apparitions of world-wide import that followed (Rue de Bac, 1830; Lourdes, 1858; and Fatima,1917);

– And unlike pictures painted to commemorate other Marian apparitions, science – for all its supposed brilliance and authority – is unable to explain how the original was made (it has no brush marks), why it has lasted (its “canvas”, a tilma made of fabric that decays within 30 years) or how its visual effects are accomplished.

Moreover, the original picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe has miraculously lasted throughout Modern Times (just on 5 centuries) to date, suggesting that what she came to do is not yet complete. Could it be that Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Fatima “bookend” Modern Times; that is, that Modern Times is the battleground upon which the triumph of her Immaculate Heart will stand?

I have not yet explained how the Reformation, Islam and all four apparitions mentioned above are linked, but I have taken up so much space already in the comment box and am very unwell presently, so I will have to leave it at this for now.


Dearest Aussie mum. Thank you so much for this. We pray for your health and strength. I am distressed at the words “very unwell.” You give us much encouragement with the clarity of your faith. We look forward to a continuation of this your heroic effort.

Let’s pray for Aussie mum: Hail Mary…


Filed under Mary

Hail Mary? No. St Michael? No. Cardinal Cupich strikes again.

Cardinal Cupich has forbidden the Hail Mary to said publicly in church after Mass. Some have opined that this is because of one “Karen” who complained that Jesus’ mother wasn’t a mirror image of herself. Could be, that.

Some have opined that this might remind one of the three Hail Marys that were recited after the Traditional Mass. More likely, that.

A third possibility comes to mind, which I would call a strong probability: I bet that the Hail Mary was forbidden because this would be inimical to the rapid development of Pachamama Masses. Many bishops are running as fast as they can into this hell of kowtowing to Francis’ worship of the murderous demon idol Pachamama, the abomination of desolation which he has caused to be enthroned in the Holy of Holies where it must not be by divine mandate, on the very altar of Jesus’ Sacrifice in Saint Peter’s Basilica. Yep, I bet that’s why the Hail Mary cannot be publicly recited in church. Consonant with this for Blase is that he’s requiring priests to get vaccinated with the murder-of-babies vaccine. Yep, more little ones sacrificed to the demons.

But of course, while these cowards kick dearest Immaculate Mary in the face, repeatedly, they fear Saint Michael, and so the prayer to Saint Michael is forbidden by Blase to be recited publicly in church after Mass. In doing that, such as Blase only succeed in being even more offensive, as if this were a challenge to Saint Michael, and to Jesus Himself.

Here’s the ultra sad testimony of this priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago… What we’re seeing is what some have called moral injury. He’s at peace, he says, having thought about all this really a lot, he says, really thought about it, he says, repeating himself: he is at peace, he is at peace, he is at peace. He protesteth too much methinks.

So sad. I mean, you can almost hear his tears falling on the altar…

When, Lord, will it end? Please, Lord, shorten the time for the sake of the elect.

Hey! :-) Here’s an idea: Let’s say the prayers traditionally said after the TLM Mass for this priest:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. (x3)

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee to we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, our refuge and our strength, look down with mercy upon the people who cry to Thee; and by the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Saint Joseph her spouse, of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the Saints, in Thy mercy and goodness hear our prayers for the conversion of sinners, and for the liberty and exaltation of the Holy Mother the Church. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the Devil. May God restrain him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. (x3)


Filed under Pope Francis

“Damn you, Father George! You’re against Pope Francis!” Pfft. Get a life. Got Jesus?

So, I’m forever asking people to pray for Pope Francis. I pray for Pope Francis. I mention his name in the Roman Canon (the Eucharistic Prayer) as expected. I always add an intention for him at the prayers of the faithful Not only that, but I offer Masses – many Masses – for Pope Francis. I announce these Mass intentions publicly, also on Sundays. Yes. I would ask anyone accusing me of being against Pope Francis as to whether they – motu proprio – go out of their way to do the same, or, if they are amongst the laity, have this accomplished by priests.

Moreover, I pray for Pope Francis and encourage people to pray for him even against heavy criticism which has it that if I pray for him, that must mean that I agree with everything he says. He says some nice things, some innocuous things, some ambiguous things, some dangerously ambiguous things, some downright wrong things. Don’t we all?

Hell would be where I would already be if many kind souls including a number of cloistered nuns (God reward them!) were not praying for me. I make mistakes. I commit sin. Thank God, I go to confession. Thank you, dear Lord Jesus.

But let’s not be ostriches. Let’s not be worshippers of Saint Peter’s successors. Saint Peter, when he was not Saint Peter, ran away and then thrice denied our Lord. Later he fell under the rather severe though entirely correct reprimand of Saint Paul. But Peter did become Saint Peter. Get it? We help each other in God’s grace to stay on the straight and narrow. If we don’t do this, we will all go to hell together.

  • Ezekiel 33:1-9 — The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them: When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning and the sword comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.’ “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. When I say to the wicked, O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade him from his ways, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood. But if you do warn the wicked man to turn from his ways and he does not do so, he will die for his sin, but you will have saved yourself.”

We’re all in this together. We will all look together on Him whom we have all pierced through, men of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, including you and me. I myself – and I know this for a fact – have crucified the Son of the Living God with what has resulted in me because of original sin and because of all my own rubbish sin. So have you, and you and you and you… Right?

Does that mean that any one of us, say, Pope Francis, is above correction if he happens to do or say something so entirely ambiguous and misleading or just downright wrong that out of human respect the terrible scandal that is endangering people’s eternal salvation cannot be corrected? No. Those browbeating others into political correctness and all worldly niceness are simply acting ultra vires, beyond their powers. What remains as fact is that when people’s eternal salvation is endangered, a pastor who has the obligation to protect the sheep is to protect them regardless of whom the wolf du jour happens to be. Period. No, really, even one who is no more than a jackass:

Though I’m nothing but a jackass, I do try to do the best I can. I just want do the right thing, lest Jesus’ Little Flock goes to hell, lest I go to hell. Also, I’m just representing the real concerns of people who are wondering on giving up on the faith because of the inanity and total cowardice going on in high places. I am addressing those concerns for those souls as I MUST do in conscience.

But let’s be specific, shall we? Where’s there’s smoke, there’s fire, right? But my question is as to where the fires of hell are really burning, and why the smoke of Satan has infiltrated. Not in any particular order:

(1) PACHAMAMA: I do take issue with Pope Francis worshipping the death-mongering demon idol Pachamama in Vatican Gardens, and I do take issue with Pope Francis causing, for all of us to see, the enthronement of this abomination of desolation where it must not, by divine mandate, be, that is, in the Holy Place, the high altar of Jesus’ Sacrifice above Saint Peter’s relics in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. A Pope doing that. It’s a matter of conscience for me not to go along with the Pachamama prayers and liturgies which are proliferating by the sycophantic. It is a matter of conscience to correct the scandal. There are weak people, souls redeemed by our Lord whom He also wants to save, who go along with all this demonic execration. Is it a matter of bad optics that a priest charitably corrects the Holy Father for the sake of saving souls? Is this causing division? Any division is not my doing. It’s on the one who’s doing the wrong thing, who are set on keeping people from understanding how to remain with our Lord in the midst of chaos. I have remained, do now remain, and will remain in solidarity with Jesus, Divine Son of the Living God, Divine Son of the Immaculate Conception. Jesus is insulted. He hates when He sees His mother grimace at all of this evil.

(2) TRADITIONIS CUSTODES: I do take issue with Pope Francis rejection of the lex orandi (the law of praying) found with Jesus’ Most Holy Sacrifice as presented in the Mass of the Ages, the Traditional Latin Mass. That lex orandi, that Sacrifice, is the self-same lex orandi found in all rites, whatever they happen to be: Coptic, Syromalabar, Syromalankara, Ukrainian, Ambrosian… so very many. Francis says that such lex orandi, such a Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus at the Last Supper and Calvary, is only to be found in the Novus Ordo in the Roman Rite. But since this is the same lex orandi in the Novus Ordo that he rejected for the TLM, he is also rejecting the lex orandi of the Novus Ordo. He is rejecting that the Novus Ordo presents the lex orandi, rejecting that the Novus Ordo is the Last Supper and the Sacrifice on Calvary. He is rejecting the lex orandi in all other rites throughout the world. Reject one as the bearer of the lex orandi, the Last Supper and Sacrifice on Calvary, and you reject all. That’s why it’s called A LAW: it’s the same in all rites. Francis has wrongly equated the rite and the lex orandi. And just to say: that ancient saying, lex orandi lex credendi (the law of praying is the law of believing) to which he refers, means that the rejection of the lex orandi is the rejection of the lex credendi. The entire faith from the Last Supper until today issuing from the Last Supper and Calvary has been rejected by Pope Francis. So, Traditionis custodes is an evil law, and therefore no law whatsoever, neither demanding obedience or disobedience as it is simply nothing. It is to be ignored. That’s on him just for himself. This is his private opinion no matter how public he has made it, how official he has made it. It is not an ex-cathedra infallible statement. But he has caused grievous scandal. I cannot be part of that by some sort of sycophantic silence, letting people be scandalized right in front of me. Nope. Can’t do it. I can’t do that in conscience. Just because I take issue with what Pope Francis can say or do doesn’t mean I’m rejecting him as the Bishop of Rome. As I say, I pray for him, and, ever so ironically, I offer Mass for him. It’s just that I offer that lex orandi, that Sacrifice Most Holy, in the form of the Traditional Latin Mass. I do not support schism. I do not support disrespecting the Holy Father. Not to correct him is extremely disrespectful. Not to correct him is to be sycophantic. To be sycophantic is by definition to be disrespectful. To be sycophantic is by definition the fulfillment of hatred. I don’t want that for anyone. So, I help people understand. I do correct Pope Francis. That is done out of love, obviously at risk to myself, parrhesia and all that.

(3) LGBTQI+: I do take issue with heart stopping ambiguity about anything LGBTQI+, whereby a good thing is said here but then a horrific statement cancelling that is provided there. Pope Saint Pius X rejected such ambiguity as being as bad or worse than any blatant heresy. Indeed, the mind-numbing ambiguity sucks more people in, wears more people out, dispirits people, leads them out of the Church into and beyond the truly darkest of existential peripheries. I just can’t stomach that. I vomit that lukewarmness out of my mouth. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. I just cannot watch people right in front of me take scandal from Pope Francis’ ambiguity. I pray for Pope Francis, but I will present the fullness of the faith to Jesus’ Little Flock as I am bound to do by Christ Jesus Himself. I’m not going to deny Jesus even if by way of omission. I don’t want to be denied by my heavenly Father. No compromise with Jesus, no grey areas. All grey areas bleed red blood, Jesus’ blood. I can’t do that. I will teach the truth with charity for the salvation of souls. Might it seem like I’m optically messaging diversely amidst the big-community conversation? Sure. Good. I’m happy to be as divisive as Jesus. Let’s see… where’s that sword of division of His now? Ah, yes… Here it is. In my heart. I’m convicted by the truth of the Lord Jesus, whose own Most Sacred Heart was pierced through.

(4) AMORIS LAETITIA: Everything I mentioned for LGBTQI+ is good for the entirety of Amoris laetitia…

(5) DIVISIVENESS: Pope Francis repeats ad nauseam that he wants unity. I disagree with any desire for a unity which disregards Jesus. I’m with Jesus. I’m with the Church. I’m with Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the authentic interventions of the Supreme Magisterium of the Church. It is the Living Truth, Christ Jesus, who unites us in Himself, He the Head, we the members of the One Body of Christ. Always and everywhere. No compromise. Ever. And if this eats away at the consciences of people and makes them angry so that they ferociously complain – wait for it – I LOVE THAT! GREAT! Finally I’m getting through. These people just might be saved in the end. I’m glad to take the blowback for Jesus as He uses me. I’m happy to be in solidarity with Jesus who went way out of His way to provoke people with the truth He provided with such great clarity and charity that we in our cynicism crucified Him. Anyone who measures success in the priesthood by a priest not getting complaints has never even once read the Gospels with eyes open. Ever. If they have, and have rejected the Living Truth of the Sign of Contradiction, well, I pray for their conversion to Mary’s Divine Son. Division! More division! That’s what I say. The women of Jerusalem wept. The high priests shook their fists and said that we have no king but Caesar. Such division! I love it. Would that we would have more of it. But who is there? I’m the worst candidate, but if it comes to this, and, among some few others, it does, I say: Here I am Lord! Be Yourself the Cause of Division through me! And that’s not a blasphemy or pride. It’s humble thanksgiving for having the opportunity in my own small way to thank the Lord for all that He’s done for me, especially in forgiving me, and now, for having me be His priest, His instrument of His own Truth for the salvation of souls. Who cares if some have their feathers ruffled if in the end because of that they get to heaven? Yes. Here I am, Lord.

  • But.. but… -splutter-splutter- you’re imprudent then Father George! Imprudent! Just like that ol’ meanie Jesus!

Let’s discuss that, the prudence of Jesus: should he have been a man of consensus? You can take that and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

  • Now you’re being rude and inappropriate and boundary-crossing, Father George!

Really? Do you really want me to cite you God’s own extremely graphic insults in the Sacred Scriptures as inspired by the Holy Ghost? See, for example, Ezekiel 23:19 in the context of the condemnation of Religion bowing to State in all political correctness. This is an insult for those prostituting themselves to political correctness! Bwahahaha!

But, that’s a digression. Let me take all this a bit further, let’s talk about the Vaccine. ;-)

(5) MURDERING BABIES FOR VACCINES: https://lozierinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/CHART-Analysis-of-COVID-19-Vaccines-02June21.pdf Click on that link to find out that all available vaccines to date in these USA have purpose murdered babies so as to research and/or develop and/or test “vaccines.” Oh, I forgot. Those pushing for vaccines also cite that article with the idea that it’s all cute but we will continue to push vaccines anyway. Pope Francis now has started up having vaccine passports for certain parts of Vatican City. Pope Francis has had vaccines mandated in Vatican City and for multiple Papal trips. I have to take Pope Francis up on that because people are very specifically taking scandal because of this actions and those of the sycophants who follow him. The question is always: “Are you with Pope Francis or not?” It’s never: “Are you with Jesus or not?”

(6) FOLLOW YOUR OWN CONSCIENCE APART FROM THE CHURCH: There are plenty of “Conferences of Bishops” of particular states, such as Colorado, which are offering letters of religious objection to the vaccine (even though this is also a matter of the natural law available to everyone). Great! But then all of them, as far as I know, praise whatever it is that individuals and their consciences come up with, for or against the vaccine. No. The vaccine is evil intrinsically. As Saint Pope Paul VI said in Humanae Vitae about contraception: It’s intrinsically dishonest. And that would be a mortal sin. Pope Francis’ Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith put out a statement affirming conscience as well, but then added, like, you know, most of the time the mandates are not right. Lots of wiggle room for steamrolling people there. And Pope Francis is smashing people down. Imagine what he would do if bishops or priests who were to greet him on his trips or who would want to continue to work in Vatican City would refuse to get the vaccine. This is a scandal, and I must do my part for the tiny portion of the Lord’s Little Flock in this parish to do the right thing, to set the record straight. How is it that even the most “orthodox” amongst priests and bishops and browbeating fellow priests to encourage people to do whatever the hell they want and it’s all good? Oh, I forgot: the stated purpose of the Synod on Synods, to say that everyone is infallible. Yep. More on that in a future post.

That baby is reaching out of the uterus and grabbing hard on the finger of the surgeon. In organ harvesting “vaccine” times, this baby’s organs would be ripped out of him. But that’s all good and holy, is it? That baby is the image of Jesus. How are you going to rationalize that to Jesus and His blessed Mother. No. Pope Francis and the bishops and priests who support him are risking going straight to hell because of their approval and encouragement of the vaccines. I have to reprimand them for the sake of their own eternal salvation, from Pope Francis on down. If I don’t, I will go to hell. But I want to go to heaven.


Filed under Pope Francis