Category Archives: Saints

Wait! What? Hating on Carlo Acutis?

There are really a lot of people, allegedly hateful trolls, who allegedly feign to be allegedly “traditional”, who are allegedly terribly hateful of Carlo, allegedly accusing of him of not having heroic virtue and not being close to Jesus. As proof that he’s a demon from hell, they insist that the second miracle approved by the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints is fraudulent, as there had also been a medical operation.

  • “Since when is that some sort of damn miracle? A medical operation!? Explain it to me, now, because, as a prodigal internet-karen, I’m the judge and jury of God Himself and everyone has to run everything by me!”

That’s just my paraphrase of a comment against dearest Carlo that came in on this blog but which I didn’t publish lest I get tied up in all sorts of court battles with indefatigable karen-lawfare-trolls.

Firstly, let’s go ahead and read what Vatican News has on this miracle:

“Miracle attributed to Blessed Carlo Acutis

“The miracle recognized on Thursday is related to a woman from Costa Rica.

“On July 8, 2022, Liliana prayed at Blessed Carlo’s tomb in Assisi, leaving a letter describing her plea. Six days earlier, on July 2, her daughter Valeria had fallen from her bicycle in Florence, where she was attending university.

“She had suffered severe head trauma, and required craniotomy surgery and the removal of the right occipital bone to reduce pressure on her brain, with what her doctors said was a very low chance of survival.

“Liliana’s secretary began praying immediately to Blessed Carlo Acutis, and on July 8, Liliana made her pilgrimage to his tomb in Assisi.

“That same day, the hospital informed her that Valeria had begun to breath spontaneously. The next day, she began to move and partially regain her speech.

On July 18, a CAT scan proved that her hemorrhage had disappeared, and on August 11, Valeria was moved to rehabilitation therapy. She made quick progress, and on September 2, Valeria and Liliana made another pilgrimage to Assisi to thank Blessed Carlo for his intercession.”

Let’s review: “She had suffered severe head trauma, and required craniotomy surgery and the removal of the right occipital bone to reduce pressure on her brain, with what her doctors said was a very low chance of survival.” That’s what’s shown in green here.

Pretty devastating. But still nothing compared to the power of God in regard to any miracle to be wrought, right? God oughta be able to do it up in one shot, right? Right. Sigh.

You have heard that it was said by even famous ultra-tradition-al-ism-ists that – damn it all – if it’s a true miracle then it has to be done all at once, once and done. No trying, failing, trying again, no stages of healing allowed, and it’s definitely not allowed to permit any surgery while you’re praying to some blessed Blessed for intercession for a miracle.

But that, my friends, speaks to three things:

  • Such a cynic has zero understanding of the purpose of miracles.
  • Such a cynic has zero understanding of the spiritual life.
  • Such a cynic is blasphemous over against our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The purpose of miracles isn’t to save us from mere effects of bad stuff happening to us in this world whilst were still not in heaven (please God we make it there). Miracles are meant to confirm us in the faith.

Have we never read that Jesus did not do many miracles in that place because their wasn’t much faith among the people? Jesus doesn’t do miracles for cynics, does He? No, He doesn’t. That‘s what they’re so angry about: they can’t hate God and get a miracle to boot.

Have we never had to be absolved of sin more than once, or are we all perfect saints since baptism, damning God Himself for daring to forgive any sin of ours, like cynicism, like hypocrisy, more than once? He completely forgives, but might not completely receive that in all aspects of our assent.

Have we never read in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 8, about the the two-stage healing of the blind man, you know, with Jesus Himself doing “a medical operation” on the blind guy, you know, with spittle and the laying on of hands, twice? It’s not that Jesus couldn’t do it all at once, but rather that the guy would benefit by learning where he was at during both stages, and maybe learn a bit of humility in submitting to healing again, and then again. It takes a little humility to go to Confession, again, and then again, right?

Could it be that God is not interested in doing any miracle of niceness for us in this world, but is interested in doing such things to elicit the deepening of our faith, our thanksgiving, our desire to “not sin again”? Who among us is so perfectly prompt to every grace that comes our way? Does God patiently work with us in all our ineptitude? Yes, He does. Thanks to God for that.

Carlo was constantly with street people to help them out. Was he not cognizant of the fact that some people have horrific PTSD beyond their control and need patience and goodness and kindness, repeatedly, in multiple stages?

As a priest, I’ve spent a lifetime in emergency rooms, pre- and post-op rooms, hospital rooms, hospices, rehabs and nursing homes, going to people on home-visitation, with innumerable Last-Rites provided, also on the street in the midst of horrific traffic accidents, and I can tell you that even with people of great, great faith, staged healing is a help to them, to those doctors and nurses around them, to relatives, to friends, to townspeople, giving people hope, encouraging them to grow in hope – Hey! – maybe to say a prayer in hope as well!

I’ve seen people be miraculously healed, immediately, because of Last Rites. That’s awesome. That’s Jesus. Sometimes incredible healing takes place over hours or days as that person or those who know that person are transformed (even more) in the faith. If people learn to pray, to do that act of charity – Hey! – maybe they will be on their way to heaven as well. That’s what this is all about.

I apologize, but my first thought when I hear of ultra-tradition-al-ism-ists (fake, self-congratulating people who use religion to aggrandize themselves, and not actually of Tradition) speaking of damned Post-Vatican-II miracles that can’t happen in a post-Vatican-II world because, you know, damn it all anyway… well, I reject such cynical trolling and blasphemy and instead thank God for the miracle worked. The Lord doesn’t stop working with us just because of a get together in the 1960s or in the 2020s for that matter.

As far as the healing in stages of this girl, I’m no doctor. I haven’t seen the reports, neither of the doctors nor of the those in the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. I’m guessing that all the doctors said, at each “stage” of continuous and immediate and awesome healing, that they have zero explanation for what was happening to this girl for her betterment. They can’t officially say it was a miracle. That’s not their competence. But I’m guessing that they were mumbling, despite their own medical interventions, that each stage of this healing was a miracle that had nothing whatsoever to do with what they themselves did during that operation.

Meanwhile, in that short time period, people were learning to pray, to turn, helpfully, to those also in the mystical Body of Christ, in this case, to Carlo. Is that a bad thing? Are we to be angry about this? Are we to damn Carlo, damn the girl, damn her relatives and damn her friends? Are we to damn God Himself for a healing in stages? Should we ask Jesus about what the Holy Spirit had recounted of the staged healing in Mark 8?

  • I bet the guy who was healed of his blindness in Bethsaida has something to say about this.
  • I bet those who know this girl healed by the intercession of Carlo have something to say about this.

Stepping back for a second… Wow… How is it that we’ve arrived at a place in society where we absolutely hate the good that God and His good, gentle saints do for us?

I bet this has much to do with the purity and piety of Carlo, his sincere devotion and friendship with Jesus and Mary. People take that as an incrimination of themselves instead of as an invitation to have that same purity and piety, that same devotion and friendship with Jesus and Mary. Instead, they want to hate themselves, hate God, hate neighbor, and defend all that which is impure, impious, irreligious and hateful of Jesus and Mary. They’re entitled to be karens!

I, for one, having been forgiven so very many times by our Lord at the intercession of dearest, dear Mary, I only want that all know the joy and peace that I have in having been subject to the patience of God, with my being dealt with, and dealt with still, in many stages of growth. I myself am no Carlo, but he occasions an assent to God-given hope in my black and beady soul: this miracle of his with this girl gives me hope.

Thanks, Carlo. I know you don’t need any defense from me. It’s just that I’m shocked (stupid me) that so many have taken to condemning you and taken to blaspheming God. I am saddened by that, and I’m hoping for other miracles of conversion. I don’t know if my words, rather bold, help or hurt…. I’m guessing you wouldn’t talk this way… but – Hey! – I’m trying. Help me, too, dearest dear Carlo.

Mark 8:22-26:

  • “They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, ‘Do you see anything?’ He looked up and said, ‘I see people; they look like trees walking around.’ Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, ‘Don’t even go into the village.'”

Why not send him back to the village? Because people would shriek like karens:

  • “It was a two-stager! Damn that Imposter! Damn Him! Crucify Him! A two-stager!”

I better stop…

Nope. One more thing. Exorcism. You have heard that it was said that if a person is a client in a psychiatric hospital, that means that they cannot be bothered in any way by Satan, ever, because Satan is nice and loving and would never hide behind a psychiatric illness so as to mock God all the more… Never! Satan is nice! I have to wonder if karens are themselves possessed.

In my time as a chaplain to what was at one time called the New York State Insane Asylum, I came across one old gal who was possessed. Sadly, at the time, decades ago, exorcisms weren’t much permitted in New York or anywhere else for that matter.


Filed under Saints, Spiritual life

“I’m gonna die!” Two seconds to discern someone is a saint. No sighing! Sigh!

I put this video up the other day, but there are just a couple of seconds I’d like to emphasize. It’s queued to that time in the video. It’s the moment when Carlo found out he was going to die soon. He’s sharing the news with his social media followers. He has some news to report: “…quello: destinato a morire” – “that being… ‘I’m destined to die.'”

Then a smile, so unfeigned, so sincere, so pure, emanating the joy of Holy Spirit, betraying the enormity of all of the eternity of heaven right NOW coming into anyone’s life, with God’s hand strongly pulling you into heaven, right NOW, followed by the tiniest bit of laughter, but that smile immediately, subtly overlayed by another that has such joy, such enthusiasm to be going to heaven, and going to heaven right… now… and then another smile ever so subtly overlaying that one, you know, to let us know where he’s at in his grief of leaving us in this world, but that it’s a done deal, signifying this by clapping just once in joy… that’s it’s happening… It’s a done deal… It’s happening right now… NOW!

That’s the grace the martyrs had as they sang hymns while marching to the guillotine, to crucifixion, to beheadings… We’re gonna meet Jesus, and it’s happening right NOW!

Yes. It only takes two seconds to discern that someone is a saint.

  • “The time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:6-8).

Meanwhile, the opposite is also true. It only takes two seconds to know that someone is not a saint. Take me, the non-saint, as an example. I say those words of Carlo – “I’m destined to die” – all day, every day – “I’m gonna die!” – but with a sigh so loud that it’s enough to crater the town. That goes with another exclamation: “I wanna go to heaven!” – but with another sigh so loud that it doubles the crater just made.

This is triggered each time, all day, every day, by yet another report of the continuous non-stop faithlessness emanating from the city that has lost the faith on the Italian peninsula. Whoever hears my sigh answers, “We’re all gonna die, Father!” “Good answer,” I respond. They say in sync, “I wanna go to heaven, too, Father!”

Unlike Carlo, the “I’m-gonna-die”-thing is never about getting the news that I’m going to be taken out by a fatal disease at any second, but rather about the sentence of having to stay on earth, with me struggling because not being as enthusiastic as was Saint Paul in Philippians 1:23-24…

  • “I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.”

Whereas Carlo was happy to depart and be with Christ and was also always happy to be with those he helped while he remained in the body, I find myself to be like a dumb and good-as-dead-jackass beaten continuously by faithlessness all around. It’s a Father Byers contra mundum (against the world) kind of thing, but with me not depending much on Jesus. The not-much-trust bit, of course, leaves me a bit overwhelmed. I’m quite faithless, really.

Sure, Jesus is working on me so that I learn to be enthusiastically determined in the peace and joy which He does give me and in which I rejoice, but I’m still sighing as a learn about the enthusiasm part.

Our Lord sweat blood whilst His will was in conformity with the will our Heavenly Father (as always), but that only speaks to His enthusiasm, whilst my sighing refers to my reluctance.

But – Hey! – at least I know this about myself; at least I can cry out to our Lord about this. It’s not that I have to stop exclaiming “I’m gonna die!” and “I wanna go to heaven!” when I hear of all the hell on earth every second of every hour of every day, but rather that I have to learn by the Lord’s good grace to be led more into that enthusiasm in which Carlo rejoiced.

I’m always saying that we if we’re scandalized by all the hell that has broken out on earth, that means that we haven’t much seen the wounds of Jesus. So, it’s not about taking ourselves seriously. It’s about taking the Lord Jesus seriously. Our Lord had infinite enthusiasm to bring us out of this hell and right into heaven. See the wounds!

So, let’s see.. I know… how about a visit to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament? Jesus is the spiritual director of us all. The spiritual life isn’t about coping mechanisms. It’s about Jesus whooping us upside the head to let us know that He has taken us and does take us deadly seriously, right here, right now, that He has intervened and is intervening in this world in each of our lives, personally, that He is with us… Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity… Do you see His wounds?… That’s Him!

Let’s see… where’s that website (now run by others) that Carlo put up on Eucharistic Miracles? Ah, here it is…

Oh, wait… He’s got another on Marian apparitions he put up (also now run by others, of course):

After perusing that for a bit, how about some time before the Blessed Sacrament? And a Rosary? That’s what I’m gonna do today. I need that. I’m so faithless. I take myself way too seriously. SIGH! I’m gonna die. I wanna go to heaven. … Time to take note of…. JESUS and His dearest dear Immaculate Mother MARY.

Oh… one more thing… and just to say… Carlo “had brain hemorrhaging at the time of his death, and he offered his suffering for the pope and the Church.” 2006 was the year of his death.


Filed under Death, Saints, Spiritual life

TODAY: Blessed Carlo Acutis miracle approved, ready for canonization. St Francis to Carlo’s mother on what happens after Carlo’s canonization.

TODAY FROM THE VATICAN: Promulgation of Decrees of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, 23 May 2024:

“During the audience granted to His Eminence Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, the Supreme Pontiff has authorized the same Dicastery to promulgate the Decrees regarding:

  • “the miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis, lay faithful; born on 3 May 1991 in London, England, and died on 12 October 2006 in Monza, Italy.”

More from Vatican News

Some notes on Wikipedia.

Firstly, from Carlo’s mom. Sorry, I’m so weak, and old. I about cried…

And then, here’s Father Blount on what Carlo’s mother said about the future canonization of her dear son:

A-W-E-S-O-M-E ! ! ! From 8:30″… but especially just for a few seconds after 12:30″…

Sorry, but that reminds me of this video…

And it makes me say to all parents, to all teenagers in the world: GO TO CONFESSION ! ! !

Meanwhile, apparitions of Saint Francis to Carlo’s mum have not been nor will they be approved by the Church according to the document on Apparitions by self-approved sex-mystic Cardinal Tucho Fernandez. We’re on our own for our discernment. In my opinion, Carlo’s mother is very credible, a believer, not a fanatic of any kind. Just a good mom. A rarity.

Meanwhile, just my own comment: If all teenagers are to be touched with sanctifying grace, that means that all teenagers are going to Confession. If all teenagers are going to Confession, that means there’s been an illumination of conscience. Our Lord speaks about that as we seeing the Sign of the Son of Man and then us subsequently being, as the Greek has it, “cut to shreds” (Matthew 24). That’s called an assisted examination of conscience. Ask your guardian angels to assist you with that right now. It will stand you in good stead.


Filed under Saints

Repost! More on Saint George, Dragon Slayer

saint george stained glass window

This was posted five years ago [now seven years in 2024]. A good day to bring this to light once again. Outside of Saint Philomena – the veracity of whose existence as a virgin and martyr of the early Church has recently been sustained by exhaustive scientific evaluations of the evidence – outside of her… there is perhaps no saint more scorned as being no more than a figment of pious imagination than Saint George, who, however, boasts of more archaeological and historical evidence than most any other saint in the history not only of the early Church, but for some lesser known saints, right into our own day. Churches dedicated to Saint George sprang up in their dozens throughout the ancient world immediately after news of his martyrdom on 23 April 303.

Liberal warning: The most obnoxious denial of the existence of Saint George that I’ve come across comes from a super liberal professor of “ecumenism” (which I put in quotes because he had no idea what true ecumenism is). Many of my fellow priests today have had Father XXX as a professor in the various countries, seminaries and universities where he’s misled people. He had the idea that Saint George couldn’t possibly have existed because of the iconography of him slaying a dragon. This priest-professor’s arrogant idea was that we’re very smart today, and people of the past were so very gullible and stupid. He laughed his nervous, cowardly, mocking laugh when I tried to explain a few things about the iconography:

  • Those in the first centuries, who were suffering under the severe persecutions of the dragon of the Apocalypse, namely, the possessed-by-Satan pre-Constantinian Roman Empire, understood the dragon to be the Roman Empire. Even so, such depictions only came later, but for this very reason.
  • The white horse, similarly, is the white horse of the Apocalypse 6:2, whose rider goes out conquering and to further his conquering.
  • In the early fourth century, after George was martyred, it is interesting to note that all martyrs in the Montefiascone/Bolsano region of Tuscany, whether male or female, with no regard to how they met their deaths, were all depicted as riding on the white horse of the Apocalypse.
  • The woman who is to be saved in the background of some Renaissance paintings is, similarly, Holy Mother Church, who is represented by her saints.
  • The point of all this wonderful triumphalism in the iconography is not that Saint George or the other martyrs successfully fought their way out of being martyred. The point is not that they slew the dragon by, for instance, assassinating the Emperor of the time. It’s that they conquered the demonically controlled world by witnessing to Christ Jesus’ goodness and kindness and truth right unto their deaths, so hated is goodness and kindness and truth by the demonically controlled world. Saint George and the other martyrs slew the dragon by continuing in faithfulness while being slain.
  • By the way, the dragon, the ancient serpent, the devil and Satan, of Genesis 2:4-3:24, is, in the ancient usage of the word, an Oracle from God on behalf of man, a spirit, an angel, now a fallen angel. There are no talking snakes in Genesis. We’re talking about Satan here. The ancients knew this. Why is it that we don’t in all our clever self-congratulation?

None of this – or the archaeological proofs – made any impression on the super-liberal priest to whom I was speaking, for the last thing he wanted to hear was faithfulness to the Church unto death. That’s not what his own life was about. He was against all doctrine, all morality, all Sacred Revelation. Since he couldn’t answer in any reasonable way, he merely laughed his nervous, cowardly, mocking laugh once again. I was to see the “spirit” of that priest in so many other priests throughout my whole priesthood. Such adversity is an occasion by which friendship with Christ Jesus and the Saints can flourish.

saint george icon

This icon was given to me by Cardinal […]. It’s from the Mount Zion crowd just outside the wall of the Old City of Jerusalem. There is great devotion to Saint George in Palestine until today, with about every third boy being named after Saint George.

George’s father, Gerontius, was well known to the Emperor Diocletian as one of his very best soldiers. When Gerontius’ son George applied to Diocletian to be in the military service of the Emperor, Diocletian quickly made him part of the Imperial Guard and gave him the rank of Tribune. These positions taken together made young George, perhaps in his early twenties, almost as powerful as the Emperor himself. Very few people would have ever had such power, both military and political, and at such a young age. George was an instant phenomenon. Everyone would have known exactly who he was in the entire ancient world.

saint george martyrdom

Diocletian was persuaded by the might-makes-right Galerius to have all his soldiers offer sacrifice to the Roman gods. George, with the zeal of the saints, loudly and with great reason proclaimed his worship of Christ Jesus, so that he couldn’t possibly offer sacrifice to any Roman gods. Diocletian, distraught – for he had never intended this – offered George all sorts of bribes, all of which were scorned by our Saint. Diocletian then set out to make an example of him, first attaching him to a wheel of swords and then having him decapitated.

Saint George and Saint Michael the Archangel sometimes meld into one presentation with wings being granted to Saint George on his white horse. That’s O.K. I’m sure they were great friends!

By the way, George is the Name of God the Father: ὁ πατήρ μου ὁ γεωργός ἐστιν (John 15:1). “My Father is George.” O.K., so, a pedantic translation would be “My Father is the Farmer” or “My Father is the Tiller of the Ground.” Some translations have “Vinedresser.” Truth be told, it’s γεωργός, that is, George!

Just to be insistent about this: “Adam” means “Tiller of the Ground.” “Adam” = “George.” Jesus is the New Adam. Jesus is the New George. Yours truly is merely the old George, the old Adam. But Christ has conquered and goes out to conquer still. Thanks be to God our Father that Jesus sets about slaying me so that, dead to myself, I live for Him alone. Yikes!

keep calm and slay dragons

By the way, my parish, which takes in the most outrageously beautiful mountains of the Great Smoky Mountains, boasts, of course, of being at one end of “The Dragon’s Tail”, which is an extremely dangerous curvy road that every motorcycle enthusiast in North America loves to ride. They all come here! There are hotels just for two-wheelers throughout the area. There are all sort of motorcycle fix-it shops. I invite all cyclers to to make a weekend of this, slaying the dragon by the tail, and stopping in for Mass at 8:30 Sunday morning at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Robbinsville, NC, or 11:00 Mass Sunday morning at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Andrews, N.C. If you’re not afraid of heights or gravel roads, come to Andrews from Robbinsville over Tatham Gap Road. If you’ve never once said “Yikes!” in your life, you will when you ride this one. I say that in solidarity, as most all my broken bones in life (really very many) have come from riding on two wheels with a motor.


Filed under Saints

Repost! It was “Sts George & Philomena are fake!” Now it’s “Jesus and Mary are fake!”

There is no other saint I know of who is more archeologically established than Saint George. We have found the ruins of early centuries church buildings built in his honor at the very time of his death throughout the still anti-Catholic Roman Empire, from throughout Europe to throughout the Near and Middle East and everything in between.

Saint George is trashed because of Renaissance paintings of Saint George on a white horse slaying a dragon so as to save a maiden. “All fiction!” it is shrieked. “Don’t be a martyr! Be a man-of-consensus with the world!” That’s the brow-beating, bullying insistence which the soft and self-absorbed readily accept.

But the white horse is that of Jesus in the Apocalypse. In that Apocalypse the dragon is the great Serpent and Satan who is possessing the Caesars of the day. In that Apocalypse the maiden is the Church and the Mother of God. In the Apocalypse those who are killed in witness to Christ Jesus are the victors by their faithfulness right through death. The renaissance paintings are not original to those painters: They were merely representing frescoes in catacombs which depicted all martyrs like Saint George and at the time of Saint George in this fashion. Men who were martyred, women who were martyred, all depicted riding on white horses slaying the dragon, victorious over Satan by being faithful right through death.

Likewise, the virgin martyrs are dismissed as those to whom modern teenagers cannot relate. The first to be cancelled is Saint Philomena. In recent scientific studies, it is established absolutely that her catacomb stone reads: “Pax tecum Philomena” with no other possibility, and that the small glass vase found in that place contains the blood of a girl carbon-dated to the time of Philomena. Yep.

A priest working in the Holy See at the time I attended the presentations of these scientific studies actually hunted me down in Rome and insisted that it cannot be that I, a student at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, could promote the viability of placing Saint Philomena in the liturgical calendar once again. He was frantic, as if possessed. Yep.

The problem is both virginity and martyrdom, and martyrdom because of the virginity because of giving oneself over to Christ Jesus, to be “hidden with Christ in God” as Saint Paul says. We can’t have that today, shriek the inverted.

But that’s all years ago. Now what we have presented to us is that Jesus and His dear mother are irrelevant in every way. We must ignore them; we must obey the fallen world, we must worship Satan, Pachamama. Yep.

I will worship our Heavenly Father through, with, and in Jesus by the Holy Ghost and I will thank our dearest Immaculate Virgin Mary for interceding even for me as advocate, mediatrix, co-redemptrix. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Mary.


Filed under Saints

Joseph and Mary, because perfect chastity is most beautiful, most glorious, for life!

Artist: Thomas Marsh. Located at the St. Joseph Altar in the Shrine Parish Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Co-Patroness of the Unborn in Bakersfield, California. Small copies available.

This kind of art can be a life-changing instruction. Another that this calls to mind is from a few months previous in the life of our Lady:

If I’m not mistaken, this was painted by a priest in the Near-East. If you know the story of this painting, let me know.


A note came in suggesting the Visitation above might have been painted by Bardi Barth, who has this:

I love that. But, I’m still guessing that someone took up her inspiration and painted something new.

What think all of ye?


Filed under Saints

“Aussie Mum” aka Yvonne Cheryl Ann R.I.P

UPDATE: Monday, 21 May 2024, from James. See comments. Yvonne just died.

Continue reading


Filed under Fatima, Prayer, Saints

“BUTCHERS!” – Jesus to Padre Pio about evil priests offering Holy Mass. Is it about Mary?

Not over two minutes. To me, entirely devastating: 2’30” to 4’20”

  • “BUTCHERS!” exclaimed Jesus, referring to evil priests and the offering of Holy Mass
  • “Jesus continued to talk but I may never reveal what He said.”

I don’t think that stops me from asking questions about “BUTCHERS!” and Pio saying nothing more..

  • Was all the sacrilege of any priest offering Holy Mass in mortal sin a springboard, as it were, for Jesus to repeat/expand upon the content of the not-yet-revealed explanation of the third secret of Fatima, which revelation must involve the Supreme Pontiff? Perhaps.
  • Does this refer to what Father Michel prophesies/speculates will happen soon, viz., the butchering of the words of the consecrations at Mass so as to make them more inclusive for female and trans priests, or to be more inclusive of Demon Pachamama (mother-earth) or other child-butchering demons? Perhaps.

In listening to this video the first time through, it instantaneously struck me, to the very core of my being, as if I were immediately dragged rather violently very close to the Heart of Jesus, so that with Jesus I felt an overwhelming indignation and concern (in my own small, dark, nothing manner, sinner that I am)…. concern for the Immaculate Heart of His dearest dear Mother. Those BUTCHERS! I exclaim with Jesus… with the BUTCHERS referring to those who, by their outrages, sacrileges and indifference offend the Immaculate Heart of Mary, causing her very soul to be pierced through… BUTCHERED!

Jesus is BUTCHERED, but what hurts Him the most is seeing His dear Mother offended by what’s happening to Him. Every ripping of His flesh in the scourging is felt by her maternal solicitude, every thorn in His brow, the nails in hands and feet, the soldier’s sword through His Heart.

Jesus does not care for Himself; His exclamation in anger about such priests – BUTCHERS! – refers to how they are BUTCHERING the Immaculate Heart and Soul of His dear Mother.

I suspect that if my questions and speculations have anything whatsoever to do with Jesus’ comments to Padre Pio, it may be, on the one hand, that Jesus forbade Pio to speak of His Mother, in the sense that those who already know of such love between the Two Hearts already know all of this and more, while those who do not know of such love between the Two Hearts could not possibly be open to receiving such an explanation until they would already be reconciled… in which case they would come to know this forthwith. But on the other hand, Padre Pio saying that he may never speak of this may refer to his own heart being so broken over such love between the Two Hearts – with the ringing condemnation of BUTCHERS! resounding through the universe – that he simply could not bring himself to write of such matters. Where to start? Dearest Pio was surely overwhelmed.

I dread to publish this post, as I imagine that it would seem flippant, not well thought out, insufficient, not expressive enough of the indignation of Jesus, an escape from the real horrors presented to the Immaculate Heart which I am way, way, way too weak to look at even for a moment.

Meanwhile, having said that, wicked, wicked, wicked as I am, I must get myself back to the series on The Two Hearts Rosary. This post, for instance, would make up some of the commentary for the fourth Joyful Mystery, the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Remember what Anna and Simeon said? Jesus summarized their words in just one word: BUTCHERS!

Pray that priests and bishops are always in solidarity with Jesus in solidarity with Mary in solidarity with us. That’s how you can be in solidarity with Mary in solidarity with Jesus in solidarity with us. That’s how you can be John, returning to Calvary. Hail Mary…

Just to say, after the acceleration of the Great Apostasy which we saw with Fiducia supplicans and all the scandal and reception of scandal that such execration brings in its wake, it is such exclamations of Jesus – BUTCHERS! – which so drag me – unprepared as I am – onto Calvary. In my weakness, it is exhausting, however enthralling to be with Jesus in His concern for His dear Mother.

Not being able to sleep last night, tossing and turning… miraculously, the phone rang. It was a great priest friend, always direct and to the point, in-your-face in every way, like he was ordered by his guardian angel to call me up to reprimand me. He said we cannot be down in these circumstances in the history of salvation; we must be joyful, going into battle with enthusiasm, because that’s what the saints did. And he listed a cohort of saints who would surely help me. And then he wished me a Merry Christmas and hung up. I love the Church.

But listening to those letters of Padre Pio once again in that video above… I remain even more devastated… not that that’s a bad thing, not at all…

“Love the blessed Virgin and make her loved. Say the Holy Rosary.” – Padre Pio


Filed under Saints

Saint Pio on the Three Days of Darkness? Yep.

There’s been ongoing controversy about the authenticity of alleged writings of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina regarding the oft prophesied three days of darkness:

  • Is there anything in the archives of Franciscans?
    • The higher-ups of the Franciscans say there is not, although, sorry, with their treatment of Padre Pio himself I gotta kinda at least wonder about that.
  • Is there anything in the various multitudinous archives of the Holy See, particularly the correspondence archives of the Supreme Pontiff?
    • They say not, although, with their obfuscation about the third secret of Fatima I gotta kinda at least wonder about that. Perhaps it all hits to close to home about a Supreme Pontiff future to Padre Pio. Just sayin’.
  • Did Padre Pio truly make offhand, oral comments about some of the not yet entirely approved apparitions in San Sebastián de Garabandal to this or that person?
    • Perhaps. I wasn’t there. Many have made similar claims for a multitude of topics that go against all that is Catholic. This kind of thing happens all the time. But, perhaps. I simply don’t know.

So, side stepping all that, let’s instead do the unexpected and take a look at the two parts of an indisputably authentic and also famous saying of Padre Pio:

  • “Il mondo potrebbe stare anche senza il sole, ma non può stare senza la santa Messa.”
    • “The world might be able to survive even without the sun, but it is not able to survive without the Holy Mass.”

When I first heard that saying, immature me, I was rejoicing in the emphasis on the importance of Holy Mass, agreeing that this is not hyperbole but the plain truth, absolutely, and yet I was in fact treating it all as hyperbole in not taking the elements of the comparison seriously. A re-examination of this aphorism of Padre Pio is in order.

Let’s see if there’s anything in Sacred Scripture about the world perhaps surviving somewhat even without the sun, along with a reference specifically to three days of darkness:

  • Exodus 10:21-23 “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness spreads over Egypt – darkness that can be felt.’ So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days. No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.”
    • Ezekiel 32:4-8 [against symbolic “Egypt”] “I will abandon you on the land and hurl you into the open field. I will cause all the birds of the air to settle upon you, and all the beasts of the earth to eat their fill of you. I will put your flesh on the mountains and fill the valleys with your remains. I will drench the land with the flow of your blood, all the way to the mountains – the ravines will be filled. When I extinguish you, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars. I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light. All the shining lights in the heavens I will darken over you, and I will bring darkness upon your land.”
  • Matthew 24:29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”
  • Acts of the Apostles 2 citing Joel 2 “I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be violently transformed to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
  • Revelation 6:12 “I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red.”

And there are so many other passages. But is there anything about the daily Sacrifice being taken away, perhaps with a specific reference to the three days of darkness?

  • Matthew 12:40 “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”

And then, we have to mention Daniel. This opens up a whole other discussion for other posts, but I include it here because it speaks to the taking away of the Daily Sacrifice. Since this refers to a period of time between the Last Supper and the end of the world, we’re talking about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:

  • Daniel 12:11 “And from the time that the Daily Sacrifice shall be taken away and the desolating abomination is caused to be set up there shall be 1,290 days.”

In other words, Padre Pio’s saying is entirely Scriptural in origin. The question is, would he say this entirely for the sake of hyperbole to emphasize the importance of Holy Mass? Surely, also that. But Padre Pio has much gravitas. While hyperbole can be a legitimate rhetorical device, he himself is filled with the realities of our Lord Jesus’ Sacrifice, with all of the justice, all of the mercy, the weight of the eternal consequences for souls.

Whatever one thinks about the mystics, as they are called, we are to deepen our investigations into Sacred Scripture, right? Thanks Padre Pio. Sorry it took me so long to catch on to what you were doing with this saying.


Filed under Saints, Three Days of Darkness

What do these greatest of saints have in common? The beatitudes!

  • Saint Gerard Majella – CSsR
  • Saint Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney – Curé d’Ars
  • Saint Pio – Francesco Forgione, OFM Cap

Moreover, what of that filthy criminal Jesus! As we read on the sign Pilate is holding up, Jesus is guilty for having been accused…

  • … of being Jesus [which name means Savior, specifically not salvation by the State, perceived by the State to be an insult to them]…
  • … from Nazareth [a rebellious jurisdiction, so, guilt by association]…
  • … King [not sanctioned by Caesar and thus a direct threat to State]…
  • … of the Jews, the Judah-ites [now speaking to the jurisdiction of Pontius Pilate]…

And while all of that sounds political and makes it seem that Jesus was guilty of political inconvenience, what’s really going on here is that the State is nervous about the goodness and kindness of Jesus, nervous that He is Truth Incarnate.

Crucify Him! Crucify Him!

Meanwhile, Jesus gives us a faith stronger than our death, strong enough to bring us to heaven. And that is our hope. Thank you, Jesus, for showing us how to do it right. Thank you for uniting us to yourself. Thank you for raising up the saints. Let us rejoice and be glad and leap for joy.

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Filed under Jesus, Saints