Father Gordon J MacRae interview: First time speaking in his own defense


In Father Gordon J MacRae’s own words:

“In the course of my 1994 trial, and while sentenced to life in prison, and during State and habeas corpus appeals I have never been allowed to utter a single word in my own defense. In 2011 a two-part documentary video was made of my testimony. It went missing for several years and has just turned up.”



The insanity of self-congratulators, self-proclaimed heroes of a witch-hunt, only destroys justice for all, making hatred into a virtue, further destroying lives. People will get sick of allegations being made equal to guilt and no longer listen to real victims. False accusers, drawn by the lure of ultra-super-easy money, will also live destroyed lives. Justice, due process – what priests have not been afforded – is important, more important than the self-hero worship of bishops who proclaim themselves to be “tough on abuse” when they simply continue to abuse justice, entrenching in the basic problem all the more with abuse of authority.


Filed under Abuse, Priesthood

7 responses to “Father Gordon J MacRae interview: First time speaking in his own defense

  1. nancyv

    What the heck? All I can think of is that Fr. MacRae is there and McCarrick is out where? What is up is down. Evidence means not much in these times. Planned parentlesshood continues despite documented selling of dead baby body parts, etc. Jesus Lord, have Mercy on us.
    Glad you put this on your site before the videos “disappear”.

  2. Rory O'Callaghan

    Thank you George for showing this. It’s so difficult to hear such a patently honest man so strongly condemn the moral strength of bishops. Are these the same men who sit in synod in search of a moral path for the rest of us? It is too depressing to contemplate.

  3. pelerin

    I am proud to say I have followed Fr Gordon’s blog from the very beginning. His Faith and courage shine out from his words and it was so good to actually see him on the videos which he showed last week.
    I wonder how the videos ‘went missing’ for so long?

  4. Gina Nakagawa

    It is humbling to be in the presence of a “white” martyr. Father does more for the restoration of Christ’s Bride than he realizes. May God bless him and keep him. May he be vindicated,and restored to his rightful place.

  5. elizdelphi

    I just watched the first video. What a nightmare. I am grateful to hear this from him personally. Thanks to the priest interviewer.

  6. Aussie Mum

    Just wondering how I might get these two videos of Father MacRae to Cardinal Pell. I don’t suppose it can be done since he is also in prison. From what I have heard he is locked away from everyone 23 hours out of 24 as Father’s MacRae was at one stage.

  7. Thank you Fr George for getting this out there!

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